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Speculation: Are we eyeing USA three front war? Ukraine , Palestine , taiwan

Keep babbling on.

You are acting like an armchair General. You are huffing and puffing and blowing out your chest with threats.

You aren't going to do anything but sit on this forum and threaten
you should know that I'm only a forum goer and not a real war planner so these are not threats. What I think is the Hamas style border skirmish / tactical infiltration against the US homeland should be a viable war option worth looking into. but somehow you make it sound like I'm advocating bio/chemical/nuclear genocide on America, which I'm not.

You guys talked about 'liberating Hongkong' a lot on reddit back in 19, and I entertain their thoughts sometimes, it's for fun, but clearly you don't see it that way. So why don't you just stop replying and go play with your denon phones kido..
you should know that I'm only a forum goer and not a real war planner so these are not threats. What I think is the Hamas style border skirmish / tactical infiltration against the US homeland should be a viable war option worth looking into. but somehow you make it sound like I'm advocating bio/chemical/nuclear genocide on America, which I'm not.

You guys talked about 'liberating Hongkong' a lot on reddit back in 19, and I entertain their thoughts sometimes, it's for fun, but clearly you don't see it that way. So why don't you just stop replying and go play with your denon phones kido..

Who is "you guys" because I don't give a damn about Hong Kong one way or the other.

The fact that you even take seriously with some randos say on Reddit says a lot about how you perceive the real world

You keep binging up my Denon Headphones, as if that has anything to do with the subject.

You seem to be obsessed with them, but I certainly don't blame you, as they're probably worth more than what you make in three months

that's assuming you even do work, and aren't just sitting behind your computer on your comfy couch being a keyboard Warrior full time.
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Not to mention a great deal of US reserve weaponry were wasted by KSA on Yemen, then Ukraine came and took some more, right now I don't see the Americans have enough left for themselves.

What we need is to bring the wars to US shores. the world may be in for a rude awakening that the US is not only a paper tiger, but also a sitting duck

Lol, the US military is nowhere close to running low on anything. 155mm ammo is the only stockpile that’s been stressed and that’ll reach 100K a month in 2 years.

You’re in pure hopium mode.
The fact that you even take seriously with some randos say on Reddit says a lot about how you perceive the real world
should have looked into a mirror before typing that, because apparently you are the one feeling 'threatened' by a rando on pdf. 🤣

You keep binging up my Denon Headphones,
So now you realize I'm referring to headphones huh.. but why you act like such a dumbass the first time I mentioned it?

You people are as fraudulent and pretentious as it gets. Just admit you googled a random photo of ‘good looking headphones’ and put it as your DP:lol::lol::lol:

Lol, the US military is nowhere close to running low on anything. 155mm ammo is the only stockpile that’s been stressed and that’ll reach 100K a month in 2 years.

You’re in pure hopium mode.
Stressed is an understatement, even after many rounds of production ramp up the Ukrainian's needs still haven't been fully met while the Russians seem to have dusted off their MIC one year into the war and output seems to be running at a much higher capacity. The shortage of shells alone is letting your enemies get a better view of the whole picture.
So now you realize I'm referring to headphones huh.. but why you act like such a dumbass the first time I mentioned it?

Stressed is an understatement, even after many rounds of production ramp up the Ukrainian's needs still haven't been fully met while the Russians seem to have dusted off their MIC one year into the war and output seems to be running at a much higher capacity. The shortage of shells alone is letting your enemies get a better view of the whole picture.

That's because you kept saying "phone" you silly simpleton

So naturally, I assumed you meant a cell phone which Denon does not make.

Denon makes excellent high-end stereo equipment including headphones.
That's because you kept saying "phone" you silly simpleton

So naturally, I assumed you meant a cell phone which Denon does not make.

Denon makes excellent high-end stereo equipment including headphones.
headphone enthusiasts always refer to their headphones as 'phones', there is NO ONE in this circle would think 'denon phones' as some kind of mobile phone I mean holy fck you are such a fraud... just shut up and take a hike fraud
headphone enthusiasts always refer to their headphones as 'phones', there is NO ONE in this circle would think 'denon phones' as some kind of mobile phone I mean holy fck you are such a fraud... just shut up and take a hike fraud

You said "phone" not "phones" you mental midget.

And enthusiasts mostly refer to their headphones as "cans."

But you wouldn't know that as you obviously don't know very many enthusiasts

Just like many enthusiasts own more than one set. But again, you wouldn't know that because you're a joke.
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