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Pakistan signs peace pact with militants in Swat

It is an English word.

Quit grabbing my hand! ;)

You are not an infant!

In so far as the topic is concerned, Mehsud is a terrorist and the action taken by the US and the PA are correct since extra constitutional authorities that challenge the State cannot be allowed to bloom and blossom at will.

Weeds have to be removed if one wants to have a great garden (Gulistan)!

i told u tell me the meanin of the word, n u tellin me that it is n english word:rofl:

acha now u goin to tell me who i m (Infant or n adult)??? n Mr. i dont give a damn to even touch ur hand (really feel sorry for this kind of low thinkin of urs)!!!:blah:

now dont keep on replyin to my post n make it a fight!!!:sick:
This so called deal is really dangerous i feel it is equal to 1971. Just seems like a time bomb waiting to explode pakistan in to too many tiny states.

I beg to differ, 1971 was totally different from current situation and it could only happen since the two wings were seperated (1600km) by a hostile neighbor.

Look at the 15 point deal, its meant for political stability and peace in the region and will not empower militants.
There is definitely need to panic how cum a country cant deploy its own army in a particular region. Just because some local leader doesn't want. So who rules there. pakistan government or the local leader. I think this deal should be scrapped and pakistan army should kill those buggers.

Tribal area's have constitutional protection, army can not enter without breaking the laws.
Things would be different if we annexed it and brought it under central rule.

US slams Pakistan pact with al-Qa'ida-linked rebels

Bruce Loudon. South Asia correspondent | May 23, 2008

THE first of Pakistan's proposed peace pacts with al-Qa'ida- and Taliban-linked militants was signed yesterday, only hours after the White House's top policy-maker on the region warned of dire consequences for the battle against global terrorism.

As government negotiators and militant representatives in North West Frontier Province signed the historic deal, US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte warned of "an outcome that will give extremist elements the ability ... to carry out attacks on Pakistan, on Afghanistan, or the US or the rest of the world".

Referring to Pakistan's overall quest for peace with the militants, he told a congressional hearing in Washington: "There is a lot at stake here and we have made that point repeatedly."

Mr Negroponte appeared to seek to directly undermine the negotiations Pakistan's new, democratically elected rulers were holding with the militants.

Pakistan is in talks on a second peace accord with top jihadi commander Baitullah Mehsud, but Mr Negroponte yesterday advised the Pakistani Government to arrest the rebel leader.

He said "one of the metrics" by which any Pakistani success in the battle against extremism could be judged would be "if you saw the Government operating effectively against some of those militant extremists, like, for example, bringing Baitullah Mehsud ... capturing him and bringing him to justice, which is what should happen to him".

Mehsud, the pre-eminent militant leader in Pakistan, commands an army of more than 20,000 men in South Waziristan and has been blamed for most of the suicide bombings in the country, including Benazir Bhutto's assassination last December.

The Government in Islamabad, far from bowing to Washington's demands, is about to sign a peace deal with him that has already had Pakistan's army pulling out of South Waziristan.

The political parties that formed a federal coalition government seven weeks ago are offering peace to militants who renounce violence, in an attempt to end a wave of bombings that have killed hundreds of people and shaken Pakistan over the past year.

Yesterday's first formal agreement, covering the highly strategic Swat valley north of Islamabad, was seen as a significant victory for militants who have waged a violent campaign for the imposition of fundamentalist sharia law.

The 16-point deal, signed in Peshawar after 13 days of negotiations between NWFP provincial government ministers and militants, will lead to a withdrawal of government troops, the establishment of a parallel administration and the imposition of sharia law in line with militant demands.

In return, the militants will close down training camps, halt suicide bombing attacks on government targets and security forces, and hand over so-called "foreign fighters" - generally seen as a euphemism for al-Qa'ida insurgents.

They will also halt their campaign against polio vaccinations, stop their attacks on barbers who shave off men's beards, stop blowing up music and video stores, and cease attacks aimed at closing girls' schools.

The charismatic militant cleric who leads the jihadis in Swat, Maulana Qazi Fazlullah, will be allowed to resume the potent radio broadcasts that have led to his being known as "Maulana FM" and done much to stir up the anti-government uprising.

Despite misgivings from the US and the coalition forces fighting in Afghanistan, officials in Islamabad see the accord as a historic and groundbreaking development that signals real progress in their quest for a peaceful solution to militancy in the country.

Western officials have expressed concern that any deals would be poorly enforced and would simply allow Taliban and al-Qai'da militants to carry out more attacks in Afghanistan and plot terror strikes in the West.

US slams Pakistan pact with al-Qa'ida-linked rebels | The Australian
i'm more of a shoot now take names later kinda person this deal actually seems ok from the looks of it people still seem to have the freedom of choice with the added benefit of violence dying out it's already seems to be working theres hardly been any fighting in FATA for a while now hope it stays like that.
One thing though mullah radio should be shut down period.
What I really don't understand is why doesn't the NATO work with the PA? Or is it that there is a mutual lack of trust?.

NATO is good for nothing. It had failed to extend the writ of the Afghan government beyond Kabul plus despite having most modern equipment and air support it has failed to bring any kind of peace in Afghanistan nor able to contain anti-coalition forces there. Besides we don’t need it inside our country.
And BTW when letting the terrorist backed by anti-Pakistan countries inside Pakistan by NATO and US can ease the burden on them in Afghanistan by creating chose in Pakistan why would NATO try to work with PA.

Won't sealing the border be unpopular with the people living close to the border? If it isn't, why doesn't Pakistan unilaterally do so? I'm sure nobody would mind....

Because it will starve the Afghans to death.
Further we had proposed and tried to fence and mine it but the so-called civilized world and big powers started crying. the puppet Karzai was more vocal against fencing the Pak-Afghan border cuz he knows it will be difficult for him to push the drug pushers, terrorists and smugglers into Pakistan.

Further, there is no external hand in Mehsud's rise... I don't see the connection... perhaps you could explain me better.
You failed to read between the lines. Mehsud is involved in facilitating killing of Chines in NWFP in the meanwhile BLA did the same in Balochistan. Mehsud is also well in the range of US satellites but interestingly he was never spotted ;).
Baitullah Mehsud also had stalks and role in Lal Masjid episode. The Rashid brothers and terrorists of Baitullah Mehsud had connections. Maulana Rashid was killed due to these same terrorists when he was held hostage inside Lal Masjid by them otherwise he was not so much fool to get himself killed but alas he paid the price for sheltering men of Mehsud.
On the behest of Mehsud men the Lal Masjid students kidnapped Chines women massage parlor workers which led to the tension between China and Pakistan.
Now who do you think don’t to create tension between Pakistan and China ???
Who has PIA over Gwadar and Chines strengthening role in the region????
Its obvious.
Interestingly the American journalists were easily roaming in and out of the Lal Masjid without any fear at that time.
Man.. NATO is doing jack for countering terrorism.. the situation has gotten very ugly in NWFP.. the west must understand that the more rag heads we kill the more they will pop up... and plus when we kill these creatures some politicians have sympathy towards these people and the people who fallow them like blind sheeps are told that the army and musharraf are killing our own brothers and sisters! hell even our deposed judges had sympathy for these creatures..
This so called War on terror has generated more suicide attacks in muslim countries then their true enemy the west.
if we kill this Baitullah Mehsud another same type creature will be placed to over the control and their main masters are enemy of pakistan and ISlam..!
Man.. NATO is doing jack for countering terrorism.. the situation has gotten very ugly in NWFP.. the west must understand that the more rag heads we kill the more they will pop up... and plus when we kill these creatures some politicians have sympathy towards these people and the people who fallow them like blind sheeps are told that the army and musharraf are killing our own brothers and sisters! hell even our deposed judges had sympathy for these creatures..
This so called War on terror has generated more suicide attacks in muslim countries then their true enemy the west.
if we kill this Baitullah Mehsud another same type creature will be placed to over the control and their main masters are enemy of pakistan and ISlam..!

very true that we had suffered alot in this war on terror for the sake of US.
But it is very unfortunate that when we were about to clean the dirt of Fazlullah and when we succeeded in cornering Baitullah, some hidden hands palyed again their dirty role.
intrestingly the agenda handed over to so-called elected democraps is so much sinister as the Centre has been sidlines while the nationalists were given free hand to carry out the talks with militants.
I pointed the same thing out back in an another thread as was mentioned by some analysts on GEO that everytime a peace deal is struck, US jumps in to sabotage it. This time its not different either. A deal is struck and here we go, US going ballistic. Lets see how the new government handles the situation. Already US has showed its anger by putting sactions on the APC that we were due to get from germany. I wonder whats next on the list. F-16s:undecided:
I pointed the same thing out back in an another thread as was mentioned by some analysts on GEO that everytime a peace deal is struck, US jumps in to sabotage it. This time its not different either. A deal is struck and here we go, US going ballistic. Lets see how the new government handles the situation. Already US has showed its anger by putting sactions on the APC that we were due to get from germany. I wonder whats next on the list. F-16s:undecided:

lol.. i wouldn’t be surprised to see embargos or sanctions next year when Obama or clinton takes over.. or worst of all sensitive F-16 P3-C hardware information is shared with India.. i am expecting that from clinton.. all that in the name of... "PAKISTAN IS SUPPORTING TERRORISTS"..:usflag:
It is a fallacy to assert that sophisticated equipment is the sureshot mode to successful conduct of operations. They are merely force multipliers and nothing more. In the final analysis, it is the MAN behind the Machine who is paramount for signaturing success.

Equally fallacious is the belief that the mere arrival of NATO troops would magic the terrorism away! NATO is no wizard. They are as efficient and inefficient as any other armies of the world. And terrorism has never shrivelled up and vanished as if it were some annoying wart!! Pakistanis are as aware as any other nation where terrorism has manifested itself to realise that Terrorism cannot be wished away by merely military operations. If it were so, then the Pakistani govt would not be repeatedly found to write peace treaties with the terrorists and be surprised repeatedly by their breaking such treaties and coming back with greater vengeance. If the Pakistan Army cannot control terrorists in their own country where language and customs are not alien, then to expect foreign troops of NATO to wizard away the Taliban is living in a Fools' Paradise!!

To suggest that terrorists are being pushed into Pakistan to create problems for Pakistan is another attempt to self delude. The Mujahideens and the Talaiban are the creation of Pakistan. The US merely gave weaponry. It was in the interest of both the US and Pakistan to foment this insurgency. However, after the mission was accomplished, Pakistan for good reasons kept a pulse over the events in Afghanistan, but soon lost control over the religious zealots charged with a new found confidence that they alone defeated the Soviets and that the assistance by the US and Pakistan were hardly material. This coc'kiness still pervades their ilk and it is because of this that Pakistan is unable to rein them in and NATO being infidels are natural enemy. Therefore, no one is pushing anyone anywhere. It is the coc,ky Taliban who have turned terrorists who feel that they are a force to reckon with and they don't care a damn about NATO or Pakistan!! It is thus suicidal for Pakistan to support these terrorists and the Pakistan govt at least officially does not support them even if some misplaced religious zealots within Pakistan do. Indeed, the terrorists have played a successful game in dividing the Pakistan people and their will to fight this menace.

Afghans will not starve to death, They are a hardy lot. If they were to starve and die, then they would have done so during the years of turmoil when agriculture was at its low.

Afghanistan does not want a fence since it will become a defacto IB and they don't recognise the Durand Line and not for any other reason. Though one has to concede that Pakistan is indeed the market to the world for the drug trade and it is believed, if media reports are anything to go by, that this market is controlled by many a Pakistani bigwig. Therefore, Pakistan has a finger in the pie too!!

I am astounded that the US and its spy drone and satellites are given a near Superhero aura wherein they are thought to be capable of picking up individuals at will. Indeed, if the intelligence is perfect, such a possibility can be there, but even so not with pinpoint accuracy. And therefore to feel that Mehsud is in constant surveillance of US spy machines is most humorous! But then a drowning person will clutch at straws!!

It is an interesting comment that American journalists were freely roaming around the Lal Mazjid. Were the Pakistani and other journalists being impeded?
may ALLAH gave us the courage to save pakistan

Thats the spirit. If we dont try he will not help. We must meet him half way and he will meet us half way. It's worthless to just sit around and pray, he wont help unless we ourselves go out and try to change things.

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