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Key meetings planned as army chief arrives in US

Not just USA, services rendered to the whole western colonial block and that too pro bono, except for the trinket given these rent a sepoys in the shape of Popa John's, farm/ranch houses and little Johnny's budding career at an MNC.

Well he didn't get much for it in return. Even during the floods Pakistan had to request for UN intervention and still Western nations are looking the other way. Economically Pakistan won't get much support from the Western quarter. Being a servant of the West has no economic benefits.
I do agree with Moeed on this. The plan is to absorb Pakistan into Indian hegemony and our economic situation will make it happen. The crooks brought into power by army have no solution but infact are facilitators to this plan. They dont care Pakistan sinks. As long as they can make money out of it and defend their loot.

Do you even need a plan for this ? The default course of direction would lead to that situation anyway
Isn't the Army Chief retiring next month?
Mystery Question.

The challenge with Pakistan is that Civilians themselves are so badly compromised that it gives cause to uniformed operators to function above oversight under the guise of National Security.
Correct. The ineptness of Civil leadership has given strength to military leadership especially in domain of nuclear and security policies.
IK made an interesting observation that the financial/economic situation has brought to such a brink (by the Mil-establishment) that the only way out now would be through US dominated financial institutions and networks. And in order to qualify for this program Pakistan would have to make some heavy concessions, including but not limited to granting MFN to India and opening its market to Indian products, which will then displace Chinese products due to their proximity and cost of labor, basically accepting Indian hegemony in the region.

Secondly Pakistan would have to rollback its relationship with China and sign up to be canon fodder as colonial foot soldiers in Kinetic action abroad.

Either IK is now coming around to getting on board with the colonial project or he's lamenting the hopelessness of the situation.

Given the predicament IK would be the biggest narcissist fool if he still has the savior complex and wants to come back to power and that through democratic means. He should just walk away and let this land and beghairat people in it burn to the ground and let the Mir Bajwas and his chor commanders sit on its charred rubble.
Nice cooked up analysis
that Civilians themselves are so badly compromised that it gives cause to uniformed operators to function above oversight under the guise of National Security.
What do you mean disguise. There is a genuine threat from outside powers to fill the void if your local entity doesn't come fill thar space... do we want an international establishment to replace local establishment?
It's not ideal but it's definitely not the worst case. Just look at most of the satellite states around.
What happens is that processes to address the civilian degradation are left at their devices (as no one cares to fix them), and the military and security infrastructure corrodes with the stench of eventual creeping corruption which is inevitable when you allow any function to operate with no oversight.
Who made NAB? And remember the performance of NAB under general amjad.. it was force never seen like before ... but then the chaudhries and bhuttos exploited it for their own benefits.. ..musharaf clinged on to them for their support and NAB got defunct 5 years later. Musharraf had to go outside constitution to bring up institutions like NAB NADRA and PEMRA. Institutions run the country not individuals.. you have politicians who don't want institutions and constitution protects them so please spare us from this love for the constitution of yours. Constitution mafia ruined this country and that's the truth .
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The ineptness of Civil leadership has given strength to military leadership especially in domain of nuclear and security policies.

Lol. When was the last time the bastards in uniform made the right decision?

Do you even need a plan for this ? The default course of direction would lead to that situation anyway

Yup Pakistanis, especially its army generals are best at scoring own goals.
Listen from 20:51.

I do agree with Moeed on this. The plan is to absorb Pakistan into Indian hegemony and our economic situation will make it happen. The crooks brought into power by army have no solution but infact are facilitators to this plan. They dont care Pakistan sinks. As long as they can make money out of it and defend their loot.

The situation few months from now will be that Pakistan will have to barter its nuclear weapons, its sovereignty for an economic deal which only American can provide as it has all economic levers in its control. In exchange Pakistan will be asked to sign on its death warrant. These are the poisonous fruits of regime change.

What, in your opinion, is a worse pathway forward and what, in your opinion, a better pathway forward? I can't imagine a better or worse way forward due to so many constraints.
Nice cooked up analysis
Except that all the events in and around the region supports this analysis of IK, with Mir Bajwa offering unsolicited peace offerings to India, commencement of import of Indian products/goods into Pakistan, support for Western instigated war against Russia, the analysis has merits, even though it may not appeal to your Army Brat palettes.
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Except that all the events in and around the region supports this analysis of IK, with Mir Bajwa offering unsolicited peace offerings to India, commencement of import of Indian products/goods into Pakistan. Support for Western instigated war against Russia, the analysis has merits, even though it may not appeal to your Army Brat palettes.

The army brats and all those who still blindly defend generals will regret this in future. The damage this bastard bajwa has done is well beyond politics or any politican. The way people have come out from swat till karachi is too much to handle by the army. But you cannot expect better from them. They have lost a part of country in past. This time they have definitely lost an entire generation for sure.

If you support Bajwa and his actions, its you are anti army, not me. We support army which is professional in its conduct and has no role in politics at all.
Someone who gives pool photographs needs to be fired. This is a very unflattering picture of our Chief, and most likely done by design.
His buckled leg, his scruffled uniform, the wry smile on his face. This pool picture is horrendous. Regardless of our views on the Chief, his office represents a Pakistani Military office and his loss or erosion of brand especially in international settings is a Pakistani loss. I am the most fierce critic of the Chief as it relates to his shenanigans within Pakistan. But outside Pakistan he reps us all, whether we like it or not.
Someone who gives pool photographs needs to be fired. This is a very unflattering picture of our Chief, and most likely done by design.
His buckled leg, his scruffled uniform, the wry smile on his face. This pool picture is horrendous. Regardless of our views on the Chief, his office represents a Pakistani Military office and his loss or erosion of brand especially in international settings is a Pakistani loss. I am the most fierce critic of the Chief as it relates to his shenanigans within Pakistan. But outside Pakistan he reps us all, whether we like it or not.

This has been a critique, of sometimes the photographer, sometimes the PS to COAS, and sometimes the COAS himself. Take any picture of him, this one, the one in Belgium, UK visit, and a few more, unflattering to say the least.

Wonder who the photographer is, from Pakistani press pool or US?
The Americans are already selecting their next COAS.

100% correct. Bajwa is preparing for a new selection with the help of the Americans.
Or planning a coup to prevent PTI from coming to power, a modified Egyptian model being prepared. Whenever the masses strive for freedom the shackles are readied to enchain them.

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