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Chinese officials warned US bomber during 'routine' East China Sea flyover


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
Chinese officials warned a US military aircraft flying near South Korea Sunday, telling its pilots that they were illegally operating in Chinese airspace and ordering the American plane to leave, a US defense official told CNN.

The pilots of the US Air Force B-1B Lancer bomber aircraft responded to the Chinese air traffic controllers, saying that they were conducting routine operations in international airspace and did not deviate from their flight path, according to US Pacific Air Forces spokesman Maj. Phil Ventura.

The bombers had entered a controversial Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea, which covers airspace and islands that are also claimed by Japan.

"Pacific Air Forces ... did not recognize the Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) when it was announced in November of 2013, and does not recognize it today," Ventura told CNN.

"The ADIZ has not changed our operations."

The US plane was flying 70 nautical miles southwest of South Korea's Jeju Island.
The ADIZ declaration required airlines flying over the designated waters to first notify Chinese authorities before transiting. The US and Japanese governments do not recognize China's claim on the area.

According to the US Air Force, the Guam-based B-1 bomber was conducting a series of training missions with Japanese and South Korean military aircraft.

"Our increased cooperation enables our combined forces to rapidly react to counter aggression against Japan and other allies and partners," said US Maj. Ryan Simpson, the Pacific Air Forces bomber operations chief in a statement announcing the training mission.

I wonder if this is demoralizing for the Chinese Military personnel.

Chinese air traffic controller: You are illegally operating in Chinese airspace..Leave immediately.

USAF: No we are in international air space, we are not going to leave and there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it, so we suggest you to correct your maps :lol:
I wonder if this is demoralizing for the Chinese Military personnel.

Chinese air traffic controller: You are illegally operating in Chinese airspace..Leave immediately.

USAF: No we are in international air space, we are not going to leave and there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it, so we suggest you to correct your maps :lol:
Well you cannot build islands in air, can you? More ever being international airspace any plane can flyover it. If Chinese shoot down any of them it will simply escalate the situation and unify the opposition. After farting in air, I bet US navy will piss in the water by sending naval ships. It will be interesting to see what statements Chinese will issue, condemn or declare war.
Interesting that a supersonic stealth bomber 70km off the nearest coast (which was SK) was detected, I think that's the real message China was sending.
Perhaps such detection happened because the US Air Force B-1B Lancer bomber aircraft was flying WITHOUT first activating its superstealthy feature!

This assumption fits better its much touted invincibility as the ragtags are energetically parroting the standard narration :coffee:
I thought ADIZ is not airspace??

If it is airspace then the country does have the right to shoot at any intruder. But not ADIZ.

US or Japan do not shoot at Russian strategic bomber when they intrude into US or Japan's ADIZ.
Well you cannot build islands in air , can you? More ever being international airspace any plane can flyover it. If Chinese shoot down any of them it will simply escalate the situation and unify the opposition. After farting in air, I bet US navy will piss in the water by sending naval ships. It will be interesting to see what statements Chinese will issue ,condemn or declare war.

Declare war who China? Can it risk an escalation I don't think so... Between it's kinda of hilarious the needling the US is doing to China, which further indicates the USA is not even considering China as a viable threat!
US IS FLYING PLANES THERE SINCE 2013 aginst Chinese ADIZ.. why aren't they shooing it away

Just see if the American bomber is ever flying over China's airspace then you'll read the news about its wreckage the next day :D

Btw it's called "crossing the red line".
Well you cannot build islands in air , can you? More ever being international airspace any plane can flyover it. If chinese shoot down any of them it will simply escalate the situation and unify the opposition. After farting in air, I bet US navy will piss in the water by sending naval ships. It will be interesting to see what statements chinese will issue ,condemn or declare war.
We can build more installations and put more fancy weapons. Remember how US brag how they are going to stop China putting those installation including using forces. Yet how many installation has dismantle so far? Zero. :enjoy:

lol,you mean like this. why dint the Chinese send their jets to counter the US jets? They should have forced landed US planes to prove their authority over the area.
what difference does it make when you cannot enforce your writ over it?
Why didn't US send marine or order their US ship to fire or blast out Chinese installation on the so called illegal occupation of islet? Maybe only one explanation. They lack balls :enjoy:

Just see if the American bomber is ever flying over China's airspace then you'll read the news about its wreckage the next day :D

Btw it's called "crossing the red line".

LoL... please go read some news... they flew through the AIDZ that China established in SCS right next day on with P-8 and bombers.. Chinese only giveing waring..

US flight US FLight you're in Chinese air space, leave now leave now... they don't care and they don't recognise the Chinese imaginary ADIZ in SCS..
lol,you mean like this. why dint the chinese send their jets to counter the US jets? They should have forced landed US planes to prove their authority over the area.

what difference does it make when you cannot enforce your writ over it?
So you mean ADIZ is useless??

It is the American that start or invented the idea of ADIZ that actually put limit on international law at the time.

Many US allies countries follow suit later.

Whatever excuse US used for ADIZ, China can use the same excuse.

So you see, the ADIZ is quite useful since we are not the one complaining.
A Southern ADIZ might pop up in the future, plans are hidden in the drawer :lol:

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