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TTP fighters infiltrate into Chitral and attempt to seize villages/posts 6/9/23

I said what I said because in prior incidents like for e.g the storming of FC HQ in Baluchistan, the engagement in Panjgur lasted longer as the militants managed to find a sturdy building to hold up in.

Yeah in that episode they claimed to off 100+ people which is completely absurd.

Anyways that's just mere speculation on my part, don't take it as something that has actually happened, I suppose we'll get to know when ISPR decides to wake up from its long slumber and local reporting resumes.

ISPR chickened out the moment it started getting ratio’d after Vote of No Confidence. It didn’t even say anything on Eid!

Not to mention that really awful press conference done by DGISPR and Nadeem Anjum……
Mixed Messaging:

Foreign minister exonerated the Afghan Taliban of their role when he termed the Chitral attack an "isolated incident" and noted that it was not "sanctioned" by the Afghan Taliban government.

His remarks were in contrast to the statement issued by the ISPR, which suggested the attack was originated from Afghanistan.

None of that happened

It was under 100 TTP..they went North, away from the usual pashtun areas which are fenced

Chitral is very mountainous, it's also not all fenced, I think, maybe someone can confirm that

We got information of movement and possible attack, so Pakistani forces were on high alert

So when the attack came, they stopped the attack, hit the TTP hard

No population centers were affected or taken

Some TTP died, others ran back to Afghanistan

The attack is over, but we have yahoos to hunt in the mountains, these are either individuals or groups of a two-a few

That's the situation now, there is not much infrastructure in the area, difficult terrain, difficult to get assets into or find good landing spots

Lack of the right sort of helicopter has been noted , but multiple others assets are in the air

For the moment at least Torkham is closed,, officially the Taliban are not involved and privately it's been made clear to the Taliban that they can now not deny Afghanistan is being used as a platform to attack Pakistan and if they don't get a handle on the situation then the border will be closed
It amazes me how desensitized people have become to the dis-functionality of the nation.
It reminds me of the "frog in boiling water analogy".
Hence people of good conscientious will often take on the view "it is no big deal", all the while the country is descending into a new bottom.

Only in the last 16 months we have:

1) Seen a currency free fall
2) Massive exodus of educated people (who are needed to run the country or provide a balance through what is called social polity)
3) Court system in paralysis
4) Massive incarceration of political workers
5) Increase multi-fold crime
6) Multiple border infractions
7) Increase in serious and sophisticated terrorist attacks in BL and KPK
8) A medium level constitutional crisis
9) A massive degrading of our relationship with China
10) An over-reach by one organ of the executive over the entire system of national governance
11) An insolvent country that is in all sense bankrupt
12) An establishment that has gone nuts in their analysis and happy ears over the coming good days because a 4 Star general will become the pitch man to see through $100B in investment
13) Imprisonment of a national hero philanthropist turned politician and a civilian leader who was beginning to right align the listing ship of this country
14) A media that is completely partial providing no accountability of the powerful
15) Across the board erosion of governance - the head does not know from the tail who is doing what

And somehow we feel it too will pass.

Pakistanio this country is being killed slowly with a hundred small cuts as as we sit in this slowly boiling pot of water we are not realizing how close we are coming to complete degradation.
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Moreover, dry day, one day in a week, was always there atleast since 1980s. Additionally, they are only enforced in proper cantonments, not along the Eastern or western border, or once you are on some duty. Active ops go 24/7.
Umer lag jaye gi explain kartay kartay…

Can we get the troops on the border some Active denial system like systems. I suspect, before the miscreants try to they cross, they probably muster to move across in force.

Range is approx. 750 meters, so it can outranges most small arms the miscreants would be carrying.

Or at least give the troops some “dragon’s breath” shotgun shells as warning shots to tell the miscreants to back off or else.

12.7mm in sniping role with 1500 m range is a good enough deterrent. One shot, one kill. Rest go back leaving body behind.
hat once we all know that any positive tweet regarding this op will again bring abuses as replies, nothing else. Serves little purpose then.
1) Turn replies off, PAF already does this on their youtube
2) This is the ex DG ISPR's own fault for overtly going on the offensive against PTI and making it seem like Army sided with PDM.

Women and children...unethical of course.
Give every town within 10km of the border 72 hours to evacuate every man who does not want to be considered a combatant.

Because Taliban does not wear a uniform, we have to use traditional war rules which state every man who has reached puberty could be a combatant.

That's definitely not true. Pakistan Army is cutting exercises to save fuel and PAF is cutting flying hours to save costs.

They don't have any capability
Kargil and Gibraltar are both unconventional operations involving infiltration and special forces. No fuel or fancy contraptions involved.
It amazes me how desensitized people have become to the dis-functionality of the nation.
It reminds me of the "frog in boiling water analogy".
Hence people of good conscientious will often take on the view "it is no big deal", all the while the country is descending into a new bottom.

Only in the last 16 months we have:

1) Seen a currency free fall
2) Massive exodus of educated people (who are needed to run the country or provide a balance through what is called social polity)
3) Court system in paralysis
4) Massive incarceration of political workers
5) Increase multi-fold crime
6) Multiple border infractions
7) Increase in serious and sophisticated terrorist attacks in BL and KPK
8) A medium level constitutional crisis
9) A massive degrading of our relationship with China
10) An over-reach by one organ of the executive over the entire system of national governance
11) An insolvent country that is in all sense bankrupt
12) An establishment that has gone nuts in their analysis and happy ears over the coming good days because a 4 Star general will become the pitch man to see through $100B in investment
13) Imprisonment of a national hero philanthropist turned politician and a civilian leader who was beginning to right align the listing ship of this country
14) A media that is completely partial providing no accountability of the powerful
15) Across the board erosion of governance - the head does not know from the tail who is doing what

And somehow we feel it too will pass.

Pakistanio this country is being killed slowly with a hundred small cuts as as we sit in this slowly boiling pot of water we are not realizing how close we are coming to complete degradation.
Things are starting to look more like the old days of 2008-2013, or even worse. If Modi jokes that India doesn't even need to do anything to Pakistan as it has destroyed itself, then you know it's over.
f Modi jokes that India doesn't even need to do anything to Pakistan as it has destroyed itself, then you know it's over.
If you are listening to Modi for advice on national matters then it is indeed over
What is dry day ? No whiskey is served in officers' mess that day ?
Not in our case. Atleast not like in your case where cow urine is served for bath and drink as well. Dont make me get started. Stay in your socks and remain ethical in your discussions here on PDF. If you cant contribute positively, try finding some other place.

I disagree. ISPR does a blackout of local media reporting and establishes itself as the only credible voice of information because of this. Yet it has been 4 days and only 1 single statement has been made officially.
Let the op end first, then we can wait for some official statement.
Umer lag jaye gi explain kartay kartay…

12.7mm in sniping role with 1500 m range is a good enough deterrent. One shot, one kill. Rest go back leaving body behind.
I understand the lethal force option, but before they “swarm” and are lingering just over the border, some psychological warfare may cause them to rout. Psychological “containment” can help keep these miscreants in check and to recent skirmishes that make the IEA lose face. Ultimately these miscreants are a distraction and a nuisance if we have enough resources at the border. We don’t need to be distracted from our goal of the trans-afghan border and Central Asian trade and onward rail connection to China, to gain back geo-strategic relevance.

Btw, if they cross, can’t Pakistani forces cross back in a pincher move and envelope and neutralize them?

An interesting documentary I recently saw about how Rome dealt with barbarians on its borders, showed how they dealt with such a threat.

Btw, This was also my example and basis for my comments for the past year of how to deal with the afghan smugglers, small trading posts align a border every so often for taxable trade but a secure border everywhere else.

Btw, small air strips near these border forts where possible can also help the psychological effect of showing Medivacs of Pakistani forces and miscreants that capitulate as well as the local population. This on top of decent enough if modest medical facilities permanently build around these border towns. Even simple and relatively cheap gyrocopter ambulances in wide use can have this multiplier effect. For the price of one helicopter, dozens of gyropcpters can be on standby, and even be the visible proof of supporting the Pakistani state over these miscreant smugglers.

7:25-8:43 and 31:45-35:50

But any effort needs to be done within our budget in a sustainable manner, especially one that employs more locals and circulates investment money in their local economy while building ties to the rest of the country. Lessons from the failed effort by ISAF in Afghanistan can point to pitfalls Pakistan can try to avoid.

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The title of the thread is very misleading as ttp did not infiltrate into chatral but rather forced their way through.....it was not a covert opp but an overt opp hence it can't be infiltrate
Sir jee terrorists numbering 70-100 attacking our posts is a frequent affair, such attacks are delt with quite easily....as the defensive sys of barbwire fence, forts every few miles backed up by artillery n tanks is quite a formidable defence n is in place just for such attacks where the terrorists number in their 100s.

So to breach this defence u need terrorists in numbers going upto a few thousands at least n this attack was exactly that, which over whelmed our first line of defence n breached it.
By the time we gathered strength n launched the counter the damage had already been done in both men n material.

I said it before n I will say it again this was a probationary attack, a dress rehearsal, a diversionary attack before india launches its attacks.
Diversionary as regular troops have been moved to the broder ti beef it up.
Sir is there any truth to it! or he's just an emotional guy venting it out
Since that charsi has been in jail the buthurt imrandus have been doing randi rona non stop. Just look at this site, every single thread is spammed by idiotic imrandu anti army narrative cheered on by indians and under the watchful eye of defence.pti mods who are committed to removing any threads and post against imran and instead prop up your bullshit narrative that somehow imran is an innocent angel and everyone associated with army are the devils spawn, my family members have laid their lives down for this country all so that privileged imrandu brats like you then berate their sacrifice .
mods dont remove anti IK or PTI threads seems like you live under a rock
check fools nightamre and hafeez both make shit ton of threads on the same topic every single day
Sir is there any truth to it! or he's just an emotional guy venting it out
Emotional !! This is a very rational post n in it I have given reason n logic coupled with common sense. Instead my source n ur source.
Had I been emotional I would have been throwing tantrums like the majority here
Emotional !! This is a very rational post n in it I have given reason n logic coupled with common sense. Instead my source n ur source.
Had I been emotional I would have been throwing tantrums like the majority here
I am no army guy
but Just one question if they were in thousands according to u they would have more clustered up, artillery and machine gunners would have had a field day and if the aviation was also used in response to this attack it would have been a massacre for TTP, attacking a well defended position in hilly terrain backed by artillery and Aviation is an ask for good nice spanking, have u forgot that gigantic kiev convoy, there is a reason why americans have Brigade fight groups instead of divisions!
Attack in waves of hundred is logical and makes more sense u get know weakness amoung enemy lines communicate it to the next and so, this way u won't have easey pickings for machine gunners and artillery but aviation will still f u up i guess?
would u agree Sir

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