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TTP militants are Pakistan’s responsibility, not ours, Afghan Taliban leader Suhail Shaheen says


Sep 30, 2016
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Senior Taliban leader Suhail Shaheen speaks to Arab News on July 9, 2023. (AN photo)

  • In exclusive interview with Arab News, senior Taliban leader Suhail Shaheen says Pakistani Taliban militants are in Pakistan’s tribal areas, not Afghanistan
  • Shaheen refuses to recognize Durand Line as official border between both sides, says Afghanistan maintains relationships with countries, not security forces
ISLAMABAD: Senior Taliban leader Suhail Shaheen on Sunday categorically denied that the Pakistani Taliban or the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants are in Afghanistan, adding that banned outfit is present in Pakistan’s tribal areas and hence Islamabad’s responsibility, “not ours.”

Since the fall of Kabul in August 2021, the emboldened TTP have carried out deadly attacks against Pakistan’s security forces and civilians. Islamabad has repeatedly asked the interim Afghan government led by the Taliban to rein in the TTP militants and take action against the group. Pakistan alleges that the TTP uses Afghan soil to carry out attacks against Pakistan. Senior Pakistani officials have threatened cross-border action to take out alleged TTP strongholds in Afghanistan, souring relations further between the two countries.

“The TTP is not in Afghanistan, as I said we have commitment for that, to not allow anyone to use the soil of Afghanistan [for militancy],” Shaheen, speaking on the latest edition of Arab News “Frankly Speaking” current-affairs talk show, said. “They are inside Pakistan, in the tribal areas. So, inside Pakistan, that is their responsibility, not ours.”


Senior Taliban leader Suhail Shaheen speaks to Arab News on July 9, 2023. (AN photo)

Another bone of contention between Pakistan and Afghanistan is the Durand Line, a 2,640-kilometer (1,640-mile) demarcation created while the British ruled the sub-continent. From the time Pakistan gained its independence in 1947 till today, the line serves as a border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. While Pakistan says the Durand Line is the official border between the two states, Afghanistan has historically rejected the same.

“It is not called a border, it is called a line,” Shaheen, who also serves as Afghanistan’s permanent representative to the UN, responded when asked whether he recognizes the Durand Line as a border between the two states. “So, that is enough to say what is its status.”

When asked about Afghanistan’s relationship with Pakistani security forces, the senior Taliban leader said his country maintains relationships with countries, not security forces.

“Our policy is for peaceful coexistence and positive relations with neighbors and other countries,” Shaheen explained. “Now, this is our policy and position. It is up to them [Pakistan], you ask them what is their policy. If they want the same, that’s a good thing, I think. Good for the region, good for the neighboring countries, for Afghanistan, good for all of us.”

Pakistan faces the challenge of a resurgent TTP while its economy is in a tailspin, with its foreign exchange reserves drained, currency significantly weakened and masses reeling from unprecedented inflation.

The TTP was at its strongest in the 2000s and took control of parts of what is now Pakistan’s northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in 2007, imposing a strict brand of Shariah or Islamic law. During that time, militants unleashed a reign of terror, killing and beheading politicians, singers, soldiers and opponents. They banned female education and destroyed almost 200 girls’ schools.

They were ousted two years later in a major military operation. However, the group has been regaining strength since last year, after a fragile truce between the Pakistani Taliban and the state broke down.

There is a very good reason that when the CIA conducted operations they considered certain areas to be part of the same operational theatre and didn't differentiate between certain groups like Taliban from one side or the other.
If they are not operating from your country, then yes, you are correct... but if they are based in your shithole, then you better do something about it. But then again, Napak fauj is the problem in all of this, these incompetent duffers can't do their job but want to run the country.
If they are not operating from your country, then yes, you are correct... but if they are based in your shithole, then you better do something about it. But then again, Napak fauj is the problem in all of this, these incompetent duffers can't do their job but want to run the country.
It's based in both with huge support from Afghanistan.

It's even possible that Pakistan will start seeing more terrorist attacks occur than Afghanistan soon. They are beginning to stabilise and have US support in hunting down ISKP threats. NRF doesn't seem active much at all.

So history is repeating itself here, Afghanistan is beginning to stabilise and is going to continue support to proxies in Pakistan.
The problem is that Napak Generals are not interested in fighting wars, they only care about their
mega corruption and how to protect it.

They will rig elections and even break Pakistan again if they have to just to protect the looted
wealth. The day Pak gets a General who can do his job then TTP will be history.

Senior Taliban leader Suhail Shaheen speaks to Arab News on July 9, 2023. (AN photo)

  • In exclusive interview with Arab News, senior Taliban leader Suhail Shaheen says Pakistani Taliban militants are in Pakistan’s tribal areas, not Afghanistan
  • Shaheen refuses to recognize Durand Line as official border between both sides, says Afghanistan maintains relationships with countries, not security forces
ISLAMABAD: Senior Taliban leader Suhail Shaheen on Sunday categorically denied that the Pakistani Taliban or the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants are in Afghanistan, adding that banned outfit is present in Pakistan’s tribal areas and hence Islamabad’s responsibility, “not ours.”

Since the fall of Kabul in August 2021, the emboldened TTP have carried out deadly attacks against Pakistan’s security forces and civilians. Islamabad has repeatedly asked the interim Afghan government led by the Taliban to rein in the TTP militants and take action against the group. Pakistan alleges that the TTP uses Afghan soil to carry out attacks against Pakistan. Senior Pakistani officials have threatened cross-border action to take out alleged TTP strongholds in Afghanistan, souring relations further between the two countries.

“The TTP is not in Afghanistan, as I said we have commitment for that, to not allow anyone to use the soil of Afghanistan [for militancy],” Shaheen, speaking on the latest edition of Arab News “Frankly Speaking” current-affairs talk show, said. “They are inside Pakistan, in the tribal areas. So, inside Pakistan, that is their responsibility, not ours.”


Senior Taliban leader Suhail Shaheen speaks to Arab News on July 9, 2023. (AN photo)

Another bone of contention between Pakistan and Afghanistan is the Durand Line, a 2,640-kilometer (1,640-mile) demarcation created while the British ruled the sub-continent. From the time Pakistan gained its independence in 1947 till today, the line serves as a border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. While Pakistan says the Durand Line is the official border between the two states, Afghanistan has historically rejected the same.

“It is not called a border, it is called a line,” Shaheen, who also serves as Afghanistan’s permanent representative to the UN, responded when asked whether he recognizes the Durand Line as a border between the two states. “So, that is enough to say what is its status.”

When asked about Afghanistan’s relationship with Pakistani security forces, the senior Taliban leader said his country maintains relationships with countries, not security forces.

“Our policy is for peaceful coexistence and positive relations with neighbors and other countries,” Shaheen explained. “Now, this is our policy and position. It is up to them [Pakistan], you ask them what is their policy. If they want the same, that’s a good thing, I think. Good for the region, good for the neighboring countries, for Afghanistan, good for all of us.”

Pakistan faces the challenge of a resurgent TTP while its economy is in a tailspin, with its foreign exchange reserves drained, currency significantly weakened and masses reeling from unprecedented inflation.

The TTP was at its strongest in the 2000s and took control of parts of what is now Pakistan’s northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in 2007, imposing a strict brand of Shariah or Islamic law. During that time, militants unleashed a reign of terror, killing and beheading politicians, singers, soldiers and opponents. They banned female education and destroyed almost 200 girls’ schools.

They were ousted two years later in a major military operation. However, the group has been regaining strength since last year, after a fragile truce between the Pakistani Taliban and the state broke down.

All we have to do is to shoot some bureaucrats, local officers and some military personnel in Pakistan.
TTP will be history from next day.

Pagal bna ker rakha Hoa hai subko.
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran should form a Confederation with an Islamic Constitution like the EU. They will have a three times bigger army and a three times stronger economy and the problems of IMF, TTP, IS and BLA will vanish.
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran should form a Confederation with an Islamic Constitution like the EU. They will have a three times bigger army and a three times stronger economy and the problems of IMF, TTP, IS and BLA will vanish.
Please wake up bro it's 2023, Islamists are still sleeping like we are in 1500s

Iranians don't give a **** about whatever you are saying and neither do Afghans

All we have to do is to shoot some bureaucrats, local officers and some military personnel in Pakistan.
TTP will be history from next day.

Pagal bna ker rakha Hoa hai subko.
I wish this was true but no, TTP is strongly entrenched in Waziristan it's not some psy-op saazish
The problem is the locals

At the moment the army is more or less removed,, security has been handed over to police and FC

And it will be a extended period of security operations to try and reduce the jahilat of the tribal pashtuns

We can look the other way, we can make excuses,, we can blame generals, BUT we have had the same or similar problems since the 1940s
The generals are idiots but the basic problem is that the cartoons that live in the tribal areas are a trash people, inclined to jahilat, ethnocentric extremism and needless violence

Remember: The afghanis are your enemies, so whether Afghan Republic or Taliban they will attack you and support the ethnocentric separatists
BUT the Taliban are more isolated, so they are a better option to the Afghan Republic

the ONLY option Pakistan has is gradually increase the border security, add more and more levels of fencing, mines, forts etc and let the local population suffer the consequences of its own jahilat UNTIL they reach a point where THEY THEMSELVES understand violence, deshatgardi and ethnocentric jahilat IS NOT THE OPTION

Afghanistan will always be a dump, it's the people, not the area
Because we have so many of that "type" of people in Pakistan we will also suffer

The Afghan army ran away, Pakistan can't afford to do that,, but if you look they have removed the military and left security for the police and FC which are recruited locally

So at the moment attacks, counter attacks, operations, death and destruction is literally just amongst the local population whether they be part of TTP or security

Everyone else is just looking on, not sure of what to do and how to change these people

The answer to 'How to fix an Afghan ' is not going to come quickly, we just have to hope that repeated disaster for this community will eventually break their spirit and we can try to bring law and order
The problem is the locals

At the moment the army is more or less removed,, security has been handed over to police and FC

And it will be a extended period of security operations to try and reduce the jahilat of the tribal pashtuns

We can look the other way, we can make excuses,, we can blame generals, BUT we have had the same or similar problems since the 1940s
The generals are idiots but the basic problem is that the cartoons that live in the tribal areas are a trash people, inclined to jahilat, ethnocentric extremism and needless violence

Remember: The afghanis are your enemies, so whether Afghan Republic or Taliban they will attack you and support the ethnocentric separatists
BUT the Taliban are more isolated, so they are a better option to the Afghan Republic

the ONLY option Pakistan has is gradually increase the border security, add more and more levels of fencing, mines, forts etc and let the local population suffer the consequences of its own jahilat UNTIL they reach a point where THEY THEMSELVES understand violence, deshatgardi and ethnocentric jahilat IS NOT THE OPTION

Afghanistan will always be a dump, it's the people, not the area
Because we have so many of that "type" of people in Pakistan we will also suffer

The Afghan army ran away, Pakistan can't afford to do that,, but if you look they have removed the military and left security for the police and FC which are recruited locally

So at the moment attacks, counter attacks, operations, death and destruction is literally just amongst the local population whether they be part of TTP or security

Everyone else is just looking on, not sure of what to do and how to change these people

The answer to 'How to fix an Afghan ' is not going to come quickly, we just have to hope that repeated disaster for this community will eventually break their spirit and we can try to bring law and order
To be honest this is the problem with people in Pakistan from my analysis.

Whatever good quality they have, it always goes into the extreme, for example let's take tribal Pashtuns, I admire their fierce independence at the face of anything, but that goes into the extreme where they even butcher each other over small inconveniences which just isn't how a civilised nation behaves.

Then take Punjabis, generally more culturally "progressive" which makes them more receptive to technological advancement which benefits the state - but then many of them go to the extreme where they cuck themselves and support literal degeneracy.

No one in Pakistan has a moderate pool of qualities that doesn't dive into some kind of extreme where it becomes self-harming.

And our dictatorships have been so shit, other countries that have authoritarian rule used it to their advantage to shape their population's psychee, mass industrialisation, etc. Ours used it to plunder resources for personal gain and incredibly botched operations that had minimal benefit.
To be honest this is the problem with people in Pakistan from my analysis.

Whatever good quality they have, it always goes into the extreme, for example let's take tribal Pashtuns, I admire their fierce independence at the face of anything, but that goes into the extreme where they even butcher each other over small inconveniences which just isn't how a civilised nation behaves.

Then take Punjabis, generally more culturally "progressive" which makes them more receptive to technological advancement which benefits the state - but then many of them go to the extreme where they cuck themselves and support literal degeneracy.

No one in Pakistan has a moderate pool of qualities that doesn't dive into some kind of extreme where it becomes self-harming.

Absolutely,, across South Asia the people are shit

Pashtuns may think, oh this dude is picking on us

Nahhh man,, people across South Asia are shit,, from UP to Balochistan, from Afghanistan to Bengal

Some are little bit more shit then others,, but we all share the similar traits of dumbfcuk shitness

The only hope is enough economic development can occur DESPITE the shitness to continue. It does happen, in India despite being a communal shithole because of a large population is seeing the starts of development

in Pakistan, as you say Punjabi are probably most inclined to development and openness whilst still being a generally shit people.
Kashmiri are similar.

Sindhi will see enough sense

but the Baloch and Pashtuns are in the shitness lead and have been their for quite a while..

everyone loves to point fingers NO ONE TAKES RESPONSIBILITY

If these people can't end their tunnel blind ethnocentrism and violent streak which feeds terrorism then we will all suffer but their own children and people suffer first and the most

On a priority, Pakistan needs to get rid of TTP sympathisers in Pakistan Re: IK & PTI.

If IK and PTI has so much love for their pathan brothers, they should move to Afghanistan.

Your just the Punjabi version of pashtunwali dopeyness
Absolutely,, across South Asia the people are shit

Pashtuns may think, oh this dude is picking on us

Nahhh man,, people across South Asia are shit,, from UP to Balochistan, from Afghanistan to Bengal

Some are little bit more shit then others,, but we all share the similar traits of dumbfcuk shitness

The only hope is enough economic development can occur DESPITE the shitness to continue. It does happen, in India despite being a communal shithole because of a large population is seeing the starts of development

in Pakistan, as you say Punjabi are probably most inclined to development and openness whilst still being a generally shit people.
Kashmiri are similar.

Sindhi will see enough sense

but the Baloch and Pashtuns are in the shitness lead and have been their for quite a while..

everyone loves to point fingers NO ONE TAKES RESPONSIBILITY

If these people can't end their tunnel blind ethnocentrism and violent streak which feeds terrorism then we will all suffer but their own children and people suffer first and the most

Your just the Punjabi version of pashtunwali dopeyness
This is why I'm pro-authoritarianism

I want social regimentation that removes the cucked colonial mentality and degeneracy from this population

Your just the Punjabi version of pashtunwali dopeyness
Nah don't be fooled, he's an Indian troll just fucking about
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran should form a Confederation with an Islamic Constitution like the EU. They will have a three times bigger army and a three times stronger economy and the problems of IMF, TTP, IS and BLA will vanish.
Whatever you are smoking is strong stuff

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