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I thought this was pretty interesting. I knew that Volvo set the industry standard for the safest-built cars in the industry for many years but didn't know this was their invention.

oh interesting! I didn't realize that.

The funny thing is I have talked about seatbelts before in threads (i think GM introduced them in the 50's) and I never even considered that the current 3 point system was actually a Swedish invention that replaced the GM one.
oh interesting! I didn't realize that.

The funny thing is I have talked about seatbelts before in threads (i think GM introduced them in the 50's) and I never even considered that the current 3 point system was actually a Swedish invention that replaced the GM one.

That's right I should've been more specific. Volvo enhanced the seatbelt concept that GM originally invented by making it a 3-point system instead of a 2 which only went around one's waist but not up across the chest and upper body.
That's right I should've been more specific. Volvo enhanced the seatbelt concept that GM originally invented by making it a 3-point system instead of a 2 which only went around one's waist but not up across the chest and upper body.

No, i mean you were correct to point it out. I always thought it was just another thing done by the big 3 but in reality it was those Europeans that mastered it.

Speaking of points...I saw this video and am not sure of my opinion...seems things are going to start flying in an earthquake. I actually use the GM command velcro/tapes for my wall pics..and put way more than needed.

holy crap!
No, i mean you were correct to point it out. I always thought it was just another thing done by the big 3 but in reality it was those Europeans that mastered it.

My head is spinning now lol. So I looked things up and I found this:

The first U.S. patent for automobile seat belts was issued to Edward J. Claghorn of New York, New York on February 10, 1885. Claghorn was granted the United States Patent #312,085 for a Safety-Belt for tourists, described in the patent as "designed to be applied to the person, and provided with hooks and other attachments for securing the person to a fixed object."

Nils Bohlin & Modern Seat Belts​

Swedish inventor, Nils Bohlin invented the three-point seat belt - not the first but the modern seat belt - now a standard safety device in most cars. Nils Bohlin's lap-and-shoulder belt was introduced by Volvo in 1959.

Seat Belt Terminology​

  • 2-Point Seat Belt: A restraint system with two attachment points. A lap belt.
  • 3-Point Seat Belt: A seat belt with both a lap and a shoulder portion, having three attachment points (one shoulder, two hips).

1885!? That was back when cars had wooden wheels! Funny I saw an episode of Pawn Stars where some dude brought in a bike from a famous American bicycle maker which actually had wooden wheels. They were all warped and twisted from years of storage and moisture in the air etc. and the guy who restored them did an amazing job. Brought the thing right back to life.

I think the spokes were steel, the rims were wood and the actual tire tread was rubber. The ones on the far left and the ones hanging on that bracket.


Speaking of points...I saw this video and am not sure of my opinion...seems things are going to start flying in an earthquake. I actually use the GM command velcro/tapes for my wall pics..and put way more than needed.

Wild. That's another one of those products that keeps getting re-invented and re-improved over and over. That's crazy. The product of understanding the way physics & mechanical engineering works.

He's right that those anchors or mollies are awful and don't work very well. I hate those friggin things with a passion! But despite those clips being super faster to install and don't make a mess and hold up some pretty serious weight, nothing beats the security of hanging something off a heavy-duty screw that is screwed into a stud. Simple physics lol. For example I would never hang my flat screens on anything other than SS screws into studs.
1885!? That was back when cars had wooden wheels! Funny I saw an episode of Pawn Stars where some dude brought in a bike from a famous American bicycle maker which actually had wooden wheels.

Oh now look what you have gone and done...I have to go and figure out who started using the crisscrossed metal rods in bike tires...cause if I don't i'll go crazy...phew luckily ChatGPT comes to the rescue of perpetually curious people like me.


They were all warped and twisted from years of storage and moisture in the air etc. and the guy who restored them did an amazing job. Brought the thing right back to life.


He's right that those anchors or mollies are awful and don't work very well.

They work if you like patching crumbly holes in your wall.

I hate those friggin things with a passion! But despite those clips being super faster to install and don't make a mess and hold up some pretty serious weight, nothing beats the security of hanging something off a heavy-duty screw that is screwed into a stud.

Well the family that owned my house for only a few months selling it to me decided to hang up 30 pictures with nails (not screws)..and when he sold the house to me he drove them all fully into the studs and puttied them up terribly...and used paint that didn't match. Grr!! Some people should not be allowed to own a hammer.

Have a solution to sagging hinges..bending them sounds like a temporary futile endeavor. Hinge company out of business..may have to switch with closet.

Also my (likely $30) outdoor lantern sconces are a complete wreck (no brass/gold finish left)..want to replace it with a decent one whose finish will last.

Know of any good company that makes stuff like this

I like how it curves down, like the knob on the top, torch handle on bottom not a requirement, color good, I think I want a single bulb since I have a 100 daylight LED in mine now..not sure if 3 little ones will last). Still on the fence if the bulb should face up or down.
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Oh now look what you have gone and done...I have to go and figure out who started using the crisscrossed metal rods in bike tires...cause if I don't i'll go crazy...phew luckily ChatGPT comes to the rescue of perpetually curious people like me.

I used to have one of these spoke wrench tools to fix the warped wheels on my 10-speed when I was a kid. When you get it right it's a great feeling, which is rare and far & few between because most of the time, these spoke wrenches are infuriating as a !%!#^@$^&@#t. You tighten one and loosen the other and you're almost there, tighten the next one just a little to make it perfect and pweengh! It's worst than when you started. :D


Know of any good company that makes stuff like this

Honestly, I've been there and done that so many times that for me, Lowes is literally 5 blocks away and Home Depot is about 1-1/2 miles away and they have a very decent lighting display to chose from with better prices than electrical show rooms.
Honestly, I've been there and done that so many times that for me, Lowes is literally 5 blocks away and Home Depot is about 1-1/2 miles away and they have a very decent lighting display to chose from with better prices than electrical show rooms.

Well I figure that was where was from in the first place. I don't feel like doing it again.

Was hoping some company makes something that will take the weather abuse for more than a few years.

I can always spray it with gold rustoleum.
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Well I figure that was where was from in the first place. I don't feel like doing it again.

Was hoping some company makes something that will take the weather abuse for more than a few years.

I can always spray it with gold rustoleum.

The ones I bought from LOWES about 10+ years ago are all black and still look good and still work. LEDs still just as bright and you can even switch them from motion sensor to on/off switch and even put them on dimmers.
lol @ Pakistani Donald Trump. Dude is about as albino as they get, I think, right? Usually albinos have white hair if I'm not mistaken so maybe he's just a certain type of uniquely odd pigmentation. He's got quite the vocal range.

This is pretty wild. In my 35 years in residential construction, I've been involved in a few house moving projects, mostly bracing, lifting, removing old fieldstone foundation, pouring a new concrete foundation & slab and then resetting the old house back down on the new foundation. Those are pretty involved as the prep is what takes longer and is a bit nerve wracking.

I actually bid on a project in Newburyport for a brand new house that was right off the Merrimack river and the architect & structural engineer devised a plan to encapsulate the entire newly formed & poured foundation in a rubber tub to prevent the high water table from rising during tides and heavy rains and flood the basement. I lost the bid and some other builder got the job. I saw the finished product from outside only and it looked great. Dude did a nice job I wish I was able to see if that rubber tub worked in keeping the water out of the basement.

I have moved several garages from one area to the other and those are much easier obviously. But I have never been involved in moving an entire house from one location to another. This here is pretty cool and reminded me of all those projects I've been involved in through the decades.

So i knew Fred. I've been over his house. A really nice guy. He lives in a modest triple decker in Brighton.

I consider The Big Dig a success.

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Hey bro, I'll check out the video in a little bit I just need to calm down a little bit lol. I just went out on our deck, the section that wraps around the side of the house with my coffee and ciggy, went to light it up and I see this shadow about 20ft away. I thought it was a lost dog so I go 'hey buddy are you lost' as I tried to slowly approach it then it growls in the very distinct coyote growl loooool. Ever see an Egyptian jump 10 feet in the air? lmaaaaooo the thing scare the ever loving crap out of me that I started yelling at it to get out of there. Frigging thing jobbles off the front yard onto the street to the front of the driveway and turns around and stares me down bro! I kept telling it to get out of here and after about 30 seconds of staring me down with its ears up and that long, furry tail and distinct pointy snout, it turned and just pranced with its pencil legs down to the end of the dead-end street and disappeared. Neighbors came out thought we were getting robbed loool and I don't know why I'm still shaking!? Crazy since I've been around wildlife for 30+ years. This was a bit different because it was dark and I thought it was a lost puppy then realizing what it was shook me up lmao.
Hey bro, I'll check out the video in a little bit I just need to calm down a little bit lol. I just went out on our deck, the section that wraps around the side of the house with my coffee and ciggy, went to light it up and I see this shadow about 20ft away. I thought it was a lost dog so I go 'hey buddy are you lost' as I tried to slowly approach it then it growls in the very distinct coyote growl loooool. Ever see an Egyptian jump 10 feet in the air? lmaaaaooo the thing scare the ever loving crap out of me that I started yelling at it to get out of there. Frigging thing jobbles off the front yard onto the street to the front of the driveway and turns around and stares me down bro! I kept telling it to get out of here and after about 30 seconds of staring me down with its ears up and that long, furry tail and distinct pointy snout, it turned and just pranced with its pencil legs down to the end of the dead-end street and disappeared. Neighbors came out thought we were getting robbed loool and I don't know why I'm still shaking!? Crazy since I've been around wildlife for 30+ years. This was a bit different because it was dark and I thought it was a lost puppy then realizing what it was shook me up lmao.

They are all over.
About 10 years ago my neighbor said she was down the street at the elementary school area walking her dog late at night and a bunch of them were running around the kids play area.

I saw one 10 years ago standing by the side of the road one night only a few 100 meters from my house. I thought it was a dog until i saw it had crazy long legs.

So i'm at parent's house in Brighton taking out the trash last week and the next door neighbor says for me not to do it at night anymore because there were coyotes between the houses the night before. WTF? This is near Brighton Center...where the hell are they hiding out? They must be coming from Newton or something. Now I have to be careful walking in the backyard at night...in Brighton??? Is this "I am Legend" or something?

Anyways I haven't seen them lately in the 'burb I'm in. I walk out the back all the time.
I guess I have to turn the outdoor cameras on to see if it anything is happening.

1170 Soldiers Field Rd, Brighton
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