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Iran and Russia to co-op in shipbuilding, aviation & automobile

Iran and Russia to co-op in shipbuilding, aviation & automobile


Fatemi Amin made the remarks while speaking to reporters upon his arrival in Moscow.

He travelled to Russia with the aim of participating in the Russian automobile exhibition and signing economic MoUs.

He said that the relations between Iran and Russia have been growing, and this growth is more evident in the last year and has entered a new phase.

Referring to the start of exporting gas turbines and technological products to Russia, he announced the possibility of signing economic memoranda in Russia.

Several issues will be pursued during this trip, the most important of which is the start of joint cooperation in the field of shipbuilding, aviation, and automotive industries, he added.

He also pointed to the presence of 50 Iranian companies in MIMS Automobility Moscow, saying that the grounds have been paved for starting joint cooperation between Iranian and Russian companies that are active in this field.

He stated that two Iranian cars "Tara" and "Shahin" will be showcased in MIMS Automobility Moscow.

If they can reach a joint production deal on the Sukhoi Superjet airliners, I would be very happy. Phase out all the older Iranian passenger aircraft - their lifetime is close to expiry.
sukhoi right now can't even produce Su-SSJ100 for Russia , do you knew how many russian and american part it uses . its around 55-60% , there is proposal to build a russified version but till this hours ot a single one is build .
also sukhoi have a very bad record on providing maintenance for that airplane , foreign airline who were using it had to resort to cannibalization or not using them at all
also this show an interesting trend in production of the airplane
Net orders, produced, and deliveries[140][141][citation needed]
Net orders300001502202135828281062459[142]385

the other modern russian airplane Irkut MC21 also use 40-45% western parts
sukhoi right now can't even produce Su-SSJ100 for Russia , do you knew how many russian and american part it uses . its around 55-60% , there is proposal to build a russified version but till this hours ot a single one is build .
also sukhoi have a very bad record on providing maintenance for that airplane , foreign airline who were using it had to resort to cannibalization or not using them at all
also this show an interesting trend in production of the airplane
Net orders, produced, and deliveries[140][141][citation needed]
Net orders300001502202135828281062459[142]385

the other modern russian airplane Irkut MC21 also use 40-45% western parts

Necessity is the mother of invention. Ask Islamic Iran.

Russia will be there soon as well, with Iranian help inshAllah.
Necessity is the mother of invention. Ask Islamic Iran.

Russia will be there soon as well, with Iranian help inshAllah.
will be there but , it did take us how long ?
russian still instead of looking at their capabilities for overcoming sanction are looking toward china . that can't be done in a year or two year , it take time
will be there but , it did take us how long ?
russian still instead of looking at their capabilities for overcoming sanction are looking toward china . that can't be done in a year or two year , it take time

The west and Russia are going to be at loggerheads long enough to enable Russia to indigenize most of what she needs. They've already done a fine job at neutralizing the effects of western sanctions and even turning the tables on NATO economically.

Moscow will be looking towards China and even towards Iran for mutually beneficial cooperation. Nothing wrong with it. After all, even small scale and infrequent acquisition of Russian and Chinese weaponry, as well as equipment seized from enemies, gave Iranian defence industries a boost.

Moreover and contrary to western propaganda, chances of serious dissension between Moscow and Beijing are close to zero in the foreseeable future. Meaning Russia can rely on imports from China for some time to come without compromising its long term prospects.
The west and Russia are going to be at loggerheads long enough to enable Russia to indigenize most of what she needs. They've already done a fine job at neutralizing the effects of western sanctions and even turning the tables on NATO economically.
the effect just didn't show on economy because some measure they take that sadly our officials seems don't like to take but in case of production and industry, they didn't did much if it was just from 6 month ago i'd have said that its soon , give them some time but USA sanctioning Russian companies and people started in 2017 and well let see what happen next , will they be able to fix their supply chain and production capabilities.
Moscow will be looking towards China and even towards Iran for mutually beneficial cooperation. Nothing wrong with it. After all, even small scale and infrequent acquisition of Russian and Chinese weaponry, as well as equipment seized from enemies, gave Iranian defence industries a boost.
if you mean our drone and airdefense system , they were more benefitted from western countries than russian . our airdefense missiles are originatedfrom western missies , our radaes are more like western country radars , our drone look more like western ones.
our missile are based on Russian but only liquid fueled balistic ones while ore quasibalistic missiles and solid fuelled ones have nothing to do with them and is the result of our scientist hard work . in case of atgms , we have Almas , Azaraksh, toofan which are clearly based on western weapons . we also have dehlavieh that is based on Russian ones . our ships are based on western designs , or indigenous ones and had nothing to do with Russia . our subs are designed by our-self or based on N.K design and we actually didn't bother design anything based on kilo
our aircraft are based on western design and the one we actually producing has its root in and american design. about cruise missile i admit its based on Russian and Chinese design , but Russia didn't gave it to us , it was Ukraine who did that .and china in case of anti ship cruise missile well let just say their action was not beautiful. oh and yes our tanks and personnel carriers are Russian design

Moreover and contrary to western propaganda, chances of serious dissension between Moscow and Beijing are close to zero in the foreseeable future. Meaning Russia can rely on imports from China for some time to come without compromising its long term prospects.
the problem is not distancing and separation of Russia and china . the problem is that is Chinese companies rather have commerce with Russia or western countries . those companies are private and always choose the one who gave them the most benefits
Stop praying in favour of those judeo-christian infidel drunkards, you cretin.
Watch your mouth! Salar is a respected member of this forum who never insults people when he makes his arguments...he just puts the writing on the wall for you and you resort to ad hominem because of a sore arse. You have the geopolitical insight of a gnat. Iran is making power moves. There is also hadeeth of Muslims uniting with Christians against a common enemy. Nothing wrong with being civil with people of the book who don't want your destruction.
the effect just didn't show on economy because some measure they take that sadly our officials seems don't like to take but in case of production and industry, they didn't did much if it was just from 6 month ago i'd have said that its soon , give them some time but USA sanctioning Russian companies and people started in 2017 and well let see what happen next , will they be able to fix their supply chain and production capabilities.

Earlier US sanctions had no serious impact on the Russian industry. So there was nothing much for Russia to compensate for.

if you mean our drone and airdefense system , they were more benefitted from western countries than russian .

From western countries? Enemies don't normally engage in weapons deals, so western countries took no deliberate measures that could have benefited the Islamic Republic's defence industries. Russia and China however did.

our airdefense missiles are originatedfrom western missies , our radaes are more like western country radars , our drone look more like western ones.
our missile are based on Russian but only liquid fueled balistic ones while ore quasibalistic missiles and solid fuelled ones have nothing to do with them and is the result of our scientist hard work .

Every piece of modern weaponry Iran purchased from Russia and China gave a boost to Iran's R&D in the defence sector via an infusion of knowledge gained through studying and reverse-engineering, knowledge which was then added to the pool of domestic expertise Iran relied upon to develop her very own systems.

How the resulting Iranian-designed systems "look" in comparison to Russian and Chinese ones is therefore beside the point. This is about the general science underlying these industries, sometimes about very specific aspects of said science. It's not a matter of reverse-engineering for the sake of producing copies or even closely inspired counterparts.

in case of atgms , we have Almas , Azaraksh, toofan which are clearly based on western weapons .

Dehlavieh isn't. And none of those western weapons arrived after the Islamic Revolution (i.e. they're all more than 43 years old), as opposed to weaponry Iran obtained directly from Russia and China. The former are enemies, the latter strategic partners.

our ships are based on western designs , or indigenous ones and had nothing to do with Russia .

Against the will of hostile western regimes. Given that these are existential enemies to Iran and are desperate to dismantle the Iranian nation-state akin to how they destroyed numerous countries in the region, they naturally would not contribute anything the Islamic Republic's efforts but would, on the contrary, try their best to undermine Iran's defence industries (via targeted sanctions, assassinations of scientists and so on). This is the key aspect here to highlight.

And the Qadir submarine, one of the Iranian naval industries' most successful projects, is neither based on materiel inherited from the western-subservient monarchy nor is it an entirely indigenous design. Its roots are linked to yet another eastern strategic-level partner opposed to US imperialism, namely the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

and we actually didn't bother design anything based on kilo

By learning how to maintain and overhaul the Type 877 domestically, Iran will most definitely have gleaned some highly useful knowledge on design and engineering aspects of heavier submarines at large, knowledge which is energizing her own projects.

That subsequent Iranian submarine designs will not be lifted directly from the Kilo SSK does not invalidate this reality in any shape or form.

our aircraft are based on western design and the one we actually producing has its root in and american design.

Doesn't change anything to the fact that the study of weaponry purchased from Russia and China increased the technological proficiency of Iran's defence industries.

about cruise missile i admit its based on Russian and Chinese design , but Russia didn't gave it to us , it was Ukraine who did that .and china in case of anti ship cruise missile well let just say their action was not beautiful. oh and yes our tanks and personnel carriers are Russian design

The issue is not to find out which preexisting types Iranian-made weaponry may be emulating. Especially now that Iran's arms industries have reached a phase of maturity where they can increasingly bank on purely domestic designs.

Rather, it's about the fact that after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Russia, China and North Korea have been Iran's main partners for the procurement of up to date weapons systems and that these supplies have been helpful in supporting Iran's indigenous arms development because Iranian engineers would inspect and study them in minute detail and improve their overall expertise in this manner. It made Iran save some precious time.

the problem is that is Chinese companies rather have commerce with Russia or western countries . those companies are private and always choose the one who gave them the most benefits

In the defence sector, private Chinese companies are subject to oversight by governmental authorities as to who they trade with and how. Also, small (front) companies are sometimes set up in China for the sole purpose of working with nations illegally sanctioned by the US regime.
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Watch your mouth! Salar is a respected member of this forum who never insults people when he makes his arguments...he just puts the writing on the wall for you and you resort to ad hominem because of a sore arse. You have the geopolitical insight of a gnat. Iran is making power moves. There is also hadeeth of Muslims uniting with Christians against a common enemy. Nothing wrong with being civil with people of the book who don't want your destruction.

When it comes to these questions, sheikh Imran Hossein explained it well (videos of numerous conferences he gave can be found online). Basically, what the Holy Qur'an forbids Muslims to do, is to collaborate with a hostile alliance between Jews and Christians. Not with Christians per se.

Now, there's no alliance between Russia and Isra"el" specifically directed against Iran or another Muslim nation. If anything, we've seen Russia intervene militarily to help neutralize a major zionist plot, namely the war imposed on Syria. Had the empire been victorious there, it would have put at risk the entire Resistance Axis. Years earlier, Russia supplied missiles to Syria of which Moscow knew they could be passed on to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

In today's world, it's the zionist-American nexus which shows the closest resemblance to the adversarial Jews and Christians mentioned in that passage of the Qur'an.
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When it comes to these questions, sheikh Imran Hossein explained it well (videos of numerous conferences he gave can be found online). Basically, what the Holy Qur'an forbids Muslims to do, is to collaborate with a hostile alliance between Jews and Christians. Not with Christians per se.

Now, there's no alliance between Russia and Isra"el" specifically directed against Iran or another Muslim nation. If anything, we've seen Russia intervene militarily to help neutralize a major zionist plot, namely the war imposed on Syria. Had the empire been victorious there, it would have put at risk the entire Resistance Axis. Years earlier, Russia supplied missiles to Syria of which Moscow knew they could be passed on to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

In today's world, it's the zionist-American nexus which shows the closest resemblance to the adversarial Jews and Christians mentioned in that passage of the Qur'an.
Interesting to see you quote Imran Hussein, and despite him making some mistakes or using faulty hadeeth at times when deciphering scripture, he has been pretty on the money with his geopolitical predictions and is aware of what is happening in the Muslim world. The Judeo-Christian alliance is where the issue lies, not with Putin's Russia. Certain people dont like to see this cooperation from happening because they are mozdoor.
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