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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

Iran’s Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani says his forces have managed to furnish the Sabalan destroyer with 12 anti-ship cruise missiles, breaking the record for the number of guided missiles installed on Iranian vessels.
Again, poor messaging. Iranian sources always use the term ‘managed to ….’. Which is broadly a negative term in English implying surprise and lack of programming . It’s a fluff term and can be removed entirely empowering the message. Same goes with ‘homegrown’. As if Iranian tech is comprised of sunflowers. We should have an entirely separate thread on this garbage.
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Iran’s Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani says his forces have managed to furnish the Sabalan destroyer with 12 anti-ship cruise missiles, breaking the record for the number of guided missiles installed on Iranian vessels.
While waiting for the photos I tried to :ashamed: hypothesize how the canister of the 12 missiles could be positioned on board, including other modifications already made on Alborz (72).
I noticed how well made is this piece of toilet paper

The video they show labelled "Drones hit facility in Iran, done by Israel"
The clip:

Then immediately cut the video to this:

Something clearly not in Iran

They clearly do not care about hiding their bias anymore, hilarious article.
While waiting for the photos I tried to :ashamed: hypothesize how the canister of the 12 missiles could be positioned on board, including other modifications already made on Alborz (72).
View attachment 958487
I was imagining something that looks more like a Russian missile cruiser with 6 forward facing rounded canisters on the port/starboard sides, but your rendition is far more likely.
I noticed how well made is this piece of toilet paper

The video they show labelled "Drones hit facility in Iran, done by Israel"
The clip: View attachment 958775
Then immediately cut the video to this:
View attachment 958776
Something clearly not in Iran
View attachment 958777

They clearly do not care about hiding their bias anymore, hilarious article.

Point of the article was not the analysis, but the surveillance pictures taken by unmanned speedboats and pictures of the unmanned systems (including underwater by their own admission) US has deployed in the PG.

That’s what was interesting. Expecting bias free level insight from a “Business Insider” article is naive.

The US Navy turned the tables on Iran, sending drones that look like speedboats to spy on its warships and troublesome gunboats

Oh, excellent news!!!!
More stuff to catch and reverse engineer!!!!. Thanks Amerika!
Since when did we paint it white during the process?
It is not white paint. check it closer. If you see sauvetage raft barrels (painted in white) and inside the persian letter from the walkway you will realize that the real colour of the ship it is light gray.

Anyway in the military navies of the world a clean and frequently painted warship it is symptom of good trained crew, high morale and good command.

It is a pitty it is not a full view picture. It is beautiful.
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