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Paranormal Experiences - Post yours

If you cant back some thing up with Quran and authentic sunnah/hadeth, it has no value in Islam. Please tell where the Prophet said you can gain guidance from spirits from Barzakh - sadly you wont find any Sahih hadeeth to support all such claims.

O bhai kahan pohanch gai ho!

Who is Khizar in Quran and who ordered him to Assist Moosa? This will answer your Question. When Allah wills someone, He will assign someone from the unknown to assist some. Quran refer this knowledge as ilm al ladunni

On the authority of Abu Huraira who said: The Messenger of Allah (upon whom be Allah’s blessings and peace) said: “Allah the Almighty has said, ‘Whoever has mutual animosity with a friend (wali) of Mine, I declare war upon him. My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more beloved to Me than the religious duties that I have imposed upon him; and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory work such that I love him. And when I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks. Were he to ask of Me, I would surely give him; and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it.” (Recorded in al-Bukhari)
Who is Khizar in Quran and who ordered him to Assist Moosa? This will answer your Question. When Allah wills someone, He will assign someone from the unknown to assist some.

Yes, but Musa Alayhis salaam was a prophet
Yes, but Musa Alayhis salaam was a prophet

It is God prerogative, who he sends what to guide Pious people. Do you have proof Khidar can't be send to Saints to give them knowledge ?

I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. However, it is possible that people may be visited by angels in the form of Humans.
That is as far as experiences including angels stretch, according to the quran and sunnah

On the authority of Abu Huraira who said: The Messenger of Allah (upon whom be Allah’s blessings and peace) said: “Allah the Almighty has said, ‘Whoever has mutual animosity with a friend (wali) of Mine, I declare war upon him. My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more beloved to Me than the religious duties that I have imposed upon him; and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory work such that I love him. And when I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks. Were he to ask of Me, I would surely give him; and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it.” (Recorded in al-Bukhari)
Who is Khizar in Quran and who ordered him to Assist Moosa? This will answer your Question. When Allah wills someone, He will assign someone from the unknown to assist some. Quran refer this knowledge as ilm al ladunni

On the authority of Abu Huraira who said: The Messenger of Allah (upon whom be Allah’s blessings and peace) said: “Allah the Almighty has said, ‘Whoever has mutual animosity with a friend (wali) of Mine, I declare war upon him. My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more beloved to Me than the religious duties that I have imposed upon him; and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory work such that I love him. And when I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks. Were he to ask of Me, I would surely give him; and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it.” (Recorded in al-Bukhari)
They ask like they are the authority on religious text and spend every minute of their day according to the instructions in Koran and Hadith. In reality, after analysis, one gets to know they are just there to challenge through arguments and questions to win dialogue, and nothing else.

It is God prerogative, who he sends what to guide Pious people. Do you have proof Khidar can't be send to Saints to give them knowledge ?
Having a good sitting with a 50+, 60+, 70+ years old men who have seen life not through the lens of internet but with their heart and soul is an experience of its own.

When such childish questions and statements are thrown around by members, one can see these people have not stepped out for sake of knowledge neither read books on the subject.

You possess the aptitude to bear their childishness, I smile and move on.
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People here won't understand the spiritual journey and experience and arguing with them only leaves a bad taste in mouth . If only they had read Shahab-Nama of Qudratullah Shahab, they'd know what you are talking about. The Owaisiya Chain (Silsala Owaisiya) which began with Hazrat Owais Qarni R.A who never met Prophet Mohammed PBUH. In this Chain, Person gets his spiritual knowledge and training through Aalim e Barzakh Spirits. Spirits of Waliullahs train the Owaisiya Chain people through dreams and visiting them in person. Qudrutullah Shahab belong this chain. Professor Kamal Bagh hussain is another who belong this chain

All other Naqshabani and sufi chains emphasis on the physical presence of Sheikh to begin their Spritual journey
When I read shahabnama, the thing that contended me was that was a biography and not a work of fiction. Otherwise Qudrutullah was well known in his peers ( government employees in high places + all literary renowned authors ), so he wouldn’t be mucking around with spiritual experiences.

Secondly, idiots existed before in time too, before internet. So Waris Shah’s, Heer Ranjha, was his own experience, but he wrote it in a story form as it’s a creation of his imagination. Many other authors did the same but Shahab Sahab arrived boldly on this matter prompting Mumtaz Mufti to mention his spiritual side in Alakh Nagri.
Khidir in Quran who assist prophet Musa (Moses) is most probably human, not Angel, since there is no information in Quran said he is an Angel.

That verse in Quran, in my opinion, just stated that many human outside of prophet has also had high knowledge and close relationship to God.

That verse also told us that something that may not look good/against Shariah law can still be the best choice under particular circumstances.

This shows that in Islam we have flexibility.
If you ever have time, Read Professor Kamal Bagh hussain book Haal - e - Safar. He reached the zenith of his Spiritual Journey and was handling Spiritual matters of this Wordly earth. He was assigned the duty to get the russians out of Afghanistan in 80's and was a spiritual teacher of Zia
Thanks for recommending the book.

Due to my privileged background, I travelled extensively in Pakistan to meet different people including pirs, fakirs etc, in my teens and 20’s. I met fake ones a lot too. I found good ones in rural areas like villages and in some towns like Jhelum or attock. The story then went forward to Turkey,Iran, KSA, India and Egypt.

Books were another form of knowledge, although internet had birthed voraciously at that time. Books are theoretically written. One can visualise bit sometimes eyes long for that practical thirst, to see, to experience first hand, to feel heart beat then.

I also came across the raiwind and tableeghi people ( I hold nothing against them). For learning and understanding , one has to keep mind open.
Having a good sitting with a 50+, 60+, 70+ years old men who have seen life not through the lens of internet but with their heart and soul is an experience of its own.

When such childish questions and statements are thrown around by members, one can see these people have not stepped out for sake of knowledge neither read books on the subject.

You possess the aptitude to bear their childishness, I smile and move on.
I wrote a long post for you and deleted.
Thanks for recommending the book.

Due to my privileged background, I travelled extensively in Pakistan to meet different people including pirs, fakirs etc, in my teens and 20’s. I met fake ones a lot too. I found good ones in rural areas like villages and in some towns like Jhelum or attock. The story then went forward to Turkey,Iran, KSA, India and Egypt.

Books were another form of knowledge, although internet had birthed voraciously at that time. Books are theoretically written. One can visualise bit sometimes eyes long for that practical thirst, to see, to experience first hand, to feel heart beat then.

I also came across the raiwind and tableeghi people ( I hold nothing against them). For learning and understanding , one has to keep mind open.
I am sorry to say, but looks like you are struggling to get back (or missing) what you experienced, but .......

Sorry, I am just stupid.
This shows that in Islam we have flexibility.

Yes that is what the Quran emphasizes to think for one's self. But many Hadiths are absolutist and even pagan in origin.

I only trust Hadiths that are ethical the rest are ignorant and anti-Islamic. One issue is Hadiths are too diverse.
Brothers here is the story that I referenced I was going to write about.

A few years back my brother was involved in a horrific car crash. He was ok and emerged with minor injuries. His car was totally written off, yes it was a sports version.

After being discharged from hospital he came home and went to sleep. Later on in the night he rang me and instantly I knew something was wrong. The time was 12.00 midnight and he was crying. I asked him what was wrong and he said something very evil and huge was grabbing him as he tried to sleep, and he couldn't fight it off. I laughed and put it down to PTSD from the crash and told him to go to sleep. He phones again 2 minutes later and is now screaming and I'm like oh Lord! Now my brother is a powerful built man, tall and has competed in full contact martial arts, so for him to be scared was quite something. I asked him again what was wrong and he told me the same thing that something very powerful, dark and with a horrid face was trying to wake him. At the time I told him to recite surah Ikhlas and put on the azan in the background from his laptop. He did this and then told me to stay on the phone. Agreeing to his request I waited on the phone with him for 15 mins and nothing happened. I told him to sleep and I would speak to him in the morning.

The morning came and he told me he fell into a sound sleep and nothing happened. As the day went on and evening came I rang him. This time round he sounded anxious and I asked him what was wrong. He said he had gone into the bedroom where his wife and child shared (they were not there) and had heard a demonic laugh. He spoke and asked if anyone was there and this time the laugh got louder and more sinister until it turned into continues cackling. I told him to stay strong and I will try to ask people about it. He said ok.

A rang him the next day and there was nothing to report. The day after he phoned and told me something horrible had happened. He had come into this bedroom and saw the white large inbuilt cupboards covered in black writing that he has never seen. I asked him if he could describe or even draw the writing, he told me he was scared and said ok. He drew and described it to me and then sent me details. I couldn't make heads or tails of it but it looked satanic. I searched paranormal sites for magic writing and to my horror found this;



The writing matched ancient black magic tablets from Babylon! I then knew this was a wicked and very old entity, five thousand years old to my estimate. I promised now I was going to find expert help.

Now you might be thinking why on earth this thing was interested in him. Sadly my brother had an interest in the occult quite a number of years ago. He read it for research and of course is a Muslim and practiced but left these books in his room. After getting nightmare after nightmare and bad occurrences happening to him when he had them in his possession, he got rid of them by burning them. This creature must taken an interest in him and waited till he was vulnerable. If you speak to an expert in ruqyah and Imams they will tell you demons attack when you are in a vulnerable emotional state. He had just had an accident.

The next evening something again happened and this involved his baby girl. He went over to the cot when she was crying to console her and coming up to her found her face to be a horrible face of a demon. He turned away and prayed, looked back and it was still there. He carried on praying until her face had returned to a normal state in his eyes. Demons are masters of casting illusions.
After hearing this I was incredibly angry as this vile being was hurting him in ways that I have never heard of. So that night I gave a call to a friend to contact an expert ruqih who was also an Imam of a major masjid. I myself when to sleep that night vowing to kill this thing. At 03.00 am I had a dream that I was in my parents house where my brother lived. I went up the stairs towards his bedroom where this entity was residing. Immediately I felt a towel go around my neck and begin to strangle me. I started to recite surah Ikhlas and the towel loosened and dropped and I heard something running away with thuds. Having awoke I felt my throat and indeed it has been squeezed and there was tightness. I told my wife about it.

Having made contact with the Imam myself, my brother and a dear friend went together to a big city in the Midlands. During the journey he told us that it was getting worse, I told him not to worry. We arrived at the mosque and got and went to the door where we were greeted by the caretaker. They took us to the Imam's room where two other imams were waiting. I will never forget the look on their faces when my brother entered the room, they literally were shocked and stared at him, as if they knew he had something horribly wrong with them. They asked him questions about drugs and drink, which was great as they were trying to eliminate other problem sources. They asked about mental health and if he prayed, and he was fine according to them. They then recited the Quran and various surahs and kept blowing on him. He didn't react which was a good sign. They then read over water and gave it to him to drink. ALL these actions are from the Quran and Sunnah, no mumbo jumbo e.g. false talismans, weird chanting, burning of strange smells, money exchanged etc. They then told him to take the water (which had quran read over it ) and scatter it all over the house, the four corners of his bedroom, and over himself when he showered. Literally as soon as he came home and did this everything stopped. The power of Allah overcame this entity and he never saw or heard anything again.

This was the most insane experience I had and there was so many improbable things and coincidences happening for it not to be the real deal.

Say your prayers, stay away from major sins and trust in Allah.

@Cookie Monster
@WarKa DaNG
I have been facing this situation of demonic attacks for a while, I know who the people are doing this on me and I have to contend with it. I would say that the people doing it to me have had to change their magician a few times because the attacks on me while I sleep happen for several months but then they stop and begin again.

Because I know the people, who are my relatives in Pakistan. They often try to find out how I am.

By the grace of Allah still here and fighting it. The biggest weapon against these unseen entities are your own willpower and resilience. If you don't cave into the fear then these unseen entities cannot fully take their hold on you. Secondly or rather the absolute most importantly is being connected to Allah.

I wasn't Religious and didn't used to pray but after having faced these occurrences from the unseen. Well I had to change my ways. I once met this Hindu Guy who was a magician and I was stunned when he told me that those who recite The Quran cannot be under influence of magic and unseen demonic entities.

So, with what you have written its sad that people ha 0 idea when they casually get involved in this. The thing is we as humans we exist in the physical plane. You can touch things that are solid and feel things that of physical characteristics. Overlapping our plane of existence is another 'dimension' where these demonic entities exist.

I believe its called the interstices when the two plains or dimensions cross. plane or dimension of humans and unseen entities.

When a human starts to practise magic which connects humans through a 'portal' via interstices to the unseen entities. This opening of the portal brings out entities which are Never friendly to humans. Once this portal is opened it will never close. That is why these demonic unseen entities will harm you and can continue to harm your generations to come.

Hence we as Muslims are strictly forbidden from practising magic. But sadly so many do and some do it thinking that they can gain something. You cannot gain anything but problems from these entities.
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This and jinns are a big part of Arab folklore.
there is a member, Indus Pakistan, a few years ago he opened a topic on Jinns and that was a long discussion.

I wrote a long post for you and deleted.
Why did you delete ?
I am sorry to say, but looks like you are struggling to get back (or missing) what you experienced, but .......

Sorry, I am just stupid.
I’m much ahead than before.
Who is Khizar in Quran and who ordered him to Assist Moosa? This will answer your Question. When Allah wills someone, He will assign someone from the unknown to assist some. Quran refer this knowledge as ilm al ladunni
I asked about a so called saint controlling the spirit world, and you are pointing out Khizir EAS? Did I raise questions about Khizir? NO. What is in Quran we believe every word , what is not in Quran its not word of Allah than.
So to clarify, just because Khizir was blessed with powers it doesn’t mean our pir saab can get it - it is actually against the sunnah to hold such beliefs. Even our Prophet SAW never claimed to control spirits and win wars through them - he actually fought and got wounded just like a human.
And yes Allah wills, but what is Allah’s will can be revealed by him, and the last communication was through Prophet SAW - that door is closed now.

On the authority of Abu Huraira who said: The Messenger of Allah (upon whom be Allah’s blessings and peace) said: “Allah the Almighty has said, ‘Whoever has mutual animosity with a friend (wali) of Mine, I declare war upon him. My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more beloved to Me than the religious duties that I have imposed upon him; and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory work such that I love him. And when I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks. Were he to ask of Me, I would surely give him; and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it.” (Recorded in al-Bukhari)
You are misrepresenting and misinterpreting grossly. Yes Allah can provide, but what he will provide has been laid down and explained in Quran and Sunnah. The barzakh and spirits have been explained in sunnah, and no where there is a way for a human to control them - if it is possible please provide the proof (and please don’t bring example of Nabi like Salaman EAS - they are one off examples and we only believe because the Quran says so).
I asked about a so called saint controlling the spirit world, and you are pointing out Khizir EAS? Did I raise questions about Khizir? NO. What is in Quran we believe every word , what is not in Quran its not word of Allah than.
So to clarify, just because Khizir was blessed with powers it doesn’t mean our pir saab can get it - it is actually against the sunnah to hold such beliefs. Even our Prophet SAW never claimed to control spirits and win wars through them - he actually fought and got wounded just like a human.
And yes Allah wills, but what is Allah’s will can be revealed by him, and the last communication was through Prophet SAW - that door is closed now.

You are misrepresenting and misinterpreting grossly. Yes Allah can provide, but what he will provide has been laid down and explained in Quran and Sunnah. The barzakh and spirits have been explained in sunnah, and no where there is a way for a human to control them - if it is possible please provide the proof (and please don’t bring example of Nabi like Salaman EAS - they are one off examples and we only believe because the Quran says so).
I had such discussions long time. Books like Karamat e Sahaba and Karamat e Awliyah give references from various sources including hadith and then there are many other books, still such arguments result in a stalemate. Who wants to change opinions which are defended such starkly. Basically comes down to - to each his own. Everybody finds God in his own way, including sunni, shia, hindu, christian, sikh, buddhist etc. Maybe they are destined to find God in a certian path.

I find Rumi's example most useful as it makes matters variable. Rumi was a scholar, an imam, a khateeb/molvi giving sermons with full command on Tafseer, Hadith and jursiprudence of Islam. He met Shams at age of 38 and Shams told him to choose the line of a poet rather than scholar. Rumi accepted him as a teacher/friend and changed at such a mature age. He then said, "Unlearning, is the greatest form of learning".

Shams showed him another way than the path by the book. That way was the way of Divine love, the spiritual love. Rumi understood the path he had taken when asked by Shams to bring two bottles of wine from the tavern, where everybody was shocked when the greatest Islamic scholar of Konya walked in to buy wine. He brought the bottles of wine back to Shams who spilled them in the garden.

Arguments, arguments, arguments. There is a stage ahead of it and then there is a stage without it. Rumi took the stage without arguing with Shams, but Ahmad Raza khan Barelvi took the stage of arguing especially in his book "Roohon Ki Duniya".

I don't want to give the examples of ashaba karam as the theme becomes religious, but in the book ,"Mushkil Kusha" (based on Hazrat Ali R.A), you will find how he got accusations and how he got the elevated in history of Islam and became close to Hazrat Muhammad SAW. That is not just one book, there are many books on him. There are also books on poetry he wrote.

Its the tears in eyes at nigh, the softness of heart, the physical strength to stand or sit all night in one ablution till fajr, the burning desire in heart with constant fast hear beat like a yearning that attracts me about divine love and spirituality. The cleanliness of the soul from any form of negativity like jealousy, hatred, stubbornness, rigidity of thoughts, depression, doubts, tension, stress, anger etc.

The passion for divine love which wakes up a person at tahajud time without the use of alarm clock, when one can offer his tears to God sitting on a prayer mat. These tears soften the heart. These tears come when one is modest and cries not for the problems he has but out of love that he has for Hazrat Muhammad SAW. How he craves every night that Dear God, I want to see, i want to feel, i want to hear, one and only one, Hazrat Muhammad SAW, oh God, at least let me see Hazrat Muhammad SAW in my dream, for all day while Im working my mind is stuck on him (SAW), all the time im watching Tv with my family, my mind is thinking of him (SAW), all the time Im eating, drinking, walking, my mind only yearns for him (SAW).

This above is a lucky state for that mind, that heart, that thought which yearns and cries for Hazrat Muhammad SAW, I doubt that any negative thought will enter it since it has no space for such thoughts, that mind is completely filled for one yearning only - to become close to Hazrat Muhammad SAW.

Now there are other ways of course. Recite darood shareef, follow Sunnah, act upon Hadith shareef. And then just go by the book, go for Allah instead of craving for Hazrat Muhammad SAW. Like I said, to each his own.
It was 2008. Nawaz sharif was dead over 10 years ago but all of sudden appears out of thin air and everyone chants sheir agaya.


It is 2022 ishaq dar is London hiding from the law. all of sudden he lands in chartered plane. This was very odd and weird
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