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Kashmiri Mujahids being hunted down in Pakistan

It is your own state propaganda that we killed 3 million gorlillion Hindoos in 2 weeks in 1971, and 400 million over 1200 years before that (the world population was 420 million in Aurangzeb's time)

And let's not forget how Indira descended from the Indus Valley and slaughtered black skinned gangus and dravidians

Pajeets tell so many lies they can't keep track of em and make a fools of themselves. Only the old women you scam-call fall for this crap.
The vast majority of the killing happened to you.

Its happening again. By the same people.

Whats happening now historically hasnt turned out well for you. Wars cost lots of money to fight. Your lenders are not happy. They sense the weakness. This is an existential fight for you guys.

Im genuinely concerned. You must accept who you are. you cant win with an identity crisis. In general i mean - not you of course, you are probably a full arab Syed or 100% turkish blood that killed 400 million of us.

What proxies have we been using from day one for our "nefarious designs"???
This 1947 picture shows Pathan tribesmen waiting for trucks and more ammunition as they prepare to go into battle

Around 2,000 tribesmen stormed Muzaffarabad that morning and easily scattered the Kashmir state army deployed there. Military historians estimate it was just 500-strong at the time and had also suffered defections by Muslim soldiers.

Flushed with victory, the tribesmen got down to wanton looting and arson.
"They plundered the state armoury, set entire markets on fire and looted their goods," Mr Rahman says.
"They shot everyone who couldn't recite the kalima - the Arabic-language Muslim declaration of faith. Many non-Muslim women were enslaved, while many others jumped in the river to escape capture."
The streets were littered with signs of mayhem - broken buildings, broken shop furniture, the ashes of burnt goods and dead bodies, including those of tribal fighters, state soldiers and local men and women. There were also bodies floating in the river.
The raiders spent about three days in Muzaffarabad before sense prevailed and the leaders urged them to move on towards Srinagar, the state capital some 170km to the east.
From here, one column drove in trucks down the Jhelum river, breezing past Uri and reaching Baramulla where another round of looting and arson ensued.
Rahman was part of the column that headed north on foot to Teetwal from where they turned east and went past Kupwara to arrive at the outskirts of Srinagar, a journey of well over 200km.
They did not face any resistance. The maharaja's army had scattered, and Hindus and Sikhs had fled the villages. They only met Muslims on the way.
"Muslim women would sometimes offer us food but the Pathans were reluctant to accept, thinking it may be poisoned. They would instead capture those people's goats and sheep, slaughter them and roast the meat on fire."
One night the fires attracted aircraft that dropped bombs, killing scores of them. "Bodies were strewn over a large area in a forest."
Unbeknown to them, the maharaja had by then signed an instrument of accession with India. Between 26 and 30 October, the Indians flew in enough troops to Srinagar to tilt the balance against tribal fighters.

Pathan tribesmen
You act like we sent evil invaderz to your innocent Hindu ruled state, and that is a malicious lie.

This same ignorant narrative of India caused the valley to implode into insurgency in the 90s. I assume you're not aware of the fact that the Indian analyst who coined the term "Operation Topac" later admitted it was a "hypothetical" exercise conjured up by Indian state propaganda machinery?

Hari Singh was a genocidal Hindutva tyrant and there had been mass dissent against him since pre partition (eg 1931 agitation).

During partition, in revenge for rebellions against his rule and demands for joining with Pakistan, he in collaboration with the RSS killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims and drove the remainder out of Jammu. This is how Jammu became a Hindu majority region - the objective of this genocide.

India officially sent its military to protect Hari Singh's genocidal Dogra regime, and unofficially, to also grab land that it had no right over (What a noble cause for the Hindu victims of nefarious Pakistani invaders!)

In this context, Jinnah wanted to send the Pakistan Army to Kashmir - but the British officers refused to let Pakistan send its army. So the next best thing was to let Pashtuns loose.

Gilgit-Baltistan rebelled and joined Pakistan out of its own free will.

So, if not wanting your people to be genocided out of existence by people who think they are the aryan cousins of hitler is "nefarious" and "sowing hatred," one shudders to wonder, what the Bharti definition of "Peace" is - total Brahmin hegemony over South Asia?

As Jinnah said, we will either have a divided India or a destroyed India.

Jinnah and most Muslims used to be pro-union. Pakistani nationalists were ridiculed.
Then we got a taste of living under secular, democratic congress (Hindu nationalists in disguise)
Then demand for Pakistan skyrocketed in popularity in the 40s and led to partition.

What proxies have we been using from day one for our "nefarious designs"???

Can only hope this batch of CCs dies out and new generation comes

Same thing happening in China - old generation wanted good relations with India and would've sidelined Pakistan, new generation is taking proactive approach against India.
Muslims cant live peacefully with non muslims , if they are less than 10 percent then they will create trouble and show victim card , if they are more than 10 percent then they will launch jihad against kafirs demanding sharia laws . France is burning example of muslim behaviour .
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We all know, who was divided? And whose fault was it?
You can keep lying like the shameless Hindu you are, no one is falling for it except your own countrymen.
Will not say anything on “destruction” part. By current situation, it is unlikely to be India.
Don't you worry, if Pakistan collapses there will be over 100 million military aged males armed to the teeth with no authority to stop them from trampling over India.
Muslims cant live with any non muslims , if they are less than 10 percent then they will create trouble and show victim card , if they are more than 10 percent then they will launch jihad against kafirs . France is burning example of muslim behaviour .
Yet you pajeets suck d*ck to get a visa to become a toilet cleaner in Muslim countries
Hari Singh was a genocidal Hindutva tyrant and there had been mass dissent against him since pre partition (eg 1931 agitation)

Maharaja Hari Singh was the ruler of Kashmir valley, Jammu Province, Ladakh( including Gilgit and Baltistan including some semi autonomous states) and not just Kashmir valley.

Maharaja Hari Singh ascended to the throne in 1925. His reign was marked by complex political events, conspiracies, and sweeping changes. Despite the inner turmoil, he stood tall and stoically behind his kingdom, while taking some of the toughest decisions that no other king had to take before him.

He appointed the best of administrators in his government. The state police had atleast 50% Muslims while the state Army had atleast 35% Muslims largely the Rajput and Sudhan muslim clans of Poonch, Mirpur and Muzzafarabad.

Khusrau Jung, who belonged to the royal family of Hyderabad in the Deccan, was in the Maharaja’s employment. Malik and Nur Muhammad Khan from Baluchistan were his ADCs. Maharaja Hari Singh’s head cook and head waiter were also Muslims.

His secretary was Abdul Qaiyyum Khan and one of his close friends was Sardar Abdul Rahman Effendi, an Afghan refugee related to King Amanullah. He was the first Maharaja of Jammu who went to the mosque, standing respectfully throughout the prayer. After the prayer, he offered the Imam who had led the prayers, Rs 500 and a pashmina robe.

Malika Pukhraj, the legendary songstress and one of the gems of Maharaja’s durbar was not only appointed as a court singer but it was an example of the Maharaja’s progressive views on religion that he had her, a Muslim girl singing bhajans in the Mandi Palace along with Pandits.

Maharaja Hari Singh was courageous and was a champion of women’s emancipation. Maharaja Hari Singh stopped the practice of child marriage and actively promoted widow remarriage. He was also successful in rooting out the practice of sati.

During his reign the number of primary schools went up from 706 to 20,728 in Jammu and Kashmir. Steps like free education till matriculation, scholarships and grants for backward classes, nominal fees in colleges, and Urdu being added as a medium of instruction were in keeping with his vision of promoting literacy and higher education across a wide section of the people.

The Maharaja paid special attention to tourism and handicrafts industry. Gulmarg and Pahalgam were developed in a planned manner and the number of tourists increased from 8,604 in 1931-32 to 24,659 in 1936-37. Local enterprises were greatly encouraged and many manufacturing units were setup.

Maharaja Hari Singh was much more progressive ruler compared to his contemporaries.
You can keep lying like the shameless Hindu you are, no one is falling for it except your own countrymen.

Don't you worry, if Pakistan collapses there will be over 100 million military aged males armed to the teeth with no authority to stop them from trampling over India.

Yet you pajeets suck d*ck to get a visa to become a toilet cleaner in Muslim countries
Havent been able cross loc for a while. Being less organized and more dysfunctional wont help.

You need to concentrate on your threat or there wont be a pakistan, and there wont be any silver lining.

i truly wonder what a pakistani sees when he looks in a mirror

Visas to clean toilets in middle east lolll
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End what?... The Quran is 80% about Jews... The prophet also married a Jew. Why do you hate the Quran and the prophet so much?
I hate evil people in whatever guises or religious garments they come in.
Yet you pajeets suck d*ck to get a visa to become a toilet cleaner in Muslim countries
It was tragic but many such cases go unreported ,
Pakistani see your abusive language and behaviour on this forum , you people are well known all over the world for lawless attitude .This is why law enforcement agencies keep watch on pakistanis in civilised middle east like UAE and Saudi.
300 Pakistanis were not going to suck d*ck of whites of Europe illegally and drown in the sea ? . If successful reaching shore , Later these trouble makers would burn the cities and do all types of illegal activities after getting refugee status .whole world saw their lawless behaviour in France and elsewhere in Europe . Indians only go to Muslim countries who have civilised like UAE , Saudi Arab , just to run their big businesses , pakistanis go to clean toilets and drive taxis .pakistanis are notorious for illegal activities , saudis and UAE stopped pakistanis by stopping visa , many are deported every year , jails are full of pakistanis .
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Don't you worry, if Pakistan collapses there will be over 100 million military aged males armed to the teeth with no authority to stop them from trampling over India.
They will be more motivated to kill each other before they think of crossing the border. If you were concerned about muslim brotherhood, you would not have left indian muslims in a precarious situation when you made Pakistan.
Don't you worry, if Pakistan collapses there will be over 100 million military aged males armed to the teeth with no authority to stop them from trampling over India.

we will not let anarchy take place because of ten million hungry souls , with help of UN we will give them atta and sasti bijli then we will create four to five new nations with proper functioning govt structure .only educated persons will be allowed to vote with no interference from maulvis .
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