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Blood of Indians on Iran's hands


Nov 18, 2010
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I never want to hear about the village idiot of the world ever brag about its great technology advances and we can do this and that blah blah - baghdad bob part deux of the world.

the blood of the indians are on their hands. Its was freaking 200 meters , not some miles under the bed of the sea. How do you have pipeline laying operation and not even have safety contigency plans in place? They are no better than somali. Irans wont be able to save a drowning man in a swiming pool!

I'm enraged that people get treated as a commodity in those parts of the world. Even india I blame - indians got to stop looking at its people ( freaking asians all of them too) as just numbers. No bloody self respect for its people. all I see is the customary RIP and lets move on attitude. You see stories about indians, pakistanis, sri lankans ( citizens working there- middle east)-almost every other month , stories about them being treated like slaves , 2nd class humans- and shame on each countries heads back home that just standby.

I will tell you - that europeans, american citizens make their govt care. They collectively create a national huge hue and cry if their miners get trapped or any tragedy unfolds because they vaule life of their citizens. You that live in those countries know I speak the truth. when will asians show self respect for their fellow humans/ citizens / people?

Indians were murdered in my eyes...and Indian govt will sweep it under the rug!
The crew members were 7 Indians, 5 Iranians and 1 Ukrainian. So far bodies of 6 Indians and 2 others have been recovered. It is highly unlikely that rest of them will be alive.
the 6 indians were the only ones in the capsule, rest were from 5 days ago that drowned from the ship sinking. had those divers been americans - they would jumped over mountains to save them. why? because they demand that level of attention. while asians in the middle east ( shoot anywhere) are looked up as 2nd class because their own govt.s have a callous attitude and honestly the people themsleves do too.
You are right. Indian lives are cheap. Hell, even our own Indian enbassy doesnt care for Indian nationals abroad. And I dont expect GOI to act on this or even conduct an investigation
i will agree with you guys here. In this part of the world, there is less regard for human life, than say US or some other country with similar levels. In this part of the world, we don't somehow go the extra step in ensuring the safety of people.
Iran claims all kinds of technological break throughs. They should do more research on 'search and rescue' missions instead of making tall claims on space and nano tech
Iran claims all kinds of technological break throughs. They should do more research on 'search and rescue' missions instead of making tall claims on space and nano tech

You really believed the stuff coming from this country?
Every Indian Govt has this attitude.

you're right ......our citizens does not hold demonstrations /protests/ strong demands when our nationals abroad are affected. Hence the Govt takes it easy unlike some other countries.
Sad..!!! but each and every single word of jayatl is true on this thread!

Real shame!

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