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Terrorists from inside Afghanistan across international border.

Groups aligned with TTP

2.Mazar Baloch's Group
4.Jamaatul Ahrar
5.Ghazi Abdul Rashid Shaheed Brigade
6.Tehreek-e-Taliban Punjab
7.Musa Shaheed Karwan group
8.Amjad Farouqi group
9.Hakeem Ullah Mehsud Group
Pak Afghan Affairs

As per local sources in Takhar province, Afghanistan, approximately 300 TTP fighters have been relocated by the Afghan Taliban in the province.

According to sources on Thursday, June 15, these armed fighters, equipped with light and heavy weapons, were initially stationed near the Kokcha Bridge in the Khaja-Ghar district, at a location known as Kandak since June 7. They were moved under the command of senior Taliban officials.

The sources state that these fighters were then transferred and relocated three days ago to the village of Panganai in the Dasht-e Qala district of Takhar province by the Taliban.

Reports indicate that last week, Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting Minister of Interior of the Taliban, traveled to Takhar and held secret meetings with Taliban commanders and influential Pashtun leaders.
Confirmed ...
Sources in Afghanistan have confirmed that Sarbakaf Mohmand, former commander of the banned militant group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA), has died in Afghanistan. He was poisoned by unidentified persons and was undergoing medical treatment within Afghanistan.

Sarbakaf Mohmand's killing marks a significant development in the ongoing struggle against terrorism in the region.

As a key figure within the TTP and a former commander of JuA, he held considerable influence and was known for his involvement in various extremist activities.

Sherani. Balochistan.
Danasar Posts - 200 M Dist FC - Police
02 Jul 2023

Terrorists carried out SAs Fire on Danasar Post. our troops engaged terrorists with aval weapons.

On 0300 Fire Stopped.
1x NCO Hav H** Injured (Stable)
1x NCB S**Martyred.

We need to build the great wall of Pakistan on our western border.

What's happening in France will happen in Pakistan soon as the refugees continue to pour in


As June 2023 comes to an end, the Pakistan Joint Security Forces remain steadfastly and wholly committed to the Pakistani War Against Terrorism.

This unending national effort is nowadays led primarily by the Pakistan Army and specifically by its XI Corps (HQ: Peshawar, Commander: Lieutenant General Sardar Hassan Azhar Hayat) which covers the most threat-intensive region in our western border, and the overall highest insurgency-saturated area of Afghanistan, by protecting and watching both the Pakistani border and the inner motherland, throughout the entirety of the KPK province.

Here’s a brief monthly run-up of COIN operations of June 2023 conducted in the Pakistan Army XI Corps’ Area of Responsibility (AOR).

Terrorist Enemy Combatants killed in the XI Corps’ AOR for June 2023 is 47 targets eliminated, in 131 various counterinsurgency (COIN) intelligence-based operations (IBOs).

In this effort, at least 60 terrorist attacks, or an average of two per day, were preemptively foiled by these proactive measures, throughout Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, conducted by all elements of the Pakistan Joint Security Forces, which is a de-facto major integrated antiterrorist joint force, and such includes the Pakistan Army (XI Corps), Provincial/Federal Paramilitary (FC KPK), Provincial Law Enforcement Agencies (KPK Police and CTD), local gendarmerie (Levies), tribal peace committees, and the various member agencies of the Intelligence Community of Pakistan.

Together, they fight (with their lives on the line) day and night, against a horde of consistently well-supplied and well-armed foreign terrorist threats.

In Afghanistan, a highly skilled and unidentified team achieved a successful operation by eliminating Tariq, alias Bitan Kharab s/o Muhammad Rafiq, R/O Muslim a bad Koz Sherpalam Matta.

Tariq was a notorious terrorist affiliated with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). He was considered one of the most wanted individuals on the list of targets for security forces.

The precision and effectiveness of the team's operation led to the successful neutralization of this high-value target, bringing a significant blow to the TTP's operations and ensuring the safety of countless lives.

Warning ... Graphic Content

𝐓𝐞𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧 - 𝐓𝐓𝐏
& 𝐓𝐞𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐞 𝐉𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧 - 𝐓𝐉𝐏 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬

The connection between Tehreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Tehreek Jihad Pakistan has been brought to light. Asad Afridi, a self-proclaimed governor of Dera Ismail Khan from the banned TTP, and Tehreek Jihad Pakistan have both claimed responsibility for an attack on an army cantonment in the Zhob area of Balochistan.

This revelation has shed light on the relationship between TTP and Tehreek Jihad Pakistan, and the key details are as follows:

To evade increased pressure from the Afghan Interim Government, the TTP has been using the pseudonym Tehreek Jihad Pakistan for various claims. However, following the Zhob attack, the statements made by TTP-affiliated terrorist Asad Afridi have put the TTP leadership in a difficult position, as their falsehoods have been exposed.

In his own account, Asad Afridi dismissed Tehreek Jihad Pakistan as a fictitious and superficial organization and labeled the individuals involved in the Zhob attack as TTP terrorists. The expulsion of Asad Afridi and the conflicting narratives have significantly revealed the internal turmoil within the TTP.

This recent development has once again laid bare the lies and hypocrisy of the TTP.

It is now incumbent upon the Afghan Interim Government to not be swayed by the false tactics employed by the TTP and to take effective action against the terrorists taking shelter on Afghan soil.


Eagle Eye


Pakistan asks Afghan govt to fulfill promises on terror threats​

by The Frontier Post


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has reaffirmed its commitment to engage with Afghanistan on all aspects of cooperation and concerns including issues relating to terror threats.

Addressing weekly news briefing at Foreign Ministry in Islamabad on Thursday, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch urged the Afghan authorities to fulfill their promises that their soil will not be used for terrorism against Pakistan.

She said it is their responsibility to ensure that their land is not used against Pakistan, and Afghan authorities have accepted this responsibility on various occasions.
In Sharna, Paktika Afghanistan,
Muhammad Dowizai, a prominent commander Jamat Al Ahrar, was killed by unidentified Persons.

The assassination of Muhammad Dowizai appears to be indicative of escalating internal disputes within various factions of the TTP.
He hailed from the Dowizai area of Pandiyali Tehsil, located in the Mohmand Agency.
His two brothers, Jafar and Qari Qadim, were also killed by US forces in Afghanistan.



Pakistan asks Kabul not to let its soil be used for terrorism

July 14, 2023

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has reaffirmed its commitment to engage with Afghanistan on all aspects of cooperation and concern, including issues relating to terror threats.

At her weekly news briefing here on Thursday, Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch urged Afghan authorities to fulfil their promises that their soil will not be used for terrorism against Pakistan.

She said it was their responsibility to ensure that their land was not used against Pakistan, and Afghan authorities had accepted this responsibility on various occasions.

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