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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Yes, I saw the video, the trophy did not work. But unfortunately, the Yasin 105 rocket does not have enough power.

Yasin 105 may not have enough power but depending on where it hits the Merkava it can trigger a cook off

and we have seen Merkava cook off even by had grenade

unfortunately the guys making the videos cant hang around too long after the shot to film the aftermath of the Yasin 105 strikes because they are prime targets for counter fire

but I believe Merkava is getting knocked out as the Yasin 105 cooked 6 Israelis in a armoured vehicle at the start of the war

and the Israelis inside were cooked to coal heaven

two stage rocket to defeat APS its been designed for Merkava alright
West Bank surrendered and look what happened to them,
View attachment 1030196

Bigger man or bigger imbecile?
It's so dishonest it borders on insulting. ZIONISTS DO NOT RESPECT ANY TREATY, THEY DON'T RESPECT INTERNATIONAL LAW. How is that so hard to understand. Fighting is the only option.
If Hamas were humans they would stop the death toll at 13000 by surrendering.
Isreal is gonna isreal which is to carry out genocide. They are scum and wont stop.
So why not be a bigger man and surrender???

surrender and then what? get executed and live like West Bank under threat for next 100 years ? live under slavery ?

Israelis are psychopathic lunatics no one can reason with them or even talk with them

US has given them big weapons which they drop on schools and hospitals

they simply deserved to be nuked and finished no 2 state only 1 state

that is nuked state
If these reports prove to be correct, is there any indication how many civilians that leaves that many have been killed by people from Gaza?

If 1200 people were killed, and most were military(conscripts on break?), as you stated, and this report says over 300 civilians were killed by Israeli helicopters.

There was a YouTuber speculating that with the breach, people not affiliated with the group(s) that crossed over on October 7 may have dole their own thing, and that could be where some civilians may have been killed.

This would go a long way into possibly proving the group(s) were just targeting military and taking whomever they could as hostages.
Yes some people and crime groups crossed into border to loot or for other reasons. Hamas commandos had a specific mission to move from military base to base and retreat as quickly as possible. Other smaller factions got in as well without a plan. Hamas did the plan on its own and no other factions was aware of it. Even many in Hamas had no idea. It was necessary to keep plans in secrecy for it to succeed.
You have the video? Because not sure maybe the Trophy APS worked?

I was thinking the same thing because of the double flash. Unless by some magical coincidence it was hit with two RPGs, but that seems highly unlikely. Those flashes look exactly like the initial APS detonation.

The other thing too is I'm sure most of the top Hamas men fighting up close like this are quite aware how the trophy works and would organize either teams to fire in tandem sequence or do any of several other methods to trigger the first APS detonation while the a secondary RPG round gets through. Hard to believe a Hamas soldier would fire at that evil hunk of demon steel all by himself knowing quite well what would happen quickly. Plus we know quite well how those jackboot thug pigs will actually send in a lone tank with its infamous APS as a decoy ambush tactic. Hamas soldiers must be well aware of all these scenarios.
White House and international media are publishing reports of ceasefire. Each time, Israel comes out and denies any agreement was reached. The US has to considering arms embargo or at least stopping weapons shipments to Israel.

An Israeli official denies reports that a truce will begin in Gaza tomorrow, Monday

Allah yer7am chouhada. Seeing all the calls to surrender, to accept the status quo, to stop resisting makes me realize how glorious my grand-parents were and incha'Allah the Palestinians will join them in the pantheon of legendary revolutionaries. Better to die fighting than to spend to spend your life kneeling to the enemy.

That is the problem, you call legitimate rebels terrorists, it is fundamental error, fellow muslim rebels are terrorist, atheistic dictator assad is legitimate for iran, that is apsurdity,
legitimate rebels now ISIS and al-Nusra front are legitimate rebels ?
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