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China Foreign Affairs: The State of Democracy in the United States 中国外交部:美国民主情况

East Asian countries like South Korea, Japan or even Taiwan don't look up to the Chinese system simply because its nothing special to them, since they have already passed that stage of development that China is going through decades ago. So it might sound impressive for others in other parts of the world like Africa, South America, Middle east etc, but these east Asian countries already went through that successfully. If anything China which had been a major east Asia country and a major economic and cultural influence for this region should have actually been the first one to lead the way here, but due to history, they are merely playing catch up and were very late to the party, so it's not like CCP is anything that special like they will like to make others believe with some of their propaganda. Chinese are hard working people, entrepreneurial, businessminded, high IQ and have a long system/history of self governance (though they fell off from grace for over a century and suffered from invasions, porvety ,famine etc ) and a country also rich in natural resources and manpower , so it would have been a surprise for them to remain a poor destitute backward country with all this advantages, especially with the advent of peace. Even an average government should have been able to lift up such a country to a decent standard at least giving all this, you would have had to be and incompetent government especially in the modern world we live in and the age of globalisation this past decades to still mess things up giving all this. So CCP is not some magician or whatever. Even if a different party starts ruling China tomorrow, the country will still keep growing, to think otherwise will be an insult to the intellect of the Chinese to rule themselves. So CCP is not China like they claim to be. They are just the ruling political party nothing else. So even if or when they ever lose power, it won't be the end of China. No human or political party is bigger than a country . They come and go, but the country always remains. To say otherwise is purely propaganda and nothing else.
No. I disagree.
You only have to study how China stop the Covid virus in 76 days then you will understand.
Like how the hell do you lock down a city of 11million 2days before Chinese New Year.
Even building a hospital in one week. Think of the logistics.

Even better. 2008 Wenchuan 8.0 earthquake. No warning. 90min and Premier was on the plane to the epicenter.

Obviously they have a unique system like no other.
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What do you know about democracy? Enlightened us.
You live in Malaysia, figure it out yourself
You discriminate Muslims in India yet you flood UAE and Saudi Arabia doing manual labor.

You make up 75% of H-1Bs and bring caste system and racism to the US.

You talk shit about Chinese all the time yet but buy Chinese products 24/7.
You live in Malaysia, figure it out yourself


Accusation of whataboutism is an admission of loss that you have no response to these facts. But this isn't even whataboutism because you brought up "hating yet using/being in", so you opened the door.

Accusation of whataboutism is an admission of loss that you have no response to these facts. But this isn't even whataboutism because you brought up "hating yet using/being in", so you opened the door.

Not if it's true. What has Muslims and India has to do with the topic at all.

And that's what you're doing.
LOL looks like you know less about democracy then I thought.
That fact that you live in Malaysia and wants to be enlightened on democracy is very weird. Or maybe you're just another Chinese pretending to be from Malaysia.
Not if it's true. What has Muslims and India has to do with the topic at all.
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And that's what you're doing.

That fact that you live in Malaysia and wants to be enlightened on democracy is very weird. Or maybe you're just another Chinese pretending to be from Malaysia.

You first accused Chinese with the phrase "you hate it so why do you live there".

I pointed out that Indians factually did exactly what you accused Chinese of doing:

1. Indians hate and show their hate by persecuting Muslims
2. Indians also flood into Muslim countries

You opened the door to this line of inquiry and then cry whataboutism (inappropriately) when I rigorously adhere to your exact line of reasoning and applied it to you.
You first accused Chinese with the phrase "you hate it so why do you live there".

I pointed out that Indians factually did exactly what you accused Chinese of doing:

1. Indians hate and show their hate by persecuting Muslims
2. Indians also flood into Muslim countries

You opened the door to this line of inquiry and then cry whataboutism (inappropriately) when I rigorously adhere to your exact line of reasoning.
No we dont. I never talked about minorities or Chinese doing something to minorities and what not. You are now making stuff up lol.

I simply said Chinese system of government is not something anyone tries to emulate. Its an ugly system and that you're a giant NK. With a dictator. And that you should be the last one to talk about democracy and preach how it should be. Anything to say on that? Looks like none, but you want to talk about India. That is called whataboutery if you dont understand what it is, congrats people often especially commies dont realise it. Because whataboutery was a communist invention 😂
That fact that you live in Malaysia and wants to be enlightened on democracy is very weird. Or maybe you're just another Chinese pretending to be from Malaysia.
And I thought you were an expert on democracy. Too bad.

Malaysia holds election so it's a democratic country ? So what. Malaysia is run so badly. We are overwhelmed by cheap immigrants and we export our best young people abroad.
We have the world worst government officials to citizens ratio. And China just overtook us in GDP per Capital.

If you think multi party electoral democracy is the way to go.... you need to wake up and smell the coffee.
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No we dont. I never talked about minorities or Chinese doing something to minorities and what not. You are now making stuff up lol.

I simply said Chinese system of government is not something anyone tries to emulate. Its an ugly system and that you're a giant NK. With a dictator. And that you should be the last one to talk about democracy and preach how it should be. Anything to say on that? Looks like none, but you want to talk about India. That is called whataboutery if you dont understand what it is, congrats people often especially commies dont realise it. Because whataboutery was a communist invention 😂

nope, here's your post:

If I see west as an enemy I wouldnt step foot in the US. But you people comes here 24X7 talk crap about democracies and secretly want to escape that giant North Korea under emperor Xi.

Your statement is in the form:

"If I see _________________ as an enemy I wouldn't step foot in ______________________ (a country filled with that type of person)."

Indians on aggregate are proven to persecute Muslims. Yet you go to Muslim countries in hordes. What hypocritical and laughable creatures.

There is no dictator in China. There is only a dictator in India because this is how 3rd world military dictatorships behave:

India is not a democracy, it is a typical 3rd world dictatorship.
East Asian countries like South Korea, Japan or even Taiwan don't look up to the Chinese system simply because its nothing special to them, since they have already passed that stage of development that China is going through decades ago. So it might sound impressive for others in other parts of the world like Africa, South America, Middle east etc, but these east Asian countries already went through that successfully. If anything China which had been a major east Asia country and a major economic and cultural influence for this region should have actually been the first one to lead the way here, but due to history, they are merely playing catch up and were very late to the party, so it's not like CCP is anything that special like they will like to make others believe with some of their propaganda. Chinese are hard working people, entrepreneurial, businessminded, high IQ and have a long system/history of self governance (though they fell off from grace for over a century and suffered from invasions, porvety ,famine etc ) and a country also rich in natural resources and manpower , so it would have been a surprise for them to remain a poor destitute backward country with all this advantages, especially with the advent of peace. Even an average government should have been able to lift up such a country to a decent standard at least giving all this, you would have had to be and incompetent government especially in the modern world we live in and the age of globalisation this past decades to still mess things up giving all this. So CCP is not some magician or whatever. Even if a different party starts ruling China tomorrow, the country will still keep growing, to think otherwise will be an insult to the intellect of the Chinese to rule themselves. So CCP is not China like they claim to be. They are just the ruling political party nothing else. So even if or when they ever lose power, it won't be the end of China. No human or political party is bigger than a country . They come and go, but the country always remains. To say otherwise is purely propaganda and nothing else.

I think governance matters. Nothing sustainable comes by chance, accidentally. China's success is an outcome of choices made. The difference between China and JP-SK is that the former has a stronger agency. The latter are politically compromised states. Still China seems to have diligently studied the two.

India is where it is today, a human misery worse than sub-Saharan Africa, only due to their own choices and doings. Bad governance does not result in good outcome. Populism can fool the uneducated and illiterate, but, outcomes cannot be hid in the long term.

Good governance is not independent from the larger structure, but, strong agency means you must be able to manipulate even unfavorable structure. India is corrupted at the agential level.

Indian elites are the luckiest because they are blessed with the least critical population with memory no longer than the fish. So, they do not have to worry about good governance.
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And what about state of democracy in China?

1) No freedom to press.
2)Biological weapon testing on entire world.
3)Technology theft.
4) Destruction of minorities specially uighurs.
5) Destroying other countries economy through cheap Chinese products.
6)Debt trap.
7) Making propaganda military videos on weekly basis.

India is the best thing that happened to Indians since open toilets.
And I thought you were an expert on democracy. Too bad.

Malaysia holds election so it's a democratic country ? So what. Malaysia is run so badly. We are overwhelmed by cheap immigrants and we export our best young people abroad.
We have the world worst government officials to citizens ratio. And China just overtook us in GDP per Capital.

If you think multi party electoral democracy is the way to go.... you need to wake up and smell the coffee.
And yet you can still access this website without a VPN, you can have your own opinion and air it publicly even if it's against your government. You can hold protests, mock your Prime Minister or you can hold any official accountable. You can have an idea on what's going on in the country because there is a free press and when you are say wrongfully indicted you have a justice system that don't toe the line of the government.
I would stay miles away from a country that doesn't guarantee all these.
Indians on aggregate are proven to persecute Muslims. Yet you go to Muslim countries in hordes. What hypocritical and laughable creatures.

There is no dictator in China. There is only a dictator in India because this is how 3rd world military dictatorships behave:
What proof? There is nothing to prove we systematically prosecute any religious minority. And our Government of India is cooperating with the middle eastern countries in many fields on a government level. We house second or third largest Muslim population in the world. Your fantasies don't fly.

Tell me, a ruler who removed term limits and promoted himself to supreme commander of the armed forces is a classic example of a dictator. India is dictatorship?😂 You lost it?
Ching Ping feeling the heat... Wolf warrior diplomacy is almost dead, even smallest of countries that are not dependent on Chinese money are bitch-slapping on China's face.
Hence the change in strategy, now let's advertise "Chinese democracy" ( Lol :rofl:) hoping to elicit some genuine support, but alas...
East Asian countries like South Korea, Japan or even Taiwan don't look up to the Chinese system simply because its nothing special to them, since they have already passed that stage of development that China is going through decades ago. So it might sound impressive for others in other parts of the world like Africa, South America, Middle east etc, but these east Asian countries already went through that successfully. If anything China which had been a major east Asia country and a major economic and cultural influence for this region should have actually been the first one to lead the way here, but due to history, they are merely playing catch up and were very late to the party, so it's not like CCP is anything that special like they will like to make others believe with some of their propaganda. Chinese are hard working people, entrepreneurial, businessminded, high IQ and have a long system/history of self governance (though they fell off from grace for over a century and suffered from invasions, porvety ,famine etc ) and a country also rich in natural resources and manpower , so it would have been a surprise for them to remain a poor destitute backward country with all this advantages, especially with the advent of peace. Even an average government should have been able to lift up such a country to a decent standard at least giving all this, you would have had to be and incompetent government especially in the modern world we live in and the age of globalisation this past decades to still mess things up giving all this. So CCP is not some magician or whatever. Even if a different party starts ruling China tomorrow, the country will still keep growing, to think otherwise will be an insult to the intellect of the Chinese to rule themselves. So CCP is not China like they claim to be. They are just the ruling political party nothing else. So even if or when they ever lose power, it won't be the end of China. No human or political party is bigger than a country . They come and go, but the country always remains. To say otherwise is purely propaganda and nothing else.
I don't think S.Korea and Janpan went through China's pass. China's political system is very unique. I agree China should be in good development position if we live in a free and open world. Unfortunately it's not. US would not allow China to be too wealthy. US knows China is always a protential competitor and has been keeping an eye on China. It would take measures to slow China when there is a sign that China threats its hegemony. Of course not only China, US does not tolerate any country to do so. South Korea, Japan and Taiwan region are all subject to US economic restriction. They have development glass ceiling. China on the other hand doesn't have that glass ceiling because China is a fully independent country. China gained independence because CCP went through a very unique pass.

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