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Iran needs to get out Iraq and Lebanon

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Iran lost billions to save Assad. Syria was not a fail. It was a huge success to trick Mullah in spending all their money on deserts.

Now same will happen in Lebanon and Iraq. For us it is low costs. Civilians will do all the work to rip apart Iranian militia on the streets. Perhaps you should look footage of Iraq how Iranian militia got beaten. You are the last one to laugh. LoL.

This is only the beginning my friend. At the end you will see I’m right but it will be too late. All those Iranian lives lost for nothing, their blood still making the desert wet, Iranians going broke, and you are laughing here.
If that comforts your pain, let it be. But Assad is still in power and we have just found a new market to export our expertise. And that market is called the reconstruction of Syria.

Iran has spent only 16 billion dollars in Syria while the US alone has spent more than 7 trillion dollars in the Middle East so far. Saudi Arabia is annually spending tens of billions of dollars to buy junk weapons that can't thwart even Houthi attacks and you think we're the ones losing money? LOL

So, keep dreaming. And please don't forget to remind of this thread when you have succeeded in kicking out Iranian troops from Iraq and Syria. But before then, you're nothing but a source of fun and amusement for Iranians on this thread. LOL
Iran lost billions to save Assad. Syria was not a fail. It was a huge success to trick Mullah in spending all their money on deserts.

Now same will happen in Lebanon and Iraq. For us it is low costs. Civilians will do all the work to rip apart Iranian militia on the streets. Perhaps you should look footage of Iraq how Iranian militia got beaten. You are the last one to laugh. LoL.

This is only the beginning my friend. At the end you will see I’m right but it will be too late. All those Iranian lives lost for nothing, their blood still making the desert wet, Iranians going broke, and you are laughing here.
Iran saved Assad and Shia government in Iraq.

Iran will develop nuclear weapons and deploy them in Syria and Iraq in order to contain Turkey and Israel and protect Iranian sphere of influence.

Then Iran will knock down Saudi Arabia via Shias of Eastern province and the Middle East will become Iranian.
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Lebanese want Hezbollah out. They are nice people so they ask nicely first. Iran has no business there and the people don’t want you. Soon we will see similar things in Lebanon that we saw in Iraq; no Iranian militia will be safe.
there is no Iranian militia in Lebanon, Hezbollah is Lebanese group. the south Lebanese (Shias) and Christians have no problem with HZ and neither the Sunnis and many of them praise HZ stance against Israel even liberal people.
these groups are native people in ME countries are of their country we just support them.
As they say no party continues for ever.
For long time, Iran has made people fool with it's propaganda and use of hate against Muslim faith.
Now it seems they are facing difficulties, in making fool out of people with their classic methods.
I'm glad to see axis of evil getting exposed!
As they say no party continues for ever.
For long time, Iran has made people fool with it's propaganda and use of hate against Muslim faith.
Now it seems they are facing difficulties, in making fool out of people with their classic methods.
I'm glad to see axis of evil getting exposed!

These Iranians are funny. I’m laughing my guts out here. They think they have something to say in Syria. Assad has become Russia’s man and will do what they say. If Putin backs down there is nothing that Iranians can do even if they want since they can’t provide the same protection. Iran spend all that money for nothing. Zero influence in decisions. Only place Iran has influence is Lebanon and soon those terrorists will be weeded out. And Houthis? LoL. [emoji23]
Situation is getting out of hand. Innocent people are being killed. Iranians need to wise up and stop this meddling or the price will be big. Iran already blew his money on killing civilians in Syria. You can’t afford that in Iraq and Lebanon too. Iran is making very foolish decisions lately. Soon the chicken will come home to roost. Not very smart policy of Iran. People need to rise up in Iran and tell them they want education and jobs instead of their hard earned money to be spend on adventures abroad.
We will not be out until we chop head of vahhabis like yourself.
Iran is not in Lebanon, but it's interesting you focus on the only Arab group that has successfully resisted Israel militarily.

The Zio-Wahhabi axis of evil is well and truly alive, and you will both collapse together.

@Taskforce that's the kind of propaganda, i was talking about.
In past Pakistanis used to defend Hizbulla at pdf, some thing definitely is not same.
Iran is not in Lebanon, but it's interesting you focus on the only Arab group that has successfully resisted Israel militarily.

The Zio-Wahhabi axis of evil is well and truly alive, and you will both collapse together.
Don't call them the Zio-Wahhabi axis please. They will think we take them seriously.

Batman and Taskforce are the Axis of Fun and Entertainment on PDF. PDF would be a really boring place without their inputs. Previously I thought Batman was the Vertex of Fun and Entertainment. Now we have finally found a person whose nonsense can be rated on the same level as him in terms of amusement, entertainment and LOLs.

Look at how they're continuing this thread as a dialogue between themselves? Pathetic, yet funny.
We will not be out until we chop head of vahhabis like yourself.
No doubt, you can do that using your proxies in Pakistan, but fact is that your influence in regional states is on decline, except Pakistan.
Iran saved Assad and Shia government in Iraq.

Iran will develop nuclear weapons and deploy them in Syria and Iraq in order to contain Turkey and Israel and protect Iranian sphere of influence.

Then Iran will knock down Saudi Arabia via Shias of Eastern province and the Middle East will become Iranian.

With support from allies.

Do you have any solid info. on this development?

This plan has been already failed, i don't see any spark in those drones.

We have perished so many of you in the ME soon the rest of you Ziovahhabi cunts will join them.

Who are your helpers on pdf?
Iran saved Assad and Shia government in Iraq.

Iran will develop nuclear weapons and deploy them in Syria and Iraq in order to contain Turkey and Israel and protect Iranian sphere of influence.

Then Iran will knock down Saudi Arabia via Shias of Eastern province and the Middle East will become Iranian.
And then a box pops up and asks "Congratulations! Do you want to proceed to the next level? [△] Yes, [x] Quit.

You're highly oversimplifying the situation in the Middle East in my opinion.
And then a box pops up and asks "Congratulations! Do you want to proceed to the next level? [△] Yes, [x] Quit.

You're highly oversimplifying the situation in the Middle East in my opinion.
simple answer to a complex problem.

old video but still relevant

Iran seeks sphere of influence and regional hegemony---no oversimplification
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