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Turkish minister of foreign affairs warns Iran.

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Azerbaijani’s are not Irani Forget about it they’re Turk.
No they are iranic people with turkish language.

I can check..


Azeris can be modeled as a mix of Caucasus people and Turkmens.
I can check..

View attachment 952956

Azeris can be modeled as a mix of Caucasus people and Turkmens.
Absolutely, the Azerbaijani identity also has a significant Turkish influence. Historically, Azerbaijan shares cultural and linguistic ties with the Turkic world, which has played a pivotal role in shaping Azerbaijani culture and language. This Turkish heritage is an essential part of the Azeri identity, contributing to their unique blend of cultures and traditions.
Cheers mate breaking down the issue with historical background. I would only state that it is easy at times for external observers like me to talk about the ethnic element by looking at a map and seeing a group of Azeri's spread on one side of the border and the other and assume a 'brotherhood'. As you pointed many factors affect alignment and the missing point here is the 'common historic' experience. The Rep of Azerbaijan was ruled under the USSR and for the past Century had a very different cultural experience to that of the lazy Iranian Azeri's that have had the same historic experience as Iranians. Whilst the Iranian Azeri's have sympathies towards the Azeri's of the North there is no feeling or desire of an Azerbaijani 'Nationhood'. As you pointed out Iranian Azeri's over time have been corrupted ( brainwashed )

It's rather the other way around, Azaris under Soviet rule were exposed to historic revisionism and identity politics alienating them from their roots. Hence the comparatively diluted religiosity in the so-called Republic of Azarbaijan, by the way.

Historic fact is that Aran and Shirvan have been part and parcel of Iran for countless centuries. The name Azarbaijan itself is eminently Iranian.

I can check..

View attachment 952956

Azeris can be modeled as a mix of Caucasus people and Turkmens.

They are extremely close to and overlapping with other Iranians.


Not to mention that the majority of Iranians today are of mixed sub-national linguistic backgrounds. Ask around in this forum as an example, hardly an Iranian will claim to have four grandparents from one and the same linguistic group.

There is basically only one "ethnicity" in Iran, with some degree of local folklore, itself on the decline due to an urbanization rate of close to 80%, intra-national mobility and intermarriage etc.

That man is a slave of west in Africa. (look like Nigerian government )

They obey all of their masters orders and even betrayed other Africans (for example people of Niger).

They hate iran because their masters hate iran.

Yes the current Nigerian administration is aligned on Washington. Moreover as everywhere else, Iran's enemies have invested heavily into Shiaphobic sectarianism, which in Nigeria is seen as a priority by the enemy given sheykh Zakzaki's impressive success. However we do not generalize about any peoples, indeed many Nigerians can see through the western-concocted fog of propaganda.
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Man, i really don t want to see turkey soldiers wheeping along the border (as americans) if you mess with Iran. Why are you so stupid, go for Cyprus and forget caucusus, you have not goal nor bonds there, don t mess with iranian interests, don t be a disturber all the time with your muslim neighbourns.

I don't know where the idea stems from, that a nation which has successfully deterred the USA from launching military aggression against it, would fail to deter Turkey?

In the words of a former USA military intelligence officer:

We dont care about poor weak backward Iran

Yes you care so little that you've been posting tens of times in this thread about Iran.

Meanwhile Iran has hundreds of already succesful ballistic missiles. Maybe thousands.

Iran is fielding not hundreds, but tens of thousands of ballistic missiles. Ballistic missiles are where the bulk of Iran's budget for arms procurement has been going to for more than twenty years, they form the backbone of Iran's deterrence strategy. In terms of different types and sub-types alone, Iran has developed from the top of my head around twenty models of BM's, not to mention tens of hardened underground mega-bases dedicated exclusively to launching missiles, you don't invest this much for a mere hundreds of projectiles.

I'd suggest to take sources close to NATO with a grain of salt when it comes to Iranian capabilities (or to the Sacred Defence aka Iran-Iraq war).
I'd suggest to take sources close to NATO with a grain of salt when it comes to Iranian capabilities (or to the Sacred Defence aka Iran-Iraq war).

Iran could not beat even weak Iraq in 8 years
still dreaming about fighting against regional super power Turkiye

Iran can fire only Ballistic Missiles ..nothing else
but Turkiye-Azerbaijan can take South Azerbaijan from Iran

and outdated-weak Iranian Air Force never can stop the Turkish Air Force
tens of thousands of guided Bombs to turn Teheran , Qum and other Iranian cities into stone age

never forget about that ,, almost half of Iran is TURK .. and 35-40 miillion TURKs in Iran will be side with Azerbaijan-Turkiye

btw Turkiye has also Ballistic-Cruise Missile technologies with range of 1.000+ km

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Iran has had them for years and years.

Iran has had UCAVs for years and years too

but now Turkiye has far better UCAV technologies than Iran

Increasing the range of missiles is very easy for Türkiye
Turkiye does not disclose its missile technology and develops it through a satellite launch project , in order not to worry Europe, Israel and other neighboring countries

Turkiye focused on superior guidance technologies for Ballistic Missiles to hit the targets with point accuracy from 1.000 km.....( below 2 m )

and Turkish Ballistic-Cruise Missiles can do it
Iran has had UCAVs for years and years too

but now Turkiye has far better UCAV technologies than Iran

Increasing the range of missiles is very easy for Türkiye
Turkiye does not disclose its missile technology and develops it through a satellite launch project , in order not to worry Europe, Israel and other neighboring countries

Turkiye focused on superior guidance technologies for Ballistic Missiles to hit the targets with point accuracy from 1.000 km.....( below 2 m )

and Turkish Ballistic-Cruise Missiles can do it
Is there anything Turkey doesn't do better? 🙄
My question was different.

You keep spamming posts all day,every day about how superior everything Turkish is. No matter the thread,no matter the thing we're talking about.

So tell us,what did you study? Did you even study? What's your current job?
Armenians, Turkmen and Uzbeks have iranic blood in their DNA

Yes there is overlap, basically shared ancient ancestry due to geographical proximity.
But it doesn't take away the fact that Azeris (and Anatolian Turks) have substantial Turkmen-like ancestry.
They are extremely close to and overlapping with other Iranians.

A person with 75% Polish ancestry and 25% Moroccan would plot much closer to French than North Africans on PCA, and any assumption about their ancestral breakdown based on the PCA plot will be certainly not very accurate. Models based on G25 coordinates are quite useful in this regard.
Why does Iran oppose the Zangezur corridor?

- Iran has been under blockade for years. The sanctions imposed by the US, Europe and Israel have severely affected the Iranian economy.

Today, Tehran's access to the world is provided through Armenia. On the other hand, Iran and Armenia have been in close cooperation for years.

In the 1990s, during the First Karabakh War, Iran consistently supported the Armenians. One of the reasons for this is the Azerbaijani Turkish presence in Iran.

Because the Tehran regime sees the nationalization of Azerbaijani Turks as a national threat. Therefore, it sees Azerbaijan's success and mobility in the region as a threat to itself.

Azerbaijan's close relations with Turkiye and Israel seem to be an additional threat for Iran. In this respect, the idea of opening the Zangezur corridor after the Second Karabakh War, which lasted 44 days, is absolutely unacceptable to Iran.

Because if the Zangezur corridor is opened, Iran's political and economic importance in the region will decrease.

A global project will be implemented, starting from China to Central Asia, then to Azerbaijan via the Caspian Sea, then to Turkiye via the Zangezur Corridor and from there to Europe. In this case, Iran is left out of these projects.

On the other hand, the Iranian regime is aware of Armenia's weak position and fears that in the future Azerbaijan and Turkiye will annex the Zangezur corridor in exchange for military action or money. As a result, It carries concerns that the state border between Iran and Armenia will completely disappear.

Why did the Iranian president, in a telephone conversation with Nikol Pashinyan, reject the Zangezur corridor and say that he would not allow the political geography of the region to be changed? What does it mean for the Iranian side to make such a statement despite the absence of such a goal?

- It means that Iran will react sharply to any change in the political geography of the region. It is a message about the Iranian army is ready for war and can intervene at any time.

I don't think that the Iranian army will enter Azerbaijani territory, but the Azerbaijani or Turkish army that will enter Zangezur may face not only the Armenian army but also the Iranian army.

Moreover, not only the Iranian army but also the armies of other countries supporting Armenia may fight against Azerbaijan in Zangezur.

Depending on the course of events, military operations may continue on the territory of Armenia, Azerbaijan or Iran.

Azerbaijan will not be alone on the ground here. In the first hours, the Turkish and Pakistani armies will be on the battlefield.

Later, the US, Israel and other Western armies that can support Azerbaijan and want to widen the front against Iran may also launch their military presence in the region.

This would mean a regional or even world war. The war in Zangezur could pave the way for military operations by the international coalition against Iran.

Is the rapprochement between Israel and Azerbaijan the reason for Tehran's growing fears towards Azerbaijan?

- Iran has suspicions and fears about Azerbaijan and this policy has been going on for years. First of all, there is the issue of nearly 40 million Azerbaijani Turks living in Iran. This is a serious factor for Iran.

40 million people do not have their national rights recognized; there are no secondary schools, universities, newspapers and magazines in the Azerbaijani language in Iran today.

Occasional protests by Azerbaijani Turks cause serious concerns within Iran. In the future plans of foreign powers that want to divide Iran, there is also the factor of following Azerbaijani Turks and their opposition to the Tehran regime.

The 40 million Turks living there are a much more serious and powerful force than any other people living in Iran.

Israeli-Azerbaijani relations are just a pretext. Because these relations do not pose a threat to Tehran. Moreover, Azerbaijan's relations with Israel are not against Iran or any third country.

Today, Israel-Turkiye relations are not at the desired level. However, Turkiye has never expressed any concern about Azerbaijan's close relations with Israel. Because Turkiye and Azerbaijan are brotherly countries and there is trust between the parties.

But it is not possible to think of Iran-Azerbaijan relations in this way. Because Iran has always seen Azerbaijan as a source of danger. In general, the regime in Tehran considers all countries that are not on its side as a real threat to itself. The problem is in Tehran's way of thinking.

What is Turkiye's role in the establishment of the Zangezur corridor? Is it possible that the disagreement between Ankara and Tehran on this issue could escalate into a military conflict?

- Turkiye is an important factor in the South Caucasus today. First of all, it should be noted that Azerbaijan and Turkiye are one nation, two states.

It is very difficult to find similar relations in the world. After the 44-day Second Karabakh War, Turkiye-Azerbaijan relations continue as one state.

Today, all steps taken by Azerbaijan are supported by Turkiye. From this perspective, the Zangezur corridor is also in line with Turkiye's national interests.

Because this corridor will provide a land route between the main territories of Azerbaijan and Turkiye. Another name of this corridor is the Turkish Gate. Because through the Zangezur Corridor, the Central Asian region will also be gain trade corridor to Turkiye. This will further strengthen the economic, political and spiritual unity of the Turkic states.

There is always a high possibility that Turkiyey and Iran will confront each other over the Zangezur corridor. Because if Iran opposes this corridor and attacks Azerbaijan, it will also see Turkiye against it.

Last week, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan sent a clear message to his Iranian counterparts on this issue.

They understand this very well in Iran. Therefore, I do not think that the Iranian army will attack Azerbaijani territory. However, the Iranian army will take part in the military operations against the Azerbaijani army that will enter Zangezur, and the Tehran regime will say that it is doing so in order to "protect the territorial integrity of Armenia". We are already hearing this from Iranian officials.

Is the Zangezur Corridor related to the recent military developments on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border?

- No, it is not. The opening of the Zangezur Corridor was agreed as part of the Russia-Armenia-Azerbaijan trilateral agreement of 10 November 2020, and Armenia accepted it.

According to this agreement, if the Azerbaijani side provides the Lachin Corridor between Armenia and Karabakh, then the Armenian side must ensure the land connection with the main territories of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan.

However, Armenia does not want to fulfil its obligations in this regard and wants to withdraw from the agreement under various pretexts.

This is evident in the provocations of the Armenian side both in the diplomatic sphere and on the state border.

Unfortunately, peace talks took place between Armenia and Azerbaijan at different times in the last 3 years, and certain agreements were reached. However, today Armenia is destroying everything with its provocative steps, trying to aggravate the situation and launching attacks on Azerbaijani military positions.

What is Russia's position in the Zangezur Corridor and who does Moscow support between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

- Russia is only interested in maintaining the status quo in the region. It is not in Moscow's interest to achieve a lasting peace between the parties. The longer the conflict lasts, the greater Russia's ability to influence both Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Russia does not have a specific position on the Zangezur Corridor. This is because this corridor does not benefit Moscow in any way. On the contrary, this corridor will lead to the strengthening of Azerbaijan and Turkiye in the region and will reduce Russia's influence in the region.

But there are some processes that Russia cannot prevent. Therefore, trying to gain at least some benefit, Russia wants the Russian army to control the Zangezur corridor and thus gain some benefit.

Today Russia's position is unclear. Who to support between Armenia and Azerbaijan is not a priority for Moscow. Russia does not support anyone, it only takes steps in line with its own interests.

Sometimes it makes political moves in favor of Azerbaijan, sometimes in favor of Armenia. Russia thinks big and wants to have a say in the South Caucasus for many years to come.

Today, Russia does not covet any territory in Karabakh. Moscow wants more, which means that it intends to retain control of the region as a whole.

However, I do not think that Russia, tired of the war in Ukraine in recent years, can stay in the South Caucasus for long. Seeing this, the USA and Iran intend to increase their activities in the zone.

What are the expected scenarios for this political tension?
Will it lead to a regional war? Or will the issue end with the reconciliation of Turkiye, Russia and Iran?

- Zangezur Corridor is not only on the agenda of Azerbaijan and Turkiye. This corridor has attracted the attention of great powers. Because the opening of this corridor will directly affect the course of the global economy. Even China is an interesting party in this regard.

It is not possible for all parties to be satisfied with the opening of the Zangezur Corridor. Therefore, some conflicts are expected. We still see contradictions in the political and diplomatic sphere. If diplomatic options are exhausted, weapons will start talking.

Of course, not only Armenia and Azerbaijan will fight in this war. Armenia has no power to fight today. The Azerbaijani army can capture not only the Zangezur Corridor, but the whole of Armenia in a couple week.

Regional powers will also enter the conflict here. What is important is the active preparation of the Iranian army today. Iran's intervention will also pave the way for world powers to intervene militarily in the region. Armenia will suffer the most here.

Because active military operations will be carried out on the territory of the Republic of Armenia. Armenia could become a second Ukraine, even worst. What is happening in Ukraine today, the clash of world powers can continue in Armenia.

However, if Russia, Iran and Turkiye can agree on the Zangezur corridor, this problem can be solved with less losses. However, here too, the attitude of the Armenian authorities will be the key factor.

Because today Nikol Pashinyan is a person who depends on the United States for his political will. The only way is to remove Nikol Pashinyan from power. Only then can the Turkiye-Russia-Iran agreement yield results.

Otherwise, conflict is inevitable.* (my edit:This possible conflict can also serves US interests the most)


-Dr.Ahmet Şairoğlu (Şairoğlu is a journalist and international relations expert at Ulusalkanal. Ulusalkanal is a TV channel in a neo-Eurasian line and has a political line in the country that consistently advocates an alliance with Iran, Russia and China.)
i want infront excuse my language but i saw turks in this thread fall into their big mouthed rude tone again so let me talk in a language they understand.

senin dilinle konuşacağım

Anatolian Turks are barking like dogs here but there is never any strength or punch behind that barking and everyone knows it and i say this as an Iranian Azeri.

Iran fights anyone including the Superpower USA ( they claimed soleimani was responsible for 5 thousand US soldier deaths )

once america attacks iranian interests, iran always strikes back, same goes to Israel and so on.

Turkey meawhile acted over the years more like an barking dog that gets punched around.

remember when the Russians bombed and killed alot of their man in Syria without them fighting back or striking even 1 russian target?


i think the total number is like 200 turks killed by Russia in syria in last 4 years alone.

they never fought back.

same happened with Iran when in 2016 turkish army threatened a "Pro Iran" base close to its army position and fired warning shells.

an iranian drone said hello and killed 4 their soldiers and they became quiet

Same with Israel

remember when they slaughtered turks on mass in international waters ?


what was turkeys response ? as usual nothing.

just barking abit in the media then later asking for "Diplomacy and friendship"

same they do with Russia and Iran.

Turkey never fights back, lets everyone in the region humiliate them. just big mouth. (they know they have the most fragile state in the entire region together with Iraq and Syria)

Iran would eat them for breakfest, within 1 week their state would collapse, with the kurdish part declaring independence and state falling into total chaos.

Irans Azeri population together with the Persian one are the most nationalistic ethnic groups, iranian azeris are also the most conservative and religious iranians.

(tabriz is far more conservative then Tehran as example)

Iran has 10 times the offensive capabilities turkey has, irans missiles are far superior in offensive capabilities then their outdated f16`s , if even some of them reach iranian cities (before all fo them get shot down) what they can do ? maybe damage a handful of buildings lol.... they have no bombers and even houthis have a better missile and WMD propgram.

also lets end this thread and fight now

ben senin erkek kardeşinim , im iranian azeri but when a dog barks you need to slap him against his face so he comes back to reality...
such threads are mostly retarded "Machoism" .
there will be no war between iran and turkey, there is no gain for any party included.
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