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TTP fighters infiltrate into Chitral and attempt to seize villages/posts 6/9/23

Do you think they made a deal? As in cut support to Kashmiris and we will cut support to BLA/TTP? 🤔
Could be possible but india is a snake so Pakistanis are foolish for believing such if true.
That being said the movements are still organic at the grass roots, India only tries to raise their intensity, removing India from the picture will still have a huge problem to deal with.
That’s true.
Unfortunately Pakistan even tries to suppress grassroots freedom movements in IOJK to please india.

Buddy we have space to deal with one enemy at a time,, China in the lac and the last few years allowed us to concentrate on Afghanistan.

We must defeat the Afghan enemy and stop their deshatgardi before we can then turn to India again
You cut the head of the snake or else it keeps biting you.
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India is slowly becoming a world player, its allies would not tolerate any misadventure against India. This is why Pakistan is on the back foot, its not that Pakistan is not capable. Also money is involved, if Pakistan supports a certain organisation, then india will use its connections and money to infiltrate it and use it against Pakistan. Foreign intel agencies also have deep contacts with the militant leadership, Raymond Davies is an example, he had high level connections with militant organisations in Pakistan but when he was caught, he was facilitated by our agencies to leave Pakistan without any harm.

Pakistan doesn't have much patriotic people, instead people are willing to sell their soul. It runs from top to bottom.
India is becoming a world player.
Pakistan is becoming a failed state.
What does Pakistan have to lose?
Economy? It’s already been destroyed. Heavily sanctioned Iran is economically stronger. Pakistan was FATF while being a US/Indian b*tch.
International relations? Pakistan already gets embarrassed internationally. It’s begging mbs to visit but he didn’t visit. Usa already doesn’t care about it.
Military? Usa already doesn’t sell Pakistan any big ticket items anymore. Same for most of Europe. China doesn’t care they’ll even sell shit to North Korea for money.
Invasion? No one dares invade a nuclear armed country.
What else is left? Pakistan is already worse off than if it was completely isolated and sanctioned. Pakistan is already at the lowest of low points in its history.
Even Afghan Taliban are most respected than Pakistan.
The real issue is dollarkhors properties and bank accounts in West will be at risk.

You want to be taken seriously in the world? Take the war to the upcoming world power, india. Negotiations happen from a position of strength not from a position of slavery. Turn the heat up in india and you’ll see the world powers would rather prefer a deal with Pakistan than isolate it and risk making things 100x worse. World powers are heavily invested in india. Invested too deep to see it fail. Blackmail from a position of strength using india.

But for this you need a backbone and spine. Dollarkhors lack that.
India is becoming a world player.
Pakistan is becoming a failed state.
What does Pakistan have to lose?
Economy? It’s already been destroyed. Heavily sanctioned Iran is economically stronger. Pakistan was FATF while being a US/Indian b*tch.
International relations? Pakistan already gets embarrassed internationally. It’s begging mbs to visit but he didn’t visit. Usa already doesn’t care about it.
Military? Usa already doesn’t sell Pakistan any big ticket items anymore. Same for most of Europe. China doesn’t care they’ll even sell shit to North Korea for money.
Invasion? No one dares invade a nuclear armed country.
What else is left? Pakistan is already worse off than if it was completely isolated and sanctioned. Pakistan is already at the lowest of low points in its history.
Even Afghan Taliban are most respected than Pakistan.
The real issue is dollarkhors properties and bank accounts in West will be at risk.

You want to be taken seriously in the world? Take the war to the upcoming world power, india. Negotiations happen from a position of strength not from a position of slavery. Turn the heat up in india and you’ll see the world powers would rather prefer a deal with Pakistan than isolate it and risk making things 100x worse. World powers are heavily invested in india. Invested too deep to see it fail. Blackmail from a position of strength using india.

But for this you need a backbone and spine. Dollarkhors lack that.
We can't take a war to the Indians until Afghanistan and Western Pakistan regions are 100% secured. Those regions are bogging us down.

We need to focus all our efforts on decisively securing those areas, once we do that our economy will pick up and we can switch to India. India knows this that's why its intensifying them.
Pakistan has crazy amount of firepower but it simply cannot use it due to two things:

- They are Muslim

- They are Pashtun

It would literally cause uproar if Pakistan became brutal and in my opinion our soldiers are probably not as strongly motivated to be aggressive as they are against Indians.

If they were Hindus we would probably witness one of the worst massacres in history
That’s why going after india is important as well.
Areas to solve this insurgency:
-Break the india connection
-Fight ideological. Mujahideen vs Khawarijites
-Destroy their sources of income (drug trafficking)
-Exploit fault lines in the umbrella organization TTP and make them more concerned with fighting each other
-Heavily recruit locals in security forces to fight TTP in their areas. If locals of that area fight and witness sacrifices they’ll have blood enmity with TTP.
-Exploit fault lines in Afghanistan and create invisible buffer. Promote Pakistans soft power there. Salafi Nangarhar and Kunar. Non Pashtun Nuristan and Badakhshan. Etc.

Most importantly, have a long term plan to deal with threats emerging from Afghanistan and against India.
We can't take a war to the Indians until Afghanistan and Western Pakistan regions are 100% secured. Those regions are bogging us down.

We need to focus all our efforts on decisively securing those areas, once we do that our economy will pick up and we can switch to India. India knows this that's why its intensifying them.
The fact that we’ve got to this point is Indias victory. Who benefits from us focusing on our strength on western front and leaving the eastern front peaceful?
Those regions will never be 100% secured by how Pakistan acts rn. It will be an endless war bogging us down while Indians grow and widening the gap between us.
It’s never never never a smart india to focus all your strength on an area and leave a gap in another for your enemy to exploit.
Don’t you see what’s happening? Tension on western front > pak army moves west. Tension on eastern front > pak army moves east. The cycle goes on wearing Pakistan down. Since 9/11 don’t you see the pattern? Intense ops on western front followed up by Indian misadventures on east and then back to western front. It’s a game Pakistan is getting trapped in.
Solution to our western front isn’t only militarily on the western front. There’s multiple dimensions in this insurgency with multiple actors. You have to fight on all fronts collectively to win. Ok let’s say you crack down on TTP but ignore india. It’ll intensify terrorists in Balochistan, Sindh and general instability in Gilgit + fuel anti Pak sentiment in AJK. You go after them they’ll prop up TTP again and you’ll be back at square 1.
Think of it this way. India is the head the one who holds the strings. You a string it still holds many more. By the time you cut the others it’ll hold the strings of 100s more. You break the hand holding the strings and everyone whose strings were held go into panic mode. Then you can effectively hunt them down or maybe many might even surrender accepting their fate like pro independence terrorists in Balochistan and other Pakistani provinces who solely survive on foreign support.
If you want the snake to stop biting you, you must cut its head.
That’s why going after india is important as well.
Areas to solve this insurgency:
-Break the india connection
-Fight ideological. Mujahideen vs Khawarijites
-Destroy their sources of income (drug trafficking)
-Exploit fault lines in the umbrella organization TTP and make them more concerned with fighting each other
-Heavily recruit locals in security forces to fight TTP in their areas. If locals of that area fight and witness sacrifices they’ll have blood enmity with TTP.
-Exploit fault lines in Afghanistan and create invisible buffer. Promote Pakistans soft power there. Salafi Nangarhar and Kunar. Non Pashtun Nuristan and Badakhshan. Etc.

Most importantly, have a long term plan to deal with threats emerging from Afghanistan and against India.
Those are good points, Pakistan has completely failed on the narrative aspect to have clear moral highground over the TTP, etc.

And the odd thing about it is that I've barely even seen them even try to have an effective propaganda campaign to discredit all TTP narratives and claims. I'm not seeing enough pro-Pak media figures, journalists and defence experts promoting our narrative and countering the enemy's.

Also Pakistan is recruiting locally for FC, which are locals but I imagine a lot of them are just there for a paycheck and many of them may even have loyalties deep down towards Afghanistan/TTP.

A strong counter-narrative motivates your soldiers to fight harder rather than be half-hearted, and also motivates the counter-intelligence, etc behind the scenes to work harder.
Also Pakistan is recruiting locally for FC, which are locals but I imagine a lot of them are just there for a paycheck and many of them may even have loyalties deep down towards Afghanistan/TTP.
This has to go hand in hand with the other points. Get the ideological aspect sorted first so we have local support. Exploit fault lines whenever possible.
A few points worth mentioning:

1. TTP militants were ALLOWED to enter Chitral from Afghanistan.

2. The GHQ profits off war and conflict - they got a taste of it during the 1980s and again after 2001 during the conflicts in Afghanistan. It’s what I call the “Military Elitya Establishment“.

3. TTP was destroyed during Operation Zarb-e-Azb in 2016. Its fighters were either captured, killed or they abandoned fighting altogether. Those who remained were brought under the fold of our intelligence. This is why Ehsanullah Ehsan was living in an ISI safe house and giving a monthly stipend in exchange for information. They wanted to bring TTP under their fold and they DID.

4. The current iteration of the TTP is 100% controlled by the ISI and they are deliberately trying to draw a certain keen player back into the region.

I never in a million years would think this before, but after what I’ve witnessed in the past year and a half, I am convinced the GHQ is trying to reengage the west into a minor conflict in Afghanistan so it can receive handsome funding like it did during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the American invasion of Afghanistan.

Every person in Chitral is saying this, and every person now in Pakistan is saying this. Nobody believes a damn thing the Junta says anymore.
who is Yadav ? A tourist ?
Kulbhushan Jadhav ? He is a former Indian Naval officer who was kidnapped by ISI from Iran and accused of being a RAW spy. Pakistani military sentenced him to death in a show trial but got humiliated before the International Court of Justice where their kangaroo court was exposed before the world.

In any case, even the sham trial did not accuse him of any activity in KP.
Indian intelligence agencies tried to establish ‘Daesh-e-Pakistan’. 30 Indian Daesh militants were relocated from India to various camps along Pakistan-Afghanistan border by two Indian intelligence agencies operatives. These militants, were handed over to Daesh Commander Sheikh Abdul Rahim alias Abdul Rehman Muslim Dost.

Indian ambassadors in Afghanistan had been regularly supervising various terrorist activities. In one such instance, Indian ambassador to Afghanistan and Consular in Jalalabad discussed with collaborators about providing financial support to TTP and Baloch dissidents.

Two transactions made through Indian Banks – an amount of $28,000 was transferred by Punjab Bank India, while in the second instance a transaction of $55,851 was made by Mr Manmeet (an Indian national) from Indian Bank, New Delhi was received at Afghanistan International Bank. There were letters in Dari, showing India paid $820,000 to TTP leadership through its collaborators. Some $60 million was spent by India on raising militia for sabotaging CPEC. Similar payments were made to the sub-nationalists in Balochistan to cause unrest in Pakistan. This helped raise a 700-member strong militia, working under 10 personnel of India’s prime intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), had been raised for targeting CPEC projects.

The letter in Dari reads that TTP leaders after collecting the weapons reach/reached back their safe locations after crossing the border into Pakistan. Another letter shows that a RAW agent had been instigating the residents of tribal districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province to send young men to Afghanistan for militancy training. The letter in Dari reveals that RAW handlers also delivered improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and weapons in the bordering areas of Waziristan during his visit.

A former Indian ambassador and an Indian army general visited a Baloch militants’ training camp in Haji Gak area in Afghanistan, which housed 150 militants. India spent $30 million to establish a camp in Sarhad Leva Kandahar for Baloch dissidents. A letter in Darri showed that RAW was responsible for provision of weapons and ammunition for which four helicopters were utilized.

Indian intelligence officer named Col Rajesh, working at Indian Embassy in Afghanistan, held four meetings with commanders of these terrorist organisations including TTP to coordinate and intensify their activities in Karachi, Lahore, and Peshawar.

A RAW-sponsored network of six terrorists was unearthed that had linkages with the attack on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSE) and is also involved in delivery of suicide jackets to various terrorists groups operating in Pakistan besides undertaking terrorist activities.

Previously a terrorist, Hamal Nawaz used an Afghan phone number and remained in contact with an Indian phone number during the attack. This attack was masterminded by Dr Allah Nazar and Aslam Achoo, both of whom had travelled to India on fake Afghan passports. Aslam Achoo, remained admitted in Indian hospital while he travelled under the cover name of Abdul Hamid, while Allah Nazar travelled to India under the cover name of Haji Nabi.

Indian intelligence agencies are running 87 terrorists’ camps targeting Pakistan. Sixty six of the 87 terrorist camps are located in Afghanistan, whereas the 21 others were functioning in India.
Lol, nice fairy tale. Did you make it up on your own ? You seem to have forgotten that the Taliban now rules Afghanistan and India has withdrawn completely from Aghanistan, forget about having a Col Rajesh working in the non-existent embassy in Kabul.

All the Pakistanis wanted were Afghanistan to be ruled by Afghans themselves--whether they be Taliban or Tajiks but not foreign puppets who'd easily manipulated.
I guess all that Aghans wanted was reunification with Afghania ( which British imperialists took from Afghanistan and called NWFP) and for all Afghans to be ruled by Afghans themselves instead of the Pakistani elite which considers Afghans as brutes.
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During general mushraff time when Pakistan sent 100,000 troops to the tribal areas, it caused an uproar. The people of that region didn't want Pakistan military in their areas and they probably still don't. They want to live their life how they want to, and not get influenced by Sindhi/Punjabi bollywood culture. This all causes more hatred and rebellion.
Why don't they migrate in large numbers to UK like Mirpuris did?
When did PA become such a magnanimous woke outfit?

They just overthew a highly popular pukhtun PM and threw him into the most notorious prison in the country and locked up over 11K workers of the biggest political party in the country.

They could care less about what Pukhtun belt thinks, neither now nor when they along with their masters droning, bombing and strafing them with impunity.
I know this is an emotional jibe, but you most likely know exactly what I'm talking about.

Kulbhushan Jadhav ? He is a former Indian Naval officer who was kidnapped by ISI from Iran and accused of being a RAW spy.
Yes saar ISI kidnapped him from another galaxy it is all saajish against endia saar.
Pakistani military sentenced him to death in a show trial but got humiliated before the International Court of Justice where their kangaroo court was exposed before the world.
He is still going to be executed - now whether by hanging, firing squad, or beheading - is the only question that remains.
Few points:

1. From a strategic perspective, the ISI and MI need to be brought out of slumber and made to see light. TTP and Taliban are one and the same. There is no good, bad, neutral Taliban.

2. Now that doesn’t mean you go full retard on attacking Afghanistan.

3. Neither does it mean the PA goes pacifist and allow any militants to come inside the border without escalating the cost of conflict for the Afghans. The rationale that the tribals will rise up makes little sense. There are ways to strike the Taliban/TTP to send them a message and build a narrative so as to manage any mishap amongst the tribals. (When you can take CSF funds from the Americans to conduct drone operations on your people, then this is doable)

4. The Indians to the East will become more belligerent with their new found friends and economic clout. Your actions on the West will send them a message that PA means business. At the moment you are on a defensive and this gives confidence to your enemies to push you even further.

5. The Indians will keep upping the ante. There will be many more Kulbushans. You (establishment) cucks have f-cked it up and have been compromised on so many levels. PTMs, corrupts, Hussain Haqqani etc are back in government. Meanwhile the company is busy with political engineering the enemy chips away at your strategic advantage. At this pace, the Taliban might fly to India for a summit and announce becoming part of the new initiative involving US, Middle East, India.
A few points worth mentioning:

1. TTP militants were ALLOWED to enter Chitral from Afghanistan.

2. The GHQ profits off war and conflict - they got a taste of it during the 1980s and again after 2001 during the conflicts in Afghanistan. It’s what I call the “Military Elitya Establishment“.

3. TTP was destroyed during Operation Zarb-e-Azb in 2016. Its fighters were either captured, killed or they abandoned fighting altogether. Those who remained were brought under the fold of our intelligence. This is why Ehsanullah Ehsan was living in an ISI safe house and giving a monthly stipend in exchange for information. They wanted to bring TTP under their fold and they DID.

4. The current iteration of the TTP is 100% controlled by the ISI and they are deliberately trying to draw a certain keen player back into the region.

I never in a million years would think this before, but after what I’ve witnessed in the past year and a half, I am convinced the GHQ is trying to reengage the west into a minor conflict in Afghanistan so it can receive handsome funding like it did during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the American invasion of Afghanistan.

Every person in Chitral is saying this, and every person now in Pakistan is saying this. Nobody believes a damn thing the Junta says anymore.
TTP was never destroyed, the military operations were to take back areas under their control but their low level presence never disappeared ever, it still lingered around
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