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Pakistan Navy test fire indigenously developed Cruise Missile with anti-ship/land attack capability

Harbah is the name. In short terrain hugging anti land & sea cruise missile that pretty much addresses our limits in regard to less destroyers. In easy words, I see that a sea based platform with smaller RCS like Thunder in the air, taking on enemy from far away being undetected due to the size but still delivers the punch.
?? why are they always using arabic names vs farsi/urdu names - harbah etc etc.
Pakistan has Babur in pretty much every flavour now including;
  • Submarine launched land attack version
  • Ship launched land attack version
  • Ship launched sea attack version
  • Land to sea launched version
  • Land to land attack version
  • Air to land attack version
Thus Pakistan as spectrum of choices to use against India. Babur can be tipped with Nuclear warhead which means a single shot will eliminate any naval, air or military base anywhere in India.

India still doesn't realise what it is trying to provoke.
India already tested Nirbhay 1000 km range. Pak must increase Babur 2 range to 2000 km
Like before you started saying it, Navy knew nothing about it?
The test that you see today means the missile has been in works for at least a decade. So Navy knew it at least two decades before you started saying it.

Yes I know that. But when I used to suggest same thing you have no clue How much taunting I faced. I was suggesting this thing along with getting Frigates with VLS for Long Range Cruise Missiles for 3 to 4 years now. Every one including those who have Naval background made fun of me of this idea not being very good and lots of other stuff. So it is quite satisfying to see Navy seeing it the same I did. And yes I know the Missile is in service but target on land from Ship is a new thing which I have seen. Submarine did it but never saw the ship doing it.
both Harba and Zarb are commonly used in Urdu.
Both Arabic and Urdu sharing the same alphabets (All Arabic Alphabets are part of Urdu Alphabets) a vast majority of words are common in both languages.

I was being rational that is why Navy had exactly same thing in mind that I had and that is that is exactly why we have seen this test today. And yes this ship has fire this missile before but than target was on sea. This time target was on land.
?? why are they always using arabic names vs farsi/urdu names - harbah etc etc.
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