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US Urging Hezbollah to Abandon Post inside Israeli Territory before It Is Bombed

Hezbullah doesn t fear Israel, Israel can attack whenever they deem necessary, and Hezbullah will respond taking israeli positions in the north.

All israeli positions wil be destroyed and taken with the yellow flag with AK-47 waving forever.

Israel is doomed, they only have one choice is to persue un conditional peace with palestinians, approbed by iranians. US support guarantees nothing for Israel, now Iran is in the ecuation, has nukes and thousands and thousands of missiles, future will be worse for Israel, since IRAN will rise stronger, NO ONE CAN AVOID THAT.
Let him, i understand LEGEND he wants a demcoratic forum, this is a enriching experience. Let Benny talk BS, He s funny.
Yeah man, says the dude that believes a bunch of goat rapists with light equipment can conquer Israel by invading its north while much bigger, better equipped, overwhelming Arab forces tried to do the same from 4 borders and failed when Israel was much weaker lol
No we don't and you lied.
he has been posting the same shit for months and months and you do nothing to stop it ... so no, I didn't lie

Let him, i understand LEGEND he wants a demcoratic forum, this is a enriching experience. Let Benny talk BS, He s funny.
democracy has limits, not calling everyone retards and Down syndrome
He's been banned many times for it and by myself. So yes you did lie.

and yet he continues to post and to post the same insults and nonsense (calling people 'retard' every second post, mocking disabilities like Down syndrome, and that's on a well behaved day) after 50 supposed bans, which is all the evidence we need to see who is lying
and yet he continues to post and to post the same insults and nonsense (calling people 'retard' every second post, mocking disabilities like Down syndrome, and that's on a well behaved day) after 50 supposed bans, which is all the evidence we need to see who is lying
Like you give a shit about mocking people with disabilities while calling for the destruction of an entire nation lmao
and yet he continues to post and to post the same insults and nonsense (calling people 'retard' every second post, mocking disabilities like Down syndrome, and that's on a well behaved day) after 50 supposed bans, which is all the evidence we need to see who is lying

So we are still 'encouraging' him, even though by his own admission he has been banned numerous times (which you discount strangely), and was also received a warning for his above post.
There is no we in this, it's yourself. By the way, a quick glance at your own post history shows personal insults.
Regardless you lied and were found out, and that to by the dude you are fighting.
@LeGenD friend, no word is needed to be told. Hope you understand why i previously called him a Zionist.

There are too many Arab speaking Jews out there. They have been actively trying to weaken and defame Iranian led axis in the region. They look for smallest excuses my friend. A small issue is used to prove that Israel is allies with Iran, Hezbollah. It is not laughable but indeed sad.

No words can help you but only the replies existing in this thread.
That's ludicrous. Stop calling people Zionists if you don't want to be called that. Nobody are Zionists because you're sensitive to criticism and racist towards Arabs. Arabs are Muslims by majority and no Jews. So call by them by what they are.

The HVG is calling me a Zionist because a Israeli put a emoji on Khan's post. Treat people like how you want to be treated.
@LeGenD friend, no word is needed to be told. Hope you understand why i previously called him a Zionist.

There are too many Arab speaking Jews out there. They have been actively trying to weaken and defame Iranian led axis in the region. They look for smallest excuses my friend. A small issue is used to prove that Israel is allies with Iran, Hezbollah. It is not laughable but indeed sad.

No words can help you but only the replies existing in this thread.

There is no reason to assume that Iran and Hezbollah are allies of Israel. Iran has supported Hezbollah and Hamas in reality. These two groups are able to fight Israel in limited ways with Iranian support.

There is diversity and difference of opinion in any society. OP might be settled in US and have his views. OP might not agree with Iranians on some matters. OP certainly reports Israeli activities and clashes with Palestinian groups. OP does not underestimate strength of Israel in person. OP does not buy hype of Iran and Hezbollah. There is no reason to assume that OP is zionist, he seems to be mocking Iranians here at most.

Hezbollah was able to put up a fight against Israel in 2006 and surprised many observers back then. I give credit to Iran in this matter.

But Israel has improved its defenses on many counts in the aftermath.

Hezbollah might not desire another war with Israel in the larger interest of Lebanon for now. Israel has struck numerous Hezbollah and Iranian assets in Syria but both sides have shown restraint. Understandable. War brings death and destruction, not much else.

But Iran shall be credited for supporting Hamas. That Hamas is able to develop new types of rockets and throw so many rockets at Israel is something.

Nevertheless, I hope that Palestinian issue is resolved. If one state solution is feasible. So be it.
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