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US Reneges on prisoner swap deal

Also Iranian hostages swapped as part of the deal remain free as well.

Iran contributed to empowering the Palestinian Resistance to such an unsuspected level. Washington's reaction? Attempting to freeze 6 billion USD of Iranian assets. Not very convincing for the global superpower.

American hegemony is being challenged like never before.

Did Iran release the American prisoners already before getting the money?
The title of the thread is misleading. The money is with Qatar. If they don't release it , it is they and not the US who is accountable.
Please do not blame this on US, the global arrogance. They know they've got a real pigeon here in Iran they can push around any way they want. This is what they do, do they not? So, why do you keep going back for more humiliation, or do your part of the deal before they do theirs, knowing well they have backed out many times in the past? ARE YOU CRAZY OR OUT OF YOUR MIND? What's the matter with you, can't you learn?
The title of the thread is misleading. The money is with Qatar. If they don't release it , it is they and not the US who is accountable.
And the circumstance that lead to not releasing it is not important at all?
Also Iranian hostages swapped as part of the deal remain free as well.

Iran contributed to empowering the Palestinian Resistance to such an unsuspected level. Washington's reaction? Attempting to freeze 6 billion USD of Iranian assets. Not very convincing for the global superpower.

American hegemony is being challenged like never before.
Do you think the US is done? US citizens have been killed and held hostage. Re-freezing $6 billion is just the start.
Do you think the US is done? US citizens have been killed and held hostage. Re-freezing $6 billion is just the start.

Call me when mighty USA has neutralized Iran. Us Iranians have been dealing with hot air from Washington for forty four years. Until then, no need to counter with remote hypotheticals.

Conversely, I may reiterate my proposition in x years from now, when Iran will not only still be around, but will have expanded her reach and cemented her power significantly.
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And the circumstance that lead to not releasing it is not important at all?
I didn't say that. It is just that the title of the thread is misleading. The money is with Qatar. It is up to them to decide whether to cave in to US pressure or not.
Nice words. Any effort to figure a way to take out a few thousand Hamas terrorists and friends without dispatching a few hundred thousand innocents to the nether world? Hard to believe we don't have the ability to cleanse some vermin without burning down the house.
And just how,pray tell,is that going to solve the real problem,which as anyone with half a brain knows is the OCCUPATION?.
Its like the afrikaner racists thinking that if they simply got rid of nelson mandela and the anc then everything would be just fine,that the blacks would accept apartheid,or at least just put up with it without causing too many problems.
Ultimately so long as the israelis truly believe that they can solve the problems (for them) of the occupation by imposing their vision of what constitutes peace [ie "facts on the ground",which honestly looks like the zionist version of apartheid south africa,only worse] then there is no incentive for them to consider real peace,or the actual political price that they would have to pay to achieve it.
By the same token the palestinians increasingly have even less to lose (apart from their lives of course) and less incentive to do any deals.
Now jews use AI pictures to create propaganda against Palestinians
View attachment 960999
They do everything to cover their crimes
EWW....Thats a nasty one isnt it?. 💩🇮🇱💩

They`re really going full force on the old atrocity propaganda.arent they?
I guess they just dont want to give up on the old "butchered babies" narrative now that they`ve started it.
I`m sure that we can expect to see every trick in the Dr Goebbels playbook:

CH1:How to win friends and influence stupid people the NAZI ZIONIST way.
And just how,pray tell,is that going to solve the real problem,which as anyone with half a brain knows is the OCCUPATION?.
Its like the afrikaner racists thinking that if they simply got rid of nelson mandela and the anc then everything would be just fine,that the blacks would accept apartheid,or at least just put up with it without causing too many problems.
Ultimately so long as the israelis truly believe that they can solve the problems (for them) of the occupation by imposing their vision of what constitutes peace [ie "facts on the ground",which honestly looks like the zionist version of apartheid south africa,only worse] then there is no incentive for them to consider real peace,or the actual political price that they would have to pay to achieve it.
By the same token the palestinians increasingly have even less to lose (apart from their lives of course) and less incentive to do any deals.
I am no expert in this (not even an amateur really), but if you see Uighurs and Tibetans in China, Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, Kurds in Iran/Iraq/Turkey, there is a modus vivendi, although imperfectly, without constantly killing each other. There are plenty of countries in the world that have de jure inequality, but people go on living. In fact, I think in all Islamic countries, non-Muslims have been, by law, of inferior status. Did they all go around killing random innocent people all the time?
Call me when mighty USA has neutralized Iran. Us Iranians have been dealing with hot air from Washington for forty four years. Until then, no need to counter with remote hypotheticals.

Conversely, I may reiterate my proposition in x years from now, when Iran will not only still be around, but will have expanded her reach and cemented her power significantly.
It depends on your definition of neutralized. If you mean militarily, then no. Then again there is no need to neutralize Iran militarily when it's a pariah in the world community, both sanctioned and isolated.
Americunts are not known for honoring deals. In fact, their previous president was infamous for not paying contractors.
It depends on your definition of neutralized. If you mean militarily, then no. Then again there is no need to neutralize Iran militarily when it's a pariah in the world community, both sanctioned and isolated.

The recent battlefield success of the Palestinian Resistance, Iranian-allied movements and governments from Lebanon to Syria via Iraq and Yemen, Iranian assistance to Venezuela and other independent nations of the global south standing up to USA bullying, continued resilience of the Islamic Republic in the face of "regime change" attempts by USA-backed exiled opposition and certain domestic elements, Iranian drone supplies to Russia, Iran's accession the BRICS and her contribution to the emergence of a post-hegemonic international system show how effective Washington's policy of sanctioning and trying to isolate Iran has been... not.

The USA regime did not think sanctioning and isolating Iraq or Libya were enough. Yet, neither Iraq nor Libya were compromising its interests nearly as much as the Islamic Republic of Iran has since 1979.

In short, Washington is far from content with the status quo in Iran however it is simply incapable of altering it to its satisfaction.
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The recent battlefield success of the Palestinian Resistance, Iranian-allied movements and governments from Lebanon to Syria via Iraq and Yemen, Iranian assistance to Venezuela and other independent nations of the global south standing up to USA bullying, continued resilience of the Islamic Republic in the face of "regime change" attempts by USA-backed exiled opposition and certain domestic elements, Iranian drone supplies to Russia, Iran's accession the BRICS and her contribution to the emergence of a post-hegemonic international system show how effective Washington's policy of sanctioning and trying to isolate Iran has been... not.

The USA regime did not think sanctioning and isolating Iraq or Libya were enough. Yet, neither Iraq nor Libya were compromising its interests nearly as much as the Islamic Republic of Iran has since 1979.

In short, Washington is far from content with the status quo in Iran however it is simply incapable of altering it to its satisfaction.

Correct analysis, however, all this admirable perseverance of Iran will need to have an eventual inflection point (think Nixon’s China moment).

Iran cannot stay under draconian economic siege forever. The oil buying by China is not enough to fundamentally expand the Iranian economy long term. Thus the longer the people of Iran stay under economic siege the more boiling of tempers of the local population = more riots & instability.

IRI shouldn’t make the same mistake as the shah and think he can’t survive every riot that comes its way. Indeed even in the last round of (mostly youth) riots we saw divisions starting to form within the leadership. In a future much stronger riot and discontent we could see much more distinct fractures which will allow the enemy ways to exploit the cause for their benefit (color revolution).
It is all optics, not logic anymore. We have been having flags flying half-mast due to Americans killed or held hostage. So, it has become our war too now.
No it is not our war, Jew. It's your war. The war you started by storming Al Aqsa. Your Jewish ISIS Nazi state will be exterminated.

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