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Metal 0-1

Aug 14, 2016
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So far we had been mostly discussing situations in IPB (Intelligence preparation of battlefield) was assumed well known or very accurate.

But what if our only information is that there is enemy somewhere and we don't know his strength and behavior?

Wait for him and prepare for defense? Send a recon patrol while rest is doing nothing?
All those ideas don't align with our modern concept of maneuver warfare.
We want to establish with enemy and stay in offensive whenever possible.

The enemy commander should not be able to establish an uninterrupted OODA loop.

A Combat patrol can somewhat solve the problem, but it's not suited to take and hold ground. That's why movement to contact is best response for such situations.

Movement to contact is not a battle drill, nothing you can flex by memorizing it.
it's an idea or concept that needs to be understood. It can be conducted at all levels of warfare and it's one of the most ruthless and agressive military activities that can be performed.
Especially forces that embraces offensive above all else. USMC and German military make use movement to contact.

As we are probably at war when executing this concept we know there's enemy, we don't know exactly where he is, except that he's in front of our FLOT.

Maybe some further intelligence shapes perception of future.

For example enemy infantry has been spotted North-East. We still don't know about the enemy's strength and intent or where main body of force is, but at least we know something. So instead of waiting a part of main force gets detached to conduct movement to contact.

The next step is establishing limit of advance and further control measures like passing points.

The detachment conducting should pack way more punch in terms of mass and firepower as compared to reconnaissance patrol and yet be highly mobile.
Our goal is to conduct a meeting type engagement which further shapes battlefield towards our odds.


The remaining forces will stay in reserve. It doesn't mean that they can't advance or prepare defensive positions.

As soon as contact is established the detachment conducting movement to contact will continue to engage with enemy to create pressure.
We don't want enemy to be adapt to this new situation. The only limit is limit of advance.
If no contact is made we gained ground, in contrast to a combat patrol the element will expand FLOT.

Now during the contact situation the reserve forces can be used to now exploit the enemies reaction.

Most likely reactions are him retreating, counter attracting or forming a defense that create a defilade engagement situations. All those situations make him very vulnerable for a flanking attack by our reserve forces. If a potential enemy center of gravity is recognized a main effort can be formed to destroy it.

As you can see movement to contact is far away from being a sophisticated patrol but it is also isn't a classic patrol.

It is somewhere between attack and patrol.
We're doing something and staying in defense vs sending careful reconnaissance patrols.
Multiple movements to contact can be conducted at the same time further exploiting the confusion they create.

What if we don't conduct movement to contact ?
The enemy can stay in the offensive and there keeping the initiative.

The enemy can establish or further reinforce the defensive positions.

The enemy will have have full freedom of decision making due to the lack of pressure.

Our attack will reach it's culmination point.

Tactical Considerations:
As we are focusing on company or battalion level here. Movement to contact can be conducted by company or platoon.
As name implies we are still conducting MOVEMENT not an approch as we don't know exact location or named area of interest.

As likeliness of contact is high but not often movement is conducted in travelling overwatch to maintain the tempo.

Of course we can conduct movement at platoon level with for example a section(two squads) conducting the movement.

Line formations would be to hard to coordinate in this type of action but column would be to vulnerable.
A box formation would be suitable for this situation but suffers from slow speed of travel.
So platoon wedge is perfect when conducting this type of movement.

Company wise column formations with squads and fireteams acting as security satellites are good idea.

What about responsible citizens?

First off learn whatever techniques are in conventional warfare! There's nothing bad about learning tactics your enemies might use.

We also see movement to contact modified by irregular forces for their purposes.
While irregular force doesn't seek decisive engagements, it has to clearly exploit opportunities to act in decisive manner.

We all know about the ambushes that resulted in long firefights even hitting enemies QRF hard.

Historic Importance:
The German "Blitzkrieg" in France was nothing but set of ruthless and agressive movements to contact.
Contrary to popular belief French defenders had been well equipped and trained, but they we were simply overwhelmed by the German idea of movement warfare.

Forces didn't rest, never stayed idle. It was better to do something and than to do nothing. Sometimes tanks shaped the battlefield for infantry, other times it was vice versa.
This appeared to be happened at random and sometimes it did.
Fitting to Prussian idea of "No formula" that was actually printed below many army handbook illustrations as reminder.

So whenever French achived tactical victory. Germans simply did movement to contact somewhere else while maintaining the pressure.

All in all movement to contact is a way to stay in offense, retain the initiative and develop the situation with little to no IPB. Do something instead of doing nothing.
Of course this requires junior officers with high amount of initiative and a certain risk affinity.

As always thanks for your attention.

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