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ICBM's (Intercontinental ballistic missiles)

pakistan does not need to say that it is devolping but to devolp!!!!!!!!!!

What do you suggest we do after getting sanctions once more on developing ICBM as it would consider to be a threat to the national security of the United States. However, i must agree. The development should continue, but of course there is no reason to fire the missile in Atlantic or Pacific Ocean.
I beg to differ on this point. Developping ICBM's in not in our favor nor do we have the urge to become a global power, any such move will only put more presuure on us and hurt our growing wconomy.

We should do R & D in this field, keep the designs ready to be tested in future but sofar the threat is only India and we've covered most of it already.
Stick with the current aresenal and improvement on designs and range should be enough for now.
I beg to differ on this point. Developping ICBM's in not in our favor nor do we have the urge to become a global power, any such move will only put more presuure on us and hurt our growing wconomy.

We should do R & D in this field, keep the designs ready to be tested in future but sofar the threat is only India and we've covered most of it already.
Stick with the current aresenal and improvement on designs and range should be enough for now.

That is true, over the years Pakistan has developed allot of friends then foes we have good relation in Asia/Middle east with nearly all counteries. If we look at Indian relations with counteries they are troubled relation with Siri Lanka, Bangladesh, a country next to Bangladesh , China and Middle east not so good aswell.
That is true, over the years Pakistan has developed allot of friends then foes we have good relation in Asia/Middle east with nearly all counteries.

We ain't friends with the whole world though! We need to focus on ties with the Pacific states and European powers like Germany and Russia. They are too capable to be overlooked.

If we look at Indian relations with counteries they are troubled relation with Siri Lanka, Bangladesh, a country next to Bangladesh , China and Middle east not so good aswell.

They are extending their sphere of influence all over especially Central Asia and Middle East to isolate us.
We ain't friends with the whole world though! We need to focus on ties with the Pacific states and European powers like Germany and Russia. They are too capable to be overlooked.
valid point, very insightfull! :tup:

They are extending their sphere of influence all over especially Central Asia and Middle East to isolate us.
We're doing the same, Sri lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh...;)
Nah Neo, Not Sri Lanka and Nepal. Cummon dude, at the end of the day you will still see them toeing the Indian line.
Its not the end of the day for a long time to come bro!
We're on top of things. :tup:
Its not the end of the day for a long time to come bro!
We're on top of things. :tup:

As much as I love the ISI for their proffessional work, Regarding Nepal and Sri Lanka, You are off target.
Its not the end of the day for a long time to come bro!
We're on top of things. :tup:

Well, if you say that they wll keep trying to gain more and more influence. Sure, that is true, but like i said SL and Nepal...too Indian to be anything else ;)

You would need a big revolution of sorts to change that...something on the likes of Afghanistan. The local population, the government, etc etc,all are pro India.
Ethnically yes but both have beef with Delhi. We're just taking advantage of the situation.
Welcome to realpolitik. :tup:

Their beef with us is SO trivial. Plus with SL, they CONSTANTLY keep asking us to help them, to intervene in teh situation. Thats the beauty...we have Pakistan doing exactly that in SL what India cannot do, cuz of domestic politics.

But in the end, you will realise, that SL will never dare to go against India, and India will give some aid, economic, some military aid, and things will be all 'homie homie' again. India has caught the trend of giving aid now ;)

With Nepal, what can i say...for starters, Pakistan is a Muslim nation, Nepal is Hindu.
Ethnically yes but both have beef with Delhi. We're just taking advantage of the situation.
Welcome to realpolitik. :tup:

What advantage have you taken as of now in Kathmandu and Colombo?

Nepal and SL suffer from being in a geographically disadvantageous position.
Pakistan will have to consider a ICBM system and probably has. Pakistan has a space program and it needs further development in this field if it is going to achieve any break through. Our current missle systems are able to have 2 stage rocket system and this is showing a trend that the next system could well be a 3 stage system and that would be a break through.
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