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North Korea Defence Forum

Who what are the chances of russian naval and/or air bases in DPRK? Wasn't there such an arrangement (perhaps just naval base?) during the 1980s or i'm wrong?

Imagine Tu-22M or Tu-160 or Tu-95 flying patrols from DPRK, or nuclear subs based there.

Also, how about new russian passenger planes and helicopters for Air Koryo?
Who what are the chances of russian naval and/or air bases in DPRK? Wasn't there such an arrangement (perhaps just naval base?) during the 1980s or i'm wrong?

Imagine Tu-22M or Tu-160 or Tu-95 flying patrols from DPRK, or nuclear subs based there.

Also, how about new russian passenger planes and helicopters for Air Koryo?
Pretty low considering it just puts them closer to South Korean and U.S. weapons. You don't see the U.S. basing B-2s in South Korea.
At the end of Kim Jong Un's visit to the aviation plants where fighter jets and commercial aircraft are produced, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov said:

We demonstrated to the leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea one of our main aircraft production facilities. We see the potential for cooperation both in the field of aircraft production and in other areas this is especially relevant for achieving the tasks that our countries must face in achieving technological "technological sovereignty"

These words lead me to be even more convinced that in the medium term a combat aircraft made in DPRK will appear on the peninsula.
And this satellite photo from a few months ago comes to mind
NK-2 (1).png
I sure hope so. And in response to what you said on the previous page, i think it will be crazy from the russians' part to let any "sanctions" hinder military cooperation with ANY country be it DPRK, Iran or other. Those sanction only benefit the american imperialists.

The ROK is obviously just an american stooge that supports the Kiev regime, likely arms them behind the table too (hence contributing to killing russian soldiers), and certainly arms Russia's enemies such as Poland. So they should pay through their nose, by having unrestricted military cooperation between Russia and DPRK.

Not to mention of course the US and it's vassals who are arming, coordinating and bankrolling the fascist Kiev regime against Russia. DPRK already has nukes aimed at Washington, hence there's barely a peep from the americans re DPRK lately, and a stronger DPRK both economically and militarily would make the americans and their puppets shit themselves even more. Russia can provide the economic and military cooperation to make DPRK even stronger, as part of the payback for what the US and it's vassals are doing in Ukraine.

That's what i think Russia should do in the current situation, and if they don't, it will be beyond dumb.
I don't want to create traffic for pro-western comentators/propagandists, but now Sutton claims the 2019 sub and Kim Gun Ok are two different subs. What to make of it?
I don't want to create traffic for pro-western comentators/propagandists, but now Sutton claims the 2019 sub and Kim Gun Ok are two different subs. What to make of it?
so even HI-Sutton is starting to have some doubts about the new submarine and its transformation, now observing the extreme changes of this compared to the one seen in 2019. At least for the recently launched one, it is not excluded that it will maintain at least the same capabilities of the battery pack as its progenitor Romeo.
From the Russian forum user "Rohirrim" published a satellite photo of the optical number 661 frigate of the Amnok class at the Myang-do base.
They raised my curiosity at the stern of the ship, who knows what will be inside those containers
Screenshot (510).png

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