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Qatar shuts down the company "Dahra Global Technologies" that was involved in Qatar's submarine program's details espionage


Nov 27, 2017
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Reportedly, Qatar
shuts down the company "Dahra Global Technologies" that was involved in Qatar's submarine program's details espionage. Now, approximately 75 Indian
employees (mostly former Indian Navy officers) have now been sacked from the jobs & asked to go back to India. Earlier, 8 Former Indian Navy officers who were working in Darha Global Technologies were accused of spying for Israel. These 8 Indians were transferring classified information about Qatar's submarine program to Israel. They were immediately arrested after being exposed & now they are likely to face death penalty as per Qatari Laws. Indian Intelligence Agency has claimed that Pakistan's
Intelligence Agency has helped Qatari Intelligence Agency by providing them information about our 8 former navy officers that exposed them & led to their arrest.


Cherry on top :-) Pakistan Zindabad
why Qatar using Indians

everyone knows Indians by default will side with a mad dog if its against Muslims

Jews hate Indians because they are idol worshipers yet Indians loves to lift Israeli balls?

Qatar should know better
This news brought a smile to my face. Love it when these dirty scum get to face their own music.
Good going Qatar, hopefully the rest of the middleeast can open their eyes too.
Relax. Indians will accuse Pakistan of anything bad that remotely happens to them. :lol:
There is no doubt that all of us are aware of how a harami Indian mindset works. However, I am very happy to see that the Qatari nail has been inserted into the Indian a$$.

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