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  1. Song Hong

    Taiwan to import 100,000 Indians

    India and Taiwan are forging closer economic ties with a plan to send tens of thousands of workers to the island as early as December, according to senior officials familiar with the matter, potentially angering neighbour China. Taiwan could hire as many as 100,000 Indians to work at...
  2. Song Hong

    NYT: China Antisemitism Surges Online

    I have been predicting this will be coming. China will go head on collision with Jews. ******** China’s state-run media has blamed the United States for deepening the crisis, while perpetuating tropes of Jewish control of American politics. As the Israel-Hamas conflict intensifies, raising...
  3. Song Hong

    Former Premier Li Keqiang died

    China's former Premier Li Keqiang died of a heart attack on Friday, aged 68, just 10 months after retiring from a decade of office during which his star had dimmed. Once viewed as a top Communist Party leadership contender, Li was sidelined in recent years by President Xi Jinping, who tightened...
  4. Song Hong

    Israel: Chinese men cannot make love with Jewish women

    No one in this world can be as racist as Jews. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/dec/24/israel1
  5. Song Hong

    Singapore condemns Hamas

    The atrocities committed in Hamas' terror attack on Israel "cannot be justified by any rationale whatsoever", said Singapore's Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam on Thursday (Oct 12). "It is possible to hold very strong views on what is happening in the region," he said. "It is...
  6. Song Hong

    Bashar Al Assad visits China

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will travel to China this week, where he is expected to engage in a bilateral summit as well as other high-level meetings. It is the first time the Syrian president has visited China since the start of the Syrian crisis more than 12 years ago. Given China's...
  7. Song Hong

    China exports zero germanium and gallium in August

    China did not export any germanium and gallium products in August, after export curbs kicked into effect at the start of that month for these two chipmaking metals. Customs data on Wednesday showed that China exported zero germanium product last month, down from 8.63 metric tons in July...
  8. Song Hong

    Japan semiconductor industry only capable of 40nm process

    Already China is ahead of Japan in semiconductor manufacturing. *********** But while IBM has led research and development of the advanced chip technology, analysts question how Rapidus can compete against rivals such as TSMC and South Korea’s Samsung in terms of production quality and stable...
  9. Song Hong

    BRICS invites Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to be new members

    The BRICS group of nations has decided to invite six countries - Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - to become new members of the bloc, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Thursday. The debate over expanding the BRICS bloc, comprising...
  10. Song Hong

    Friend of China Isabel Crook pass away at 108 years old

    据“中国工合国际委员会”微信公众号消息,中国工合国际委员会顾问伊莎白•柯鲁克女士,国际共产主义战士、教育家、人类学家,新中国英语教学拓荒人,北京外国语大学外国专家、终身荣誉教授,于2023年8月20日0时59分在北京逝世,享年108岁。 伊莎白•柯鲁克(Isabel Crook),女,加拿大籍,1915年12月15日出生于中国四川成都,抗战初期在四川投入乡村建设运动,后前往英国,与丈夫大卫·柯鲁克(David Crook...
  11. Song Hong

    China's fertility rate drops to record low 1.09 in 2022: State media

    China's fertility rate is estimated to have dropped to a record low of 1.09 in 2022, the National Business Daily said on Tuesday (Aug 15), a figure likely to rattle authorities as they try to boost the country's declining number of new births. The state-backed Daily said the figure from China's...
  12. Song Hong

    China Nakhi people -- matrilineal and female empowerment?

    China Naxi race is a orgy and matrilineal society?? Women are empowered. Below is decription by wiki. Bascially both men and women can mate freely. Children do not know biological father. Property pass to girls. The head of households are women. This is what feminists can aspire...
  13. Song Hong

    China breeder reactor

    Me an engineer explains, the fast reactors are about making nuclear weapon -- very efficiently. While in terms of engineering, it is safe, seems that US has ban entire world for building it. The modus operandi is always like this ... a minor "accident" happen in Superphenix or Monju and media...
  14. Song Hong

    Malaysia ban LGBT merchandize

    Malaysia on Thursday (Aug 10) banned Swatch watches and accessories containing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) elements, with authorities saying the products "may be harmful to morality as well as public and national interest". Those who own these timepieces may also face...
  15. Song Hong

    China supreme court judge go jail 15 years

    Long live communist party. CPC is world few government who take on judiciary. **************** Shen Deyong, former vice-president of China's Supreme People's Court, was sentenced to 15 years in prison and fined 6 million yuan ($836,173) for taking bribes of about 64.56 million yuan. The...
  16. Song Hong

    Malays stirring racial hate ahead of state polls

    Graduate student Karen Tan vividly recalls a time when she once idolised former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad as a leader who espoused multiculturalism and fought for all races. However, the 34-year-old Penang resident tells CNA she has recently become disenchanted with this...
  17. Song Hong

    Luochahaishi (Evil ghost land) now China biggest hit

    Likely 8 billion download now. http://www.takungpao.com/news/232108/2023/0801/877602.html
  18. Song Hong

    Happy Birthday China Military (1st August is China Military Birthday)

    This is world most righteous, capable and brave army.
  19. Song Hong

    DJI refutes online posts suggesting the Chinese company refused Indian military orders due to high market risks

    Recently, some online posts about a "business dispute between Chinese drone marker DJI and the Indian government" have sparked discussions in the industry. The speculation claims that the Indian military placed a huge order with DJI, but DJI refused due to "high risks in the Indian market,"...
  20. Song Hong

    Jokowi designated successor

    The ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) has sought to reaffirm President Joko Widodo’s support for its presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo, following speculations over whom the leader will endorse. With the election fast approaching in February, observers say that Widodo...
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