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Pakistan’s Establishment Wants Us To Remain The Way We Are

I feel validity in the 1857 Colonial , FuJI School Curriculum point of view

Actions of this Fauj and how 1857 Colonial Fauj Operates the , blue prints match

The graduates of this Education Curriculum and the Inner Circle created by these graduates, keeps evolving maintaining it's inner circle

Core Objective of this Inner Group is
  • Power
  • Beat Down Civilians
  • Control over resources 40-50% budget stake

They See Themselves as Superior to Pakistani Citizens
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Well, I want all of YOU to change.
I, on the other hand, want to remain the same. Yeh line main lagna, mehnat karna, kaam kr k jaez paisay kamana.. Es k liyay azaadi nahi li thi hum ne.
if someone can find the machines they use to mine pak people natural resources it would be great to petrol burn them to the round. sabotage all machinery including factory machines.
This is the bitter truth I have now realized...I was always under the assumption Pakistan couldn’t move ahead socially or economically because of (insert enemy countries here), but that was all a ploy.

The fact is the GHQ doesn’t want Pakistan progressing beyond what it is right now.…the powers that rule this country need an obedient dumbed down hyper-religious society so they can easily control and manipulate and divide them.

They are not interested in educating the masses, providing us with adequate healthcare and even giving us a basic 21st century lifestyle. What they want to the majority to live on the cusp of poverty, constantly in a state of anxiety.

A politically aware, vibrant middle class is something the GHQ doesn’t want. Why? Because it leads to precisely what is happening now. Grant it, the entire middle class of Pakistan isn’t behind PTI, and yet they’ve created such a headache for the GHQ and its minions to the point where they’re trying to instil fear into the people using the very tactics they claimed they never did to the Baloch. Funny eh?

This is a sad bitter pill to swallow.

With or without Imran Khan in politics, he has exposed the real enemy and I don’t see people ever viewing the military the same again…especially not in Punjab.

These views were already widely held in Balochistan, the Pashtun tribal regions, Swat, GB and interior Sindh. But now you’re hearing urban Lahoris and rural Punjabis on Tik Tok eviscerating the military on social media.

Now THAT”s unprecedented…

This Tik Tok video apparently has been deleted, but the audio has been spreading across Punjab on WhatsApp and now made it onto Twitter and back onto Tik Tok.

This is some real anger.

Chasss ah gaye haha

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