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We are only left with 3 options


Feb 21, 2015
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As we have seen and still witnessing how injustice, gangsterism, violation of rights, and the destruction of this country is going on by the PDM and the establishment. But setups like PDM will come and disappear the real culprit is the establishment that has grabbed this country by its neck since its inception.
We tried protests, even the supreme court, and honest patriot people with integrity sacrificed and tried their best for the betterment of this country but all of them were brought to their knees by the evil monster called the establishment.
Recently we have seen that they crossed all limits of decency and they are touching a new low every day. Doesn't matter how strong and determined we are we get weak when it comes to family. They are threatening whole families, beating women, children and even sick old parents are not being spared.
So after everything failed regretfully I am saying all the legal methods and trusting our legal system, and constitution to provide justice to the voter is simply not going to work.
We've seen they managed to break down the strongest people in this fight by inflicting damage on their families. And no one is there to help them because police, and courts all are weaker in front of the evil establishment. The establishment that hijacked this country and wants to run this country only for themselves to create their wealth at the expense of the suffering of the majority. If they feel the same will be done to their families and the suffering will be equal only that can stop them. In the jungle, you have to follow the law of the jungle for your survival.
Well, now how to accomplish that is another question, and by no means I am saying we should create a militia to accomplish that. All I am saying is if you believe by following the legal system of this country you can protect your rights or stop the destruction, looting, and plundering of this country you are simply living in a fool's paradise.
We are left with three options
1) Let the drama continues and learn to live like a slave of the establishment.
2)Leave this country.
3)Fight back and inflict equal damage proportionately.
But with a heavy heart I am saying most people will opt option 1.
Yep option 1

But at least now,, we know this democracy is just bullshit

But establishment isn't just generals,, it includes the political parties, sardars, judiciary. It's all involved

It's ALL the establishment

But they have a major problem,, in the past they used to switch from one useless party to another

At the moment it's all PDM,, so since PDM has been such a failure,, who else do they go to now that it's been a DISASTER
The majority of this nation consists of uneducated people who do not know who to blame (and some just pose an unconditional hate towards Niazis). They are still sitting ducks a their homes.
The first comment is a prime example.
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Option one seems to be the most viable, both for middle classes as well as the poor, either because the vast majority from these don't have the resources or capabilities for option 2. No sane person would choose option 3 unless they are a lone warrior without family or anything to look forward to.

But at the same time, the middle class should atleast call on the army to get rid of this sham democracy and bureaucracy and just run things single handedly, meting out the exact same treatment to those protesting which was given to PTI members after May 9. At least then, we would be somewhat satisfied in the knowledge that it isn't three different groups looting, plundering, and indulging in corrupt practices, but just one. And I am also confident that if given a chance to govern, the army would do a much better job, and perhaps the bureaucratic process can be made efficient in the long term.

This facade of democracy has taken a large enough toll, and no matter which party, none have the capability to run a country. None of these have the vision, or if they have the vision, they don't have the power to implement. A large segment of political workers from every party has a criminal background. No one seems to be educated. Except for mud slinging on tv, they have no other work. How many can come on a tv show and tell people about the impending water crises and what their party is currently doing to overcome it? How many can tell how modern education will slowly be implemented across all government schools? How many can tell what infrastructures are planned in out large cities and would make the lives of the middle class better? Does any of them have the capability to make punjab the highest tax paying province, twice or three times the level of sindh?

The only solution is army rule, with danda. WIth great power comes great responsibility. The army has always enjoyed power, now its time it takes some responsibility.
The current oppressive behavior is unsustainable and will eventually reach its limit before diminishing. Regardless of the presence or absence of IK, Pakistan's future will undergo a significant and lasting transformation.

Activist Jibran Nasir has been abducted by 15 unknown men in a white Vigo a while ago. Critics and "fake liberals" are crying on Twitter now, and the PDM too will soon experience the repercussions of their actions.
The current oppressive behavior is unsustainable and will eventually reach its limit before diminishing. Regardless of the presence or absence of IK, Pakistan's future will undergo a significant and lasting transformation.

Activist Jibran Nasir has been abducted by 15 unknown men in a white Vigo a while ago. Critics and "fake liberals" are crying on the Twitter now, and PDM too will soon face the consequences of what they have unleashed
Jibran Nasir was awfully quiet while PTI being his ideological adversary was on the receiving end of the establishment. Not sure, what he did to piss off the sepoys, when he, true to form was being the prototypical liberal hypocrite.
option 4 outsource governance to elon
That would require massive gov't subsidy and somebody else to do all the work before doing a hostile takeover and claiming all the credit.
Jibran Nasir was awfully quiet while PTI being his ideological adversary was on the receiving end of the establishment. Not sure, what he did to piss off the sepoys, when he, true to form was being the prototypical liberal hypocrite.

His strong opposition to the trial of civilians in military courts in recent days may have angered the establishment. He probably had foreseen that the Army wouldn't stop at PTI and would target all dissidents once they were done with PTI.
And I am also confident that if given a chance to govern, the army would do a much better job
By converting the whole Pakistan into DHA?
The only solution is army rule, with danda. WIth great power comes great responsibility. The army has always enjoyed power, now its time it takes some responsibility
Oh come on that means giving army a status of a god. Like you won't be able to even question or raise your voice against army. At least now people are talking and people get to know the reality of army and army is no longer enjoying that old respect based on lies and deception.
U guys can talk openly, we living here now cant even talk. A frnd of mine in FIA told me to shut down my FB and begged me to shut up. He said ppl r tortured to the point of death or coma and the news doesnt even get out.
I say its time for silent revolution, be silent but spread ur word, prepre for the day to strike back.
I request my overseas fellows to make the most noise as they have no fear of being kidnapped. Protest, petition and write to ur govts to stop this and make sure this govt doesn't get a single penny. Lobby for sanctions. Once again overseas Pakistanis seem to be the last hope for this country.

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