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China launches new data relay satellite
By Zhao Lei | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-04-01 10:21

The Tianlian II-01 satellite is launched by a Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China's Sichuan province, on March 31, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

China launched the first of its new-generation data relay satellites on Sunday night as part of the preparatory work for the nation's next manned space missions.

The Tianlian II-01 was lifted off at 11:51 pm atop a Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province and later was placed on a geostationary transfer orbit, according to a statement from the China Academy of Space Technology that developed and built the satellite.

The spacecraft is the first in China's second generation of data relay satellite, the academy said, adding its entry into service will substantially improve the country's space-based data relay capability.

Next, researchers will start designing the Tianlian II-02 and Tianlian II-03 that will join the Tianlian II-01 to form a network, according to the statement.

With a DFH-4 framework, Tianlian II-01 is mainly tasked with relaying data for the country's piloted spaceships, space labs, low- and mid-orbiting satellites as well as its future space station. It will also be used to track and monitor these spacecraft.

China's first-generation data relay satellite network, the Tianlian I system, now has four satellites. The first of them was launched at the Xichang center in April 2008. They have serviced several important space activities such as the rendezvous and dockings between the Tiangong I space lab and Shenzhou spaceships.

China launches new data relay satellite
By Zhao Lei | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-04-01 10:21

The Tianlian II-01 satellite is launched by a Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China's Sichuan province, on March 31, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

China launched the first of its new-generation data relay satellites on Sunday night as part of the preparatory work for the nation's next manned space missions.

The Tianlian II-01 was lifted off at 11:51 pm atop a Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province and later was placed on a geostationary transfer orbit, according to a statement from the China Academy of Space Technology that developed and built the satellite.

The spacecraft is the first in China's second generation of data relay satellite, the academy said, adding its entry into service will substantially improve the country's space-based data relay capability.

Next, researchers will start designing the Tianlian II-02 and Tianlian II-03 that will join the Tianlian II-01 to form a network, according to the statement.

With a DFH-4 framework, Tianlian II-01 is mainly tasked with relaying data for the country's piloted spaceships, space labs, low- and mid-orbiting satellites as well as its future space station. It will also be used to track and monitor these spacecraft.

China's first-generation data relay satellite network, the Tianlian I system, now has four satellites. The first of them was launched at the Xichang center in April 2008. They have serviced several important space activities such as the rendezvous and dockings between the Tiangong I space lab and Shenzhou spaceships.

Tianlian-2 satellite has successfully parked at its intended geostationary point yesterday.


will launch in late July 2019, the long March 5 rocket was sent to hainan wenchang launch site by yuanwang 21 and 22 at the end of April.(China aerospace science and technology corporation)

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will launch in late July 2019, the long March 5 rocket was sent to hainan wenchang launch site by yuanwang 21 and 22 at the end of April.(China aerospace science and technology corporation)

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When is the next launch scheduled?
When is the next launch scheduled?

according to the report it will launch this July :



”“The blue book on China's space science and technology activities (2018)“” was released on jan 29
Yang baohua, deputy general manager of the aerospace science and technology group , said in an interview with the media that the long March 5 rocket is making good progress and plans to launch in mid-to-late July.


航天科技集团党组成员、副总经理 杨保华:一个是频次高,我们今年计划执行超过30次的宇航发射任务。二是场点多,我们去年主要集中在传统的三个发射场,酒泉、太原和西昌,今年我们还要有两次在文昌,还有一个海上发射。第三个特点就是任务重,今年年底要实现嫦娥五号的发射;今年7月份左右,我们长征五号遥三要恢复发射,分量非常重。

The "fat five" mission will launch the shijian-20, a new technology test satellite based on the public platform of the dongfanghong 5 satellite.Yang baohua said that after the failure of the long March 5 rocket launch on July 2, 2017, the aerospace science and technology group earnestly completed the technical zeroing and carried out follow-up quality work throughout 2018.At present, the overall progress is good, and some partial work still needs to be completed.The rocket is scheduled to launch in mid-to-late July. The plan is manageable.

The chang 'e-5 mission, the signature of China's third lunar exploration phase, will carry out the country's first return of lunar samples.If the third long March 5 rocket mission is successfully completed, the chang 'e-5 mission will be launched by the long March 5 rocket by the end of the year.
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Upgrade it all up, hurry up (keep calmly working.) I want to see China light speed to the nearest star system.
30分钟前 来自 航爱网牌Android 已编辑
2019年04月20日22时41分左右,我国在西昌卫星发射中心三号工位,用长征三号乙遥五十九运载火箭将北斗三号 G2Q 卫星发射升空。这颗卫星属于倾斜地球同步轨道卫星,作为北斗三号全球组网卫星的”替补”星,是我国北斗三号系统第二十颗组网卫星,也是第四十四颗北斗导航卫星,该星入轨并完成在轨测试后,将参与北斗三号系统的运行服务。航天爱好者网 L林晓弈的微博视频
30 minutes ago

At about 22:41 on April 20, 2019, China launched the Beidou 3 G2Q satellite at the No. 3 launch pad of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center with the Long March 3B-Y59 carrier rocket. This satellite belongs to the inclined geosynchronous orbit satellite. It is the "substitute" satellite of the Beidou 3 global network satellite. It is the 20th network satellite of the Beidou 3 system and the 44th of the Beidou satellite system. After entering its intended orbit and completing the on-orbit test, it will participate in the operational service of the Beidou No.3 system. 




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China launches new BeiDou satellite
Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-21 00:03:50|Editor: ZX

China sends a new satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) into space from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Xichang, southwest China's Sichuan Province, April 20, 2019. (Xinhua/Guo Wenbin)

XICHANG, April 20 (Xinhua) -- China sent a new satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) into space from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province at 10:41 p.m. Saturday.

Launched on a Long March-3B carrier rocket, it is the 44th satellite of the BDS satellite family and the first BDS-3 satellite in inclined geosynchronous Earth orbit.

After in-orbit tests, the satellite will work with 18 other BDS-3 satellites in intermediate circular orbit and one in geosynchronous Earth orbit.

Yang Changfeng, chief designer of the BeiDou system, said that the hybrid constellation design, in which three groups of satellites at different orbital regimes work in concert, was an exclusive BDS innovation and the world's first.

It will increase the number of visible satellites in the Asian-Pacific Region, providing better service for the region, Yang said.

The launch was the 302nd flight mission for the Long March series of carrier rockets, and the 100th for the Long March-3B.

So far, a total of four BeiDou test satellites and 44 BDS satellites have been sent to preset orbits via 36 flight missions launched by Long March-3A and Long March-3B carrier rockets.

The launch on Saturday also marked the first launch of the BDS in 2019. This year, about 8-10 BDS satellites are scheduled to be launched, wrapping up launch missions of all BDS-3 satellites in medium Earth orbit.

China began to construct its navigation system, named after the Chinese term for the Big Dipper constellation, in the 1990s and started serving the Asia-Pacific Region in 2012.

According to Yang, the positioning accuracy of the system has reached 10 meters globally and five meters in the Asia-Pacific Region after the system started to provide global service at the end of last year.

The BDS-3 system is to be completed in 2020. China is also planning to finish building a high precision national comprehensive positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) system on the basis of the BDS by 2035.

Yang noted that China is willing to share the achievements of the BDS with other countries.

The BDS has been widely used around the world, like building construction in Kuwait, precision agriculture in Myanmar, land survey and mapping in Uganda and warehousing and logistics in Thailand.

The BDS will serve the world and benefit all mankind with more powerful function and better performance, said Yang.
China's LinkSpace successfully launches reusable rocket to a new height

China's private rocket company LinkSpace successfully launched a reusable rocket in east China's Shandong Province on Friday. The RLV-T5 rocket flew to a height of 40 meters and then safely landed, in 30 seconds.

On March 27, the company finished its first low-altitude launch at a height of 20 meters.

Whenever the term "reusable rocket" is mentioned, people would at once link it to the U.S. giants like SpaceX and Blue Origin. Now, China's LinkSpace is hoping to make its presence felt in the market.

Founded in 2014, LinkSpace is engaged in the development of reusable rockets and liquid rocket engine technology. The RLV-T5 rocket was put into production in May 2018. The 8.1-meter high rocket has a take-off weight of 1.5 tons, and uses five liquid rocket engines in parallel to get off the ground.

Currently, LinkSpace's 20-member team has started the research and development of a sub-orbital reusable rocket named RLV-T6.

It is expected that the final assembly of the new rocket will be completed by the end of this year. The company's first small commercial rocket, NEWLINE-1, will target the microsatellite launch market and is scheduled to make its maiden flight around 2021.
China launches new BeiDou satellite
Source: Xinhua| 2019-04-21 00:03:50|Editor: ZX

China sends a new satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) into space from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Xichang, southwest China's Sichuan Province, April 20, 2019. (Xinhua/Guo Wenbin)

XICHANG, April 20 (Xinhua) -- China sent a new satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) into space from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province at 10:41 p.m. Saturday.

Launched on a Long March-3B carrier rocket, it is the 44th satellite of the BDS satellite family and the first BDS-3 satellite in inclined geosynchronous Earth orbit.

After in-orbit tests, the satellite will work with 18 other BDS-3 satellites in intermediate circular orbit and one in geosynchronous Earth orbit.

Yang Changfeng, chief designer of the BeiDou system, said that the hybrid constellation design, in which three groups of satellites at different orbital regimes work in concert, was an exclusive BDS innovation and the world's first.

It will increase the number of visible satellites in the Asian-Pacific Region, providing better service for the region, Yang said.

The launch was the 302nd flight mission for the Long March series of carrier rockets, and the 100th for the Long March-3B.

So far, a total of four BeiDou test satellites and 44 BDS satellites have been sent to preset orbits via 36 flight missions launched by Long March-3A and Long March-3B carrier rockets.

The launch on Saturday also marked the first launch of the BDS in 2019. This year, about 8-10 BDS satellites are scheduled to be launched, wrapping up launch missions of all BDS-3 satellites in medium Earth orbit.

China began to construct its navigation system, named after the Chinese term for the Big Dipper constellation, in the 1990s and started serving the Asia-Pacific Region in 2012.

According to Yang, the positioning accuracy of the system has reached 10 meters globally and five meters in the Asia-Pacific Region after the system started to provide global service at the end of last year.

The BDS-3 system is to be completed in 2020. China is also planning to finish building a high precision national comprehensive positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) system on the basis of the BDS by 2035.

Yang noted that China is willing to share the achievements of the BDS with other countries.

The BDS has been widely used around the world, like building construction in Kuwait, precision agriculture in Myanmar, land survey and mapping in Uganda and warehousing and logistics in Thailand.

The BDS will serve the world and benefit all mankind with more powerful function and better performance, said Yang.
Xinhua on 21 April:

China sent a new satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) into space on late Saturday. It's the 44th satellite of the BDS satellite family and the 1st BDS-3 satellite in inclined geosynchronous Earth orbit

Watch the attached 60-second launch footage!


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