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I thought this forum would be a walk in the park on a sunny day, but turns out I have landed up in a zoo, where the humans are in the cages, and the animals roam freely.

Stay here and you will learn a lot about humans. Next time when you think of looking down at an animal may be you will spare it.
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The PDF management is slightly to moderately conservative/right-wing in bias and generally dissenting views are discouraged, even censored sometimes. But the good thing about them is that they don't ban you just for holding/posting dissenting views (unless, of course, you violate any Forum Rule(s))

@Zibago , Whether you like it or not, PMLN remains the largest political party in Pakistan. PMLN supporters (whom you call Baboons) cannot (and should not) be banned here (or anywhere else).. We need to learn to tolerate political (as well as religious) dissent.
The PDF management is slightly to moderately conservative/right-wing in bias and generally dissenting views are discouraged, even censored sometimes. But the good thing about them is that they don't ban you unless you violate Forum Rules.

@Zibago , Whether you like it or not, PMLN remains the largest political party in Pakistan. PMLN supporters (whom you call Baboons) cannot (and should not) be banned here (or anywhere else).. We need to learn to tolerate political (as well as religious) dissent.

What is conservative/right wing in Pakistan?
PMLN supporters (whom you call Baboons) cannot (and should not) be banned here (or anywhere else).. We need to learn to tolerate political (as well as religious) dissent.
Paid touts of the media cell shouldn't be allowed on this forum webmaster is doing a great disservice to this forum and country if he promotes trolls on tax payer money
Yes they can be two got perma bans because of shit they said

What about those with open views? Libtards? Lol
Wajib ul qatals :D
Stop labeling yourselves and if you must, label yourselves as a Pakistani.

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