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USA keeps incitating Israel to attack Iran

US was not at war with ISIL when it seized Mosul in 2014.

US decided to fight ISIL after Mosul fell to ISIL in 2014.

US was in search of local allies that could help defeat ISIL in Iraq and Syria. Fall of Mosul in 2014 convinced Iraqi government under Haider al-Abadi to reach out to the US to help defeat ISIL in the region.

US-led forces recaptured Mosul in 2017.
ISIS reached Baghdad gates
isil slaughtered and enslaved Kurds left and right.
who stopped them , who organized and armed the force that defeat them and drove them back.
who were the one that drove ISIS back to Mosul , what happened that force didn't attacked Mosul while ISIS was running from them left and right and in those time what USA and co did?
why that force stayed several month before attacking Mosul.
Isarel is too cowardly to even attack Hezbollah doubt they have the capability to attack Iran without US and Western help:-

The Jerusalem Post
The Jerusalem Post


Hezbollah no longer manning tent set up inside Israeli territory​

Story by By Amir Bohbot/Walla! •11h

 View of a Hezbollah tent that was placed on the Israeli side of the Blue Line, on the border between Israel and Lebanon. August 10, 2023.

View of a Hezbollah tent that was placed on the Israeli side of the Blue Line, on the border between Israel and Lebanon. August 10, 2023.© (photo credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Hezbollah has stopped consistently manning the tent in the last few days that was set up in the Israeli territory opposite Har Dov about 50 meters from the border with Lebanon.
This is a change from the last few months in which the tent was manned 24/7 and shifts were carried out by armed Hezbollah terrorists.
To begin with, Hezbollah set up two tents in Israeli territory. A few weeks later, the IDF finished taking measurements and decided that this was a move that goes against agreements and that the tents were a violation of Israeli sovereignty.
Messages expressing this were passed on to the Lebanese government via UNIFIL forces, meetings with Lebanon's military, and the UN.
IDF North Command Chief Maj.-Gen. Ori Gordin recommended taking action against Hezbollah even to the point of war, but his recommendation wasn't accepted, and Israel decided to take a diplomatic approach.

 The Hezbollah flag and the Palestinian flag near the border between Lebanon and northern Israel. July 19, 2023 (credit: AYAL MARGOLIN/FLASH90)

The Hezbollah flag and the Palestinian flag near the border between Lebanon and northern Israel. July 19, 2023 (credit: AYAL MARGOLIN/FLASH90)© Provided by The Jerusalem Post
The Hezbollah flag and the Palestinian flag near the border between Lebanon and northern Israel. July 19, 2023 (credit: AYAL MARGOLIN/FLASH90)
About a month ago, Walla reported that due to the pressures placed on them, Hezbollah got rid of one of the tents and moved it back to Lebanese territory. Now, it seems as though they have stopped consistently manning the second one.

Related video: Israeli defence minister visits Israel-Lebanon border (WION)
Something remote with him. Him Halila,

In Israel, the assumption is that the reason is the strong criticism from the Israeli side, IDF reinforcements along the border, and the threats from the defense system including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

IDF Foreign relations to discuss UNIFIL in the US​

Next week the head of the IDF's International Relations Division Brig-Gen. Effi Dafrin will fly to the US to debate renewing the UNIFIL mandate in Lebanon with his American counterparts. Dafrin is expected to express Israel's dissatisfaction with UNIFIL's inactivity regarding the violation of Israel's sovereignty.
The defense system sees great importance in renewing the mandate and UNIFIL's continued efforts as a stabilizing and mediating force in south Lebanon.


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ISIS reached Baghdad gates
isil slaughtered and enslaved Kurds left and right.
who stopped them , who organized and armed the force that defeat them and drove them back.
who were the one that drove ISIS back to Mosul , what happened that force didn't attacked Mosul while ISIS was running from them left and right and in those time what USA and co did?
why that force stayed several month before attacking Mosul.
Iraqi army and US coalition stopped them. You seem to forget Iran-led militias were unable to organize campaign to recapture Fallujah even before US intervention. Anyhow Iranian-led militias and Iran were fully collaborating with USA in armed operations led by Iraqi forces. Fighting side by side and getting aerial support from US. While ostracizing others for buying weapons from US. But they can get air support from them on ground. Weird.

Anyhow, here is this for you:

Competing Agendas

Initially, the Iraqi government and the Shi`a Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) “al-Hashd al-Sha’abi”8 leaders sought to take the lead on Fallujah.9 But after U.S. pressure, a compromise was reached. The Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) would lead the operation inside the city while the Shi`a-dominated PMF militias would surround and isolate Fallujah and support the ISF from the outskirts. Al-Abadi appointed Lieutenant General Abdul-Wahab al-Sa’adi, a key commander in the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (CTS), to lead the effort. Al-Sa’adi was disliked by the PMF militias due to previous tensions in operations in Ramadi and Tikrit, particularly between himself and Hadi al-Amiri (the leader of the Badr Organization, the largest Shi`a militia in Iraq).10 Moreover, in 2008 the CTS and Jaish al-Mahdi (Sadrist militia) and its offshoots had fought.11 Therefore, fissures in the military command surfaced. While they did not result in confrontation, various factions, particularly the Shi`a militias, did not completely adhere to the plan, which complicated the task of taking back Fallujah.

Participating Forces
The ground forces deployed to take back Fallujah—more than 30,000—involved three major loosely allied groups:12 one, the Shi`a-dominated Iraqi Army (Defense Ministry),13 the Shi`a-dominated Interior Ministry’s forces,14 and the much less sectarian CTS;15 two, the PMF’s majority Shi`a militias including some local Sunni volunteers;16 and three, 6,000 Sunni tribesmen from Anbar belonging to a variety of al-Hashd al-`Asha’iri al-Anbari al-Sunni groupings.17 All of these forces were officially under the authority of the Joint Operation Command (JOC) and the Fallujah Liberation Operations Command, which was closely observed by al-Abadi.18 The local Sunni tribes and local police forces were supposed to control Fallujah after its liberation.19

View of a Hezbollah tent that was placed on the Israeli side of the Blue Line, on the border between Israel and Lebanon. August 10, 2023.© (photo credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

IDF North Command Chief Maj.-Gen. Ori Gordin recommended taking action against Hezbollah even to the point of war, but his recommendation wasn't accepted, and Israel decided to take a diplomatic approach.
Very interesting that armed militants from a proscribed 'terrorist' group set up tents inside what Zionists claim as their territory, man it with armed militants, and Zionists reject taking military action against what is effectively an act of war by a group they have proscribed as a terrorist group, in favour for asking them politely to please move their tents!

Mighty Israel indeed.
Very interesting that armed militants from a proscribed 'terrorist' group set up tents inside what Zionists claim as their territory, man it with armed militants, and Zionists reject taking military action against what is effectively an act of war by a proscribed terrorist group, in favour for asking them politely to please move their tents!

Mighty Israel indeed.
We will attack on our own conditions lol

We killed hundreds of Hezbollah and Iranian terrorists over the years and Hezbollah didn't do anything lol
We will attack on our own conditions lol

We killed hundreds of Hezbollah and Iranian terrorists over the years and Hezbollah didn't do anything lol
Usually rabid zionists attack first and murder children then ask questions later, but I guess strategic patience is the new zionist policy
Usually rabid zionists attack first and murder children then ask questions later, but I guess strategic patience is the new zionist policy
Hezbollah attacked in 2006

The longer we wait the further Lebanon falls into turmoil, Hezbollah is already having gunfights with the Christians and everyone is blaming Hezbollah for the crisis there.
Hezbollah attacked in 2006

The longer we wait the further Lebanon falls into turmoil, Hezbollah is already having gunfights with the Christians and everyone is blaming Hezbollah for the crisis there.
Benny, what will you like? A stone? or a tree ?
Lebanon is a failed country, because there are mainly 2 people wants to drive the country to 2 different directions, on my opinion, Lebanon must be a province of Iran in the mediterranean at beast; at least, lebanese muslims who worries about islamic laws, must make the others ( mainly lebanese maronites) abandon the stupid idea of lebanon being the switzerland of south west asia...

This stupid idea, propagated by delusional phalangist and pro french people in lebanon has 35% of their population confused, with stupid dreams about the switzerland of south western asia. I read tweets from this people and i cannot stand of laughing what delusional they are.

Hezbollah is strong enought to defeat Israel if a new war begins, in any hezbullah operation, if a war happens agains Israel won t destroy Lebanon, because it would means to destroy cristian villages also, it would cause people of phalangist to abandon lebanon and be refugees, this is bad for itnerests of israelis...

On the other hand, hezbullah would take israeli position militarily, hezbullah is so strong for little israel, and the threat of causing destruction on lebanon won t stop hezbullah, we have seen this on the past, and we will see this again. Israel is talking tough to be something among their population. They are weak.
We will attack on our own conditions lol

We killed hundreds of Hezbollah and Iranian terrorists over the years and Hezbollah didn't do anything lol

Seems like the Israelis are too cowardly to attack Iran on their own and want to use US:-

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The Hill

If Israel strikes Iran over its nuclear program, the US must have its back​

By Michael Makovsky and Chuck Wald, opinion contributors,
13 days ago

The Biden administration should learn from its unpreparedness for the Russia-Ukraine war and begin to prepare for a major Israel-Iran conflict.
The administration needs to set aside its differences with the Israeli government, overcome its aversion to conflict with Iran, and begin to work closely with Jerusalem to prepare for the growing likelihood that Israel will feel it has no choice but to initiate a military campaign against Iran’s nuclear program.

In “ No Daylight ,” a new report from the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) — where one of us is president and CEO and the other is a distinguished fellow — and other retired senior military officers and national security experts explain that whatever differences the U.S. might now have with Israel over Iran policy, our two countries’ interests will be aligned after an Israeli strike. Consequently, in preparing its response, the U.S. guiding principle should be “no daylight with Israel,” to ensure Israeli military success, mitigate Iranian retaliation and limit the scope of the conflict — vital interests for both countries.
If Israel is compelled to act, due to a failure in U.S. policy and deterrence, the extent of U.S. backing will directly impact Iranian action. The more the Iranian regime perceives strong U.S. support for Israel, and believes it risks direct confrontation with America’s unmatched military power, the likelier that it will limit its response.

Conversely, the more daylight between the U.S. and Israel, the more likely Iran and its proxies, especially Hezbollah, will unleash its arsenal of 100,000-plus rockets and missiles at Israel, wreaking immense Israeli civilian destruction and an enormous Israeli reprisal. Such a conflict will likely pull in the U.S. military anyway and could spread throughout the region, with significant strategic and economic consequences.
A U.S. betrayal of its close Israeli ally, at a time of great peril for the Jewish state, would be “one of the greatest catastrophes ever,” an Arab leader told us privately recently. Because Israel is widely perceived as a close American ally, the U.S. stance as Israel risks thousands of casualties in defense of its very existence, will resound broadly. Strong American support will reassure allies from Warsaw to Abu Dhabi and Taipei; American equivocation will shred Washington’s credibility and embolden adversaries from Tehran to Moscow and Beijing.

The Biden administration and Congress must act now to signal U.S. support for Israel. This includes amplifying recent assertions by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan that the United States supports Israel’s “freedom of action.” Further, the U.S. should publicly reassert its automatic support for Israel in any conflict between Israel and Iran, including proxies like Hezbollah and Hamas.
These statements should be matched with expediting delivery to Israel of KC-46A tankers, precision-guided munitions, F-15 and F-35 aircraft, and air and missile defenses, for which Israel already arranged procurement. This will help maximize deterrence and, if that fails, Israeli military effectiveness. The two countries also should proactively coordinate responses to this eventuality. Washington should accelerate building integrated regional air, missile and maritime defenses against persistent Iranian threats.

Should Israel act, the American government must make abundantly and immediately clear in public statements, and at the United Nations, that it stands with Israel and fully supports its self-defense. Privately, Iranian and Hezbollah leadership should be warned that heavy retaliation against Israel, and new attacks against U.S. or allied Arab targets, will prompt severe Israeli and/or American responses that could threaten their very grasp on power.
Upon commencement of an Israeli strike, the United States should promptly resupply Israel with Iron Dome interceptors, precision-guided munitions, ammunition and spare parts, and deploy Patriot air defenses to Israel under U.S. control. As feasible, the United States should rotate additional combat aircraft and guided-missile ships through the region, to deter and counter Iran’s most likely and formidable escalatory options.

The United States, Israel and others should also coordinate on longer-term issues an Israeli strike will prompt, including offering Tehran a diplomatic offramp to conclude any ensuing conflict, addressing Hezbollah’s massive arsenals, and finding a permanent solution to Iran’s illegal nuclear weapons program.
While an Israeli strike would mark the failure (and rescue) of decades of U.S. policy, and while Washington may have misgivings about Israeli action, the most effective way to address Iran’s nuclear program already has been articulated by President Biden and communicated by America’s ambassador in Jerusalem: “Israel can and should do whatever they need to deal with it, and we’ve got their back.”
Michael Makovsky, a former Pentagon official, is president and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA). Gen. (ret.) Chuck Wald, a former deputy commander of the U.S. European Command, is a distinguished fellow at JINSA.

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