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Iran will establish a permanent station in Antarctica

There is an unfortunate tendency on this forum to play the man not the ball. I.e. to belittle the writer and impune his motive rather than, for instance, grudgingly acknowledge when one might actually have a point.

I am a citizen of the world. I happen to have immigrated to the USA. If this thread was about what us good Muricans face, for example in the likely choices in our next presidential election, I would be crying on your shoulder in frustration. But this thread is not about Murica.

The true tragedy of Iran, to my mind, is the tremendous loss of potential for the world. Lots of brilliant amd inventive minds and a culture of scientific learning alas hobbled and misdirected. If one was to judge by this forum, the apex of human achievement, the peak contribution to the betterment of the human condition is, apparently, military satellites, military drones and... an Antarctic base? Great national priorities I am sure. In the meanwhile 70 million Iranians might become climate refugees or die of thirst in a mere generation and that's not even considering, oh I don't know, Iran's demographic problems of a looming aged-depency ratio crisis as a result of a fertility collapse that shows little signs of abating.

Iran could be the soft power giant of the Middle East and well beyond. It could compete with the technology fount locations of the world. It could lead the world in so many fields of human endeavor. This loss of such tremendous potential is something even us naturalized Muricans can and should honestly feel sad to contemplate.
keep your fake propaganda articles for yourself, We don't need your comments.
We are in a good path, this is real reason why your country hate iran so much and you are worried about Iran.
Navy commander pointed to one of the benefits of studying and also establishing a permanent base in South pole.

"The location of the South Pole is important for several reasons. Militarily, this area is the best location for controlling ballistic missiles and the enemy uses this area."

Undoubtedly , this station will help Iranian ships to have more locations for guidance purposes. But the navy commander pointed to controlling BMs from South pole.

Currently Russia is the only country to use FOBS method for it's ICBMs which allows them to bypass American ABM stationed near the North pole through using South pole's airspace. Given that no country has planted ABM or BM in this continent, Russia can bomb USA from an undefended angle. However with lower speed given that FOBS method does not use ballistic trajectory but rather uses LEO orbits to fly and reach its target's location.

Therefore i do not think Amir Irani meant to say we want to use FOBS, it would be expensive and also unjustified for Iranian doctrine.

My guess is, he is talking about a ground based station in South pole that will act as radio command station to guide the ballistic missiles at long ranges. The radio guidance systems previously suffered from vulnerability against jamming methods. But we know that Iran has solved this problem by various technics from inertial guidance systems to satellite signals. This ground station in Antarctics can be used for receiving GPS signals for ballistic path correction purposes and helps to have more accuracy in long distances esp if Iran wants to develop accurate ICBMs to remove the need for nuclear warheads at long distances.
Navy commander pointed to one of the benefits of studying and also establishing a permanent base in South pole.

"The location of the South Pole is important for several reasons. Militarily, this area is the best location for controlling ballistic missiles and the enemy uses this area."

Undoubtedly , this station will help Iranian ships to have more locations for guidance purposes. But the navy commander pointed to controlling BMs from South pole.

Currently Russia is the only country to use FOBS method for it's ICBMs which allows them to bypass American ABM stationed near the North pole through using South pole's airspace. Given that no country has planted ABM or BM in this continent, Russia can bomb USA from an undefended angle. However with lower speed given that FOBS method does not use ballistic trajectory but rather uses LEO orbits to fly and reach its target's location.

Therefore i do not think Amir Irani meant to say we want to use FOBS, it would be expensive and also unjustified for Iranian doctrine.

My guess is, he is talking about a ground based station in South pole that will act as radio command station to guide the ballistic missiles at long ranges. The radio guidance systems previously suffered from vulnerability against jamming methods. But we know that Iran has solved this problem by various technics from inertial guidance systems to satellite signals. This ground station in Antarctics can be used for receiving GPS signals for ballistic path correction purposes and helps to have more accuracy in long distances esp if Iran wants to develop accurate ICBMs to remove the need for nuclear warheads at long distances.
I think you guys are missing the big picture here Antarctica is a neutral zone no military activity is allowed whatsoever if Iran even puts a scientific base there in the near or far future is their right like every other nation but putting a military bases there would be something like the Cuban missile crisis it’s not going to happen.
I think you guys are missing the big picture here Antarctica is a neutral zone no military activity is allowed whatsoever if Iran even puts a scientific base there in the near or far future is their right like every other nation but putting a military bases there would be something like the Cuban missile crisis it’s not going to happen.

Indeed however I am curious who exactly would police this? Australia? USA? Are they going to physically prevent some military base from being set up?
Indeed however I am curious who exactly would police this? Australia? USA? Are they going to physically prevent some military base from being set up?
Well since it’s not going to happen and not stepping into that minefield your trying to setup for me it’s simple people say things for home audience doesn’t mean they will act on it because putting a military base in a supposed neutral zone for all countries to come together isn’t going to happen.
I think you guys are missing the big picture here Antarctica is a neutral zone no military activity is allowed whatsoever if Iran even puts a scientific base there in the near or far future is their right like every other nation but putting a military bases there would be something like the Cuban missile crisis it’s not going to happen.
I don't think Iran is gonna build a military base there, Iranian army navy commander just said we have experience so would help our scientist to build one there ... that's the whole thing.
I think you guys are missing the big picture here Antarctica is a neutral zone no military activity is allowed whatsoever if Iran even puts a scientific base there in the near or far future is their right like every other nation but putting a military bases there would be something like the Cuban missile crisis it’s not going to happen.
What are you talking about? No one is saying anything about military base in Antarctic.
What are you talking about? No one is saying anything about military base in Antarctic.
The location of the South Pole is important for several reasons. Militarily, this area is the best location for controlling ballistic missiles and the enemy uses this area."
My guess is, he is talking about a ground based station in South pole that will act as radio command station to guide the ballistic missiles at long ranges.

Kind of seemed like it was heavily implied
If you think setting up a ground base station to target future sites with ballistic missiles seems like it would involve military assets.
I don't think Iran is gonna build a military base there, Iranian army navy commander just said we have experience so would help our scientist to build one there ... that's the whole thing.
Yeah I know to be fair like I said a lot of times has to do with translation
I think you guys are missing the big picture here Antarctica is a neutral zone no military activity is allowed whatsoever if Iran even puts a scientific base there in the near or far future is their right like every other nation but putting a military bases there would be something like the Cuban missile crisis it’s not going to happen.
what about putting an orbit observation and satellite control base there just like certain western countries.
I assure you its only for civilian and scientific purposes .
what about putting an orbit observation and satellite control base there just like certain western countries.
I assure you it’s only for civilian and scientific purposes .
There’s plausible deniability and than there’s outright saying your going to use Antarctic to attack enemy’s in the future, Iran can set up dual use activities lol I am sure there are spies there as well but to be fair again I don’t know if any of you have ever been to sub zero weather regions I have not fun at all but again stepping away from a minefield just stating what I believe is written down by law.
Indeed however I am curious who exactly would police this? Australia? USA? Are they going to physically prevent some military base from being set up?
Btw, you need to shut your big mouth.

The location of the South Pole is important for several reasons. Militarily, this area is the best location for controlling ballistic missiles and the enemy uses this area."
My guess is, he is talking about a ground based station in South pole that will act as radio command station to guide the ballistic missiles at long ranges.

Kind of seemed like it was heavily implied
If you think setting up a ground base station to target future sites with ballistic missiles seems like it would involve military assets.
Yes it will involve military activities. So?
Btw, you need to shut your big mouth.

Interesting questions do often cause discomfort amongst those looking for just an echo chamber.

However, I have no interest in wasting my time on those who resort to personal attacks. So I will, for the first time on PDF, test out this "ignore" button thingie.

Have a nice life. 😀
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