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Terrorists from inside Afghanistan across international border.

Eagle Eye PSF

Bajaur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ••
Infiltration attempt from Pak-Afghan border foiled TTP terrorists (Afghan Citizens) tried to infiltrate from Pak-Afghan border area adjacent to Bajaur. Which was thwarted by the security forces.



One terrorist was killed in the exchange of fire. While one wounded terrorist was arrested. However, one terrorist escaped back to Afghanistan with injuries. Modern American weapons recovered from the possession of terrorists.


These new generation of terrorists / Afghan citizens were specially trained for terrorism in Pakistan. The Afghan Interim Government will have to find a permanent solution to this problem.
North Waziristan two terrorists killed in exchange of fire 01 injured .

Two Afghan terrorists were killed and one seriously injured in an exchange of fire between terrorists and security forces in Kaka Khel area of Ghariom tehsil.
One security personal injured in the attack.
A truck attempting to smuggle a large cache of weapons into Pakistan was intercepted at the Torkham border crossing from Afghanistan.

The truck was found to be carrying 88 assault rifles and 600 bags of ammunition concealed in hidden compartments underneath the vehicle.

The driver was taken into custody and admitted under interrogation that he had been hired by militant groups to transport the weapons to their members operating in Pakistan.

This successful interdiction prevented these dangerous weapons from being used to commit acts of violence and terrorism within Pakistan.

So they are terrorists because they don’t follow law and constitution of Pakistan and they use force against the citizens of Pakistan that don’t agree with them… hmmm sounds familiar🤔
A well equipped member this squad of banned terrorist organization tried to infiltrate through Pak Afghan border adjacent to North Waziristan and was successfully shot down by Pakistan Security forces, while his other accomplice escaped back to Afghanistan.


Muslim Bagh Balochistan Op One of the Eliminated Afghan terrorists


In the Khewa district of Nangarhar, Afghanistan, Afghan Special Forces conducted a successful operation targeting ISKP militants.

During the operation, they eliminated a high-ranking ISKP commander and the shadow governor of eastern Laghman, Turab Bajuri, along with his comrade Gul Bari. Bajuri, who had previously defected from the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), joined ISKP in 2015.

He played a significant role as a trusted associate of ISKP's emir, Abu Saeed Muhajir.



After massive pressure from Pakistan, Afghan Taliban regime has started relocating the TTP militants stationed at Pakistan-Afghanistan International Border to far provinces of Afghanistan says Afghan Taliban regime spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid.
After massive pressure from Pakistan, Afghan Taliban regime has started relocating the TTP militants stationed at Pakistan-Afghanistan International Border to far provinces of Afghanistan says Afghan Taliban regime spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid.
Point them in the direction of Kashmir and Jerusalem.

‘Most wanted terrorist’ Sanaullah Ghafari killed in Afghanistan​

Ghafari aka Shahabul Muhajir was involved in multiple attacks in Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan
June 09, 2023

sanaullah ghafari aka shahabul muhajir photo express

Sanaullah Ghafari aka Shahabul Muhajir

Most wanted terrorist and killer of many innocent people Sanaullah Ghafari aka Shahabul Muhajir has been killed in the Afghan city of Kunar, Express News reported.

The killed terrorist was not only wanted in Pakistan but also at an international level. Ghafari had migrated from India along with his family to Afghanistan, while he lived in the Afghan capital Kabul, where he received religious education at a madrasah.

Ghafari, involved in multiple attacks in Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Pakistan, was also active in Afghanistan. Since April 2020, he has been serving as the head of operations for the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), overseeing all its operations.

In December 2021, the United Nations, the United States, and the European Union designated him as a global terrorist and included him in their sanctions list.

Along with the global terrorist designation, the United Nations, the United States, and the European Union had also placed a bounty of $10 million on his head.

Ghafari remained a key figure as the mastermind and operations lead behind numerous attacks in Pakistan and around the world.

The series of heinous attacks he orchestrated include the attack on the Pakistani embassy in Kabul, the suicide bombing at an Imam Bargah in Peshawar
, the jailbreak in Nangarhar, rocket attacks in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, the explosion at the shrine of Shah Chiragh in Iran, suicide attack on the largest Shia mosque in Mazar-e-Sharif, suicide attack on the Russian embassy, attack on Chinese nationals, and the attack on Kabul International Airport, among countless other incidents of international significance.

The US State Department Bureau also revealed in its tweet that Sanaullah Ghafari was the most important member of ISIS-K and was responsible for approving all operations and raising funds for terrorist operations.

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