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Trump comments on Iranians retaliation

Yeah, Pakistan for example has the cleanest governing system you joker
We have concerns about our governance system.
Generals with the help of Americans have reportedly undermined Pakistani Public Elected Politicians.
Just like Iran who has been involved in exploiting secterian fault lines of many countries like Lebanon,Syria and others
That's why I say Iranians are no different to Americans and Zionists. same approach but different interests.
Among all the coward and slave muslim nations, Iran is the only one with balls. Indirectly they have encircled israel and made them shit themselves. Other so called muslims are licking feet of zionists and americans.
Killing Sunnis is not an achievement.

Against Israel Hezbollah been standing at the border and hasn't done anything.

Only Hamas has.
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Dear wahhabi
Did you know that Sunnis have 17 thousand mosques in Iran?
I think the number of Sunni mosques in Iran is more than in Turkey.

Also Wahhabie terrorist are not True Sunnis. Your Wahhabie cult were made to serve America and creat a bad image of Islam for peoples of world.
Your Wahhabie terrorist are enemies of Islam, every Muslims have duty to kill all of you.
He seems nasibi to me, and not all Wahhabis are nasibis. :coffee:

Alevi shia’s where also Turks just like Shah Ismail
Alevi and Alawi are two different groups and both are not shias. :coffee:
There was no civil war in Syria you idiot. ISIS and other terrorists imposed a war on Syrian nation enabling Takfiri elements to take over Syrian territories. Millions of Syrian refugees were taken to hostage by Turks and their government to score points from European union. Whenever Dollar and Euro flow stopped to Turkey, Turks sent refugees to borders of Europe and Greece
Although many complicated motives led to the Syrian civil war, one event, known as the Arab Spring, stands out as perhaps the most significant trigger for the conflict.
In early 2011, a series of political and economic protests in Egypt and Tunisia broke out. These successful revolts, dubbed the Arab Spring, served as an inspiration for pro-democracy activists in Syria.

However, in March of that year, 15 Syrian schoolchildren were arrested and tortured for writing graffiti that was inspired by the Arab Spring. One of the boys was killed.
The arrests sparked outrage and demonstrations throughout Syria. Citizens demanded the release of the remaining children, along with greater freedoms for all people in the country.

But the government, headed by President Bashar al-Assad, responded by killing and arresting hundreds of protestors. Shock and anger began to spread throughout Syria, and many demanded that Assad resign. When he refused, war broke out between his supporters and his opponents.

Irani Backed Assad Regime is not willing to share the Power to end this Syrian Civil War.
After negotiations failed in 2014, UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi apologized to the Syrian people in a statement, saying, "Unfortunately, the government has refused, which raises the suspicion of the opposition that, in fact, the government doesn't want to discuss the (transitional governing body) at all," he said.

Lets talk about Iranian & Russian backed Assad Regime in Syria:
Corruption of Assad ruling elite:

Taking advantage of the increased role of the state as a result of the civil war, Bashar and his wife Asma have begun annexing Syria's economic assets from their loyalists, seeking to displace the old business elites and monopolize their direct control of the economy. Maher al-Assad, the brother of Bashar, has also become wealthy by overseeing the operations of Syria's state-sponsored captagon drug industry and seizing much of the spoils of war. The ruling couple currently owns vast swathes of Syria's shipping, real estate, telecommunications and banking sectors.Significant changes have been happening to Syrian economy since the government's confiscation campaigns launched in 2019, which involved major economic assets being transferred to the Presidential couple to project their power and influence. Particularly noteworthy dynamic has been the rise of Asma al-Assad, who heads Syria's clandestine economic council and is thought to have become "a central funnel of economic power in Syria". Through her Syria Trust NGO, the backbone of her financial network, Asma vets the foreign aid coming to Syria; since the government authorizes UN organizations only if it works under state agencies.
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During Hafez-al-Assad's reign, he resorted to emphasising the sectarian identities that the previous Ba'ath Party rejected; believing the only way to ensure stability was through building a trusted security force... Hafez pursued a strategy to “make the Alawite community a loyal monolith while keeping Syria's Sunni majority divided”. Yet Syria became a police state, enforcing stability through threat of brute force repression... Bashar had already followed in his father's footsteps, carefully manoeuvring his most loyal allies into the military-security apparatus, government ministries and the Ba’ath party.

— Antonia Robson

The regime followed a strategy of sectarianization by arming Alawite militias and directing them to massacre Sunni settlements, which sparked an armed Islamist response equally sectarian and unforgiving.
How this Iranian & Russian backed Assad Regime dealt with peaceful Protests?
According to Britannica, It was in the impoverished drought-stricken rural province of Darʿā, in southern Syria, that the first major protests occurred in March 2011. A group of children had been arrested and tortured by the authorities for writing antiregime graffiti; incensed local people took to the street to demonstrate for political and economic reforms. Security forces responded harshly, conducting mass arrests and sometimes firing on demonstrators. The violence of the regime’s response added visibility and momentum to the protesters’ cause, and within weeks similar nonviolent protests had begun to appear in cities around the country. Videos of security forces beating and firing at protesters—captured by witnesses on mobile phones—were circulated around the country and smuggled out to foreign media outlets.

Secterian Dimension of Assad's crackdown on Syrians
From early on, the uprising and the regime’s response had a sectarian dimension. Many of the protesters belonged to the country’s Sunni majority, while the ruling Assad family were members of the country’s ʿAlawite minority. ʿAlawites also dominated the security forces and the irregular militias that carried out some of the worst violence against protesters and suspected opponents of the regime.


My conclusion is that Iranians hold no moral high ground here.Do you think that these corrupt entities backed by Iranian Mullahs and Russian Dictator can defeat the Zionists and US?

I will leave this question for you.
On a side note, Britannica is highly credible source for reference.

Do u know asad regime was propped by the same sunni arabs, also compare that to what saddam hussain did. What jordan and Pakistan did to Palestinians, what Pakistan keeps doing to afghans, how Pakistan treated bengalis, how sunni arabs treated sunni Egyptians.. the list is too long.

@TNT in case you have any doubts about Iranian support to this tyrant entity, just look at this post by an Iranian member on PDF.Look he can't escape from the fact that Iran is supporting a cruel entity. his only way to escape is by posing a stupid counter question.

Most of Arab dictators have at least raised the Living standards of their own civillians significantly.
But look at Iranian backed Assad regime,they have only brought misery for the people of Syria.

Worst tyrants have been supported by sunnis, like Saddam hussain, even now a scumbag like sisi is supported by sunni arabs, so how does it make sunnis any better than iran? Atleast iran opposes israel while sunni arabs lick zionist balls.
how does it make sunnis any better than iran? Atleast iran opposes israel while sunni arabs lick zionist balls.
I never claimed that Arab regimes are better than Iranian regime.
I just highlighted that Iranian regime is no less than Americans and Israelis or even Arabs when it comes to support Tyrant entities to materialize their own geostrategic interests.
Assad Regime is a live example in front of you.HZ and other Iranian Proxies are no better.
So Iranians hold no moral high ground in these conflicts as many believe here.
So my friend, It's all a game of own interests.Sect/Religion is used as a tool to materialize these interests.

Remember when Iranian Regime veto-ed Kashmir Resolution in OIC in 1994.So should we say Iranian regime is a Pajeet Boot-licker.
Iran vetoed a resolution on Kashmir in the OIC in 1994. The resolution was proposed by Pakistan and supported by most of the OIC members, but Iran used its veto power to block it. The resolution condemned India’s human rights violations in Kashmir and called for a plebiscite to determine the fate of the disputed region. Iran’s veto was seen as a gesture of goodwill towards India, with whom it had close economic and strategic ties.
Among all the coward and slave muslim nations, Iran is the only one with balls. Indirectly they have encircled israel and made them shit themselves. Other so called muslims are licking feet of zionists and americans.
Shiites have always been cowards. There's historic proof. I think its a curse from Allah for their slandering the Sahabas.

TRUMP explains his alliances with Iran

🔺When Iran shot down one of our UAVs, the UAV was 14 years old. It wasn't very valuable. Nearby was a large motor plane with 39 engineers and pilots on board.

🔺I asked the generals, 'did they shoot down the plane behind him?' "No sir, they didn't," they said. I said this is interesting.

🔺But we had to hit Iran, so we hit them very hard. We disabled their radar and different things, and I made a statement that if they came against us, we would do things to them that they never thought possible.

🔺The Iranians called us, "We have no choice, we have to shoot you to save our reputation. We will launch 18 missiles at a certain military base, but don't worry, the missiles will not reach the base." They gave a guarantee.

As they say, they fire 18 missiles, 5 of which are destroyed in the air. Others fall around the base

USA killed top Iranian General SULEIMANI ..but Iran fired Missiles on empty American Bases in Iraq
Shiites have been cowards historically. This is a major reason they always fail in the end. They will NEVER fight unless faced with certain death and destruction where the only possible survival option is to fight. See how much noise they made about attacking Israeli troops if they invade Gaza. I even bought into that propaganda. Right now, IDF is deep inside Gaza, but iran and hezbollah do nothing. Real cowards. Thank God many Muslims realize this. Iran doesn't have the qualities to lead Muslim nations against America. No coward can be a good leader.

After Hamas, it'll be Hezbollah.
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Iran telling to Iraqis that they will launch missiles on their territory is absolutely normal, because Iraq is a sovereign state and Iran had to warn them that they will have their territory under Iranian missile attack.

It was Iraqis who warned Americans and not Iran.

Trump is a liar and what he doesn't say in public is that after the attack he had 150 US soldiers with severe brain injuries.

Jews are animals and beasts. This is a well known fact and has not been a secret for the last 2000 years.
Your argument is hollow. Iran never notifies Iraq when it attacks Kurdish targets. Soleimani was killed on Iraqi soil and Iraq did nothing to protect him. Therefore, Iran isn't obligued to inform Iraq before attacking the people who murdered their top general in broad daylight.
It was pure cowardice. Simple. Iran didn't have the balls for any kind of a fight with America. They'll do nothing if Khomeni himself was assassinated.

Here is a satellite picture of what was hit in Ain alassad..... it is clear for whoever has studdied this for a minuite that Iran hit the base very accuraely, and not empty spaces.... but I guess blind idiots will be blind idiots....

Iran notified the Americans to evacuate the base or withdraw to safer areas. How can there not be a single dead after 13 missiles hit a military base full of soldiers? Brain injuries is nothing compared to the strategic and reputational lose Iran suffered at Suleimani's assassination.

We'll see what you guys do when the US starts taking out your proxies in the region.

Just a lie from orange clown
View attachment 969698
Only a butthurt turd(k) believe this.
The fact is that you didn't kill any Americans that day. Another fact is that you notified the Americans or at least the Iraqis, which you shouldn't have done if you have guts.

Just a lie from orange clown
View attachment 969698
Only a butthurt turd(k) believe this.
The fact is that you didn't kill any Americans that day. Another fact is that you notified the Americans or at least the Iraqis, which you shouldn't have done if you have guts.
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Just a lie from orange clown
View attachment 969698
Only a butthurt turd(k) believe this.
The fact is that you didn't kill any Americans that day. Another fact is that you notified the Americans or at least the Iraqis, which you shouldn't have done if you have guts. No amount of propaganda can hide your cowardice. Trump really exposed you guys back then. this is why he is the most hated american in Iran.

We only kill terrorists.
Turkish terrorist are our favourite ones.
More of you have died over the past 10 years than Turkiye's deaths in the 40 years of fighting the PKK. Thousands of IRGCs died in Syria. Hundreds of Russians also died there, and thousands are now dying in Ukraine. But it isn't over yet.
I never claimed that Arab regimes are better than Iranian regime.
I just highlighted that Iranian regime is no less than Americans and Israelis or even Arabs when it comes to support Tyrant entities to materialize their own geostrategic interests.
Assad Regime is a live example in front of you.HZ and other Iranian Proxies are no better.
So Iranians hold no moral high ground in these conflicts as many believe here.
So my friend, It's all a game of own interests.Sect/Religion is used as a tool to materialize these interests.

Remember when Iranian Regime veto-ed Kashmir Resolution in OIC in 1994.So should we say Iranian regime is a Pajeet Boot-licker.
Iran vetoed a resolution on Kashmir in the OIC in 1994. The resolution was proposed by Pakistan and supported by most of the OIC members, but Iran used its veto power to block it. The resolution condemned India’s human rights violations in Kashmir and called for a plebiscite to determine the fate of the disputed region. Iran’s veto was seen as a gesture of goodwill towards India, with whom it had close economic and strategic ties.

No it makes iran better because their interests, no matter what, doeant coincide with israel and US. While boot lickers like arabs and Pakistanis are worst because they cant even stand up to israel. As a common muslim, i find iranian interest suit me more, in a sense that atleast oppose israel. By ur logic Pakistan is also no different, how Pakistan have treated afghans and bengalis and how Pakistan killed thousands of Palestinians.
Iran vetoing Kashmir was good step, they exposed this slave hypocrite country, licking zionists and american boots while pretending to care about kashmiris. Infact this dajjali army otself gave away Kashmir, so why even mention iran, as if not vetoing would have liberated Kashmir lolz.

Shiites have always been cowards. There's historic proof. I think its a curse from Allah for their slandering the Sahabas.

Shiites have been cowards historically. This is a major reason they always fail in the end. They will NEVER fight unless faced with certain death and destruction where the only possible survival option is to fight. See how much noise they made about attacking Israeli troops if they invade Gaza. I even bought into that propaganda. Right now, IDF is deep inside Gaza, but iran and hezbollah do nothing. Real cowards. Thank God many Muslims realize this. Iran doesn't have the qualities to lead Muslim nations against America. No coward can be a good leader.

After Hamas, it'll be Hezbollah.
Lolz so why dont the brave and non cursed sunnis do something??? Oh yeah the yazeed apologists were actually busy establishing diplomatic relations with israel. If iran is just making noise then why dont the brave suuni arabs atleast make noise? Or too scared to even make noise? Lolz
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Shiites have always been cowards. There's historic proof. I think its a curse from Allah for their slandering the Sahabas.

Shiites have been cowards historically. This is a major reason they always fail in the end. They will NEVER fight unless faced with certain death and destruction where the only possible survival option is to fight. See how much noise they made about attacking Israeli troops if they invade Gaza. I even bought into that propaganda. Right now, IDF is deep inside Gaza, but iran and hezbollah do nothing. Real cowards. Thank God many Muslims realize this. Iran doesn't have the qualities to lead Muslim nations against America. No coward can be a good leader.

After Hamas, it'll be Hezbollah.
You're not well informed... Sunni countries ARE the biggest cowards (fact). Iran fought against US when Iran military was very weak (at the end of the Iran-Iraq war). We fought US-Soviet-Europe backed Saddam who waged chemical warfare. We captured US marines, backed our allies against them in different areas (from Lebanon to Iraq). We hit their bases as the only country who dared to do so. Iran is one of the few countries independent from US hegemony.
Turks of this forum are one of the most retarded stupids bunches that i have ever seen in online forums.

Trump is a pathological liar, tomorrow he will claim Iran's late general Soleimani is alive and he resides in Washington and Turks of this forum will repeat his non sense 24/7.

Trump's lies cannot hide the fact that Turks are whores of west Asia, they are the ones providing Israel with oil. They played Sunni-Shia card to destroy Syria and Iraq in collaboration with Zionists.
indoctrinated brain dead persian donkeys are the most retard people on earth, they cant stand to see reality

persians are the son of mutah(son of whores), mutah is legal with their chitty theocratical system but haram in islam. persians dont know how many fathers they have because they dont know how many times their mother did mutah!

lastly whole governments in middle east are puppets of west and zionists , iran and turkey are not exception! i know what turkish goverment does but persians dont know what iran does under closed doors because their brains are dead.
indoctrinated brain dead persian donkeys are the most retard people on earth, they cant stand to see reality

persians are the son of mutah(son of whores), mutah is legal with their chitty theocratical system but haram in islam. persians dont know how many fathers they have because they dont know how many times their mother did mutah!

lastly whole governments in middle east are puppets of west and zionists , iran and turkey are not exception! i know what turkish goverment does but persians dont know what iran does under closed doors because their brains are dead.
in short as you have no argument you resorted to nonsense

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