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US, NSG want Pakistan to sign IAEA protocol for nuke cooperation



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Nov 1, 2005
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US, NSG want Pakistan to sign IAEA protocol for nuke cooperation

Islamabad, UNI:

The United States and other members of Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) want Pakistan to sign the model additional protocol of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for nuclear energy cooperation between Islamabad and the western world.

The NSG is a 45-member multinational body concerned with reducing nuclear proliferation by controlling the export and re-transfer of materials that may be applicable to nuclear weapon development and by improving safeguards and protection on existing materials.

''Washington and other members of NSG want not only Pakistan, but also India, to come within the ambit of IAEAbs model additional protocol,'' The Nation newspaper quoted a diplomatic source as saying.

It said Pakistan, before making any decision on the vital issue, would first see whether or not India goes for signing the protocol.

The protocol will help Pakistan acquire the nuclear energy cooperation with the west and would facilitate access to civilian nuclear technology.

''The protocol substantially expands IAEA ability to check clandestine nuclear facilities by providing the agency with an authority to visit any facility, declared or not, to investigate questions or inconsistencies in a statess nuclear declarations,'' the source said.

The protocol, the source said, was drafted to strengthen the verification ability of the IAEA after the 1991 discovery that Iraq had nearly developed a nuclear weapon without the agency's knowledge.

''The Protocol, which requires countries to declare additional activities and facilities to the IAEA, enables the agency to seek access to undeclared locations, and allows for spot inspections in less than 24 hours notice,'' the source said.

A Pakistan government official when contacted declined to comment on NSG demand from Pakistan to sign the IAEA's additional protocol.

However, he said Pakistan was in contact with the United States and other members of NSG for acquiring civilian nuclear technology to meet its fast growing energy requirements.

He said Pakistan believed that being declared a nuclear state, it was unfair to keep it away from the nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. ''This is our right and we will continue to pursue it,'' the official said.

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