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Featured Paris tracked French fighters in Pakistan but failed to dig deep in nuclear secrets

really France ? you too ? :tsk:
If i am not wrong back in the day, ISI also captured 2 French Agents aka civilians taking pics of one sensitive installation ..
That is the French for you. What does this bastard nation have anything in relevance with CPEC one wonders? These white nations are opposed to our well-being. They hate our freedoms. They hate our existence. They hate everything about us.

As for our nuclear weapons, let these French frogs try to to even touch them. Filthy French fvcks.

really France ? you too ? :tsk:
If i am not wrong back in the day, ISI also captured 2 French Agents aka civilians taking pics of one sensitive installation ..

This should be no surprise. France is an absolute envious anti-Islam hating nation. Keep this filth at an arms length. It is an outrage we have diplomatic relations with such nations. They undermine Pakistan blatantly. The intelligence and government are even aware of their covert and illicit operations. When the French sell their fighters and other hardware to India they don't just do it for the money. The French truly hate Pakistan. There is a very deep hate that goes back to the Cold War era. These NATO countries didn't join the US war in Afghanistan for fun. They were fully on board with Uncle Sam to decimate Pakistan. Don't forget that this bloc held on for almost two decades! They wasted an incredible amount of money and precious lives for that purpose. Today they leave red-faced.

He maintains that Kashmir as such is of no interest to France. However, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor that runs through Gilgit Baltistan and ends in the Balochistan coastline is of interest, as it signifies China’s global ambition which is a challenge before Europe.

Where are all the European and Indian cocksuckers on this forum LOL Always vehemently denying that Europe doesn't care about CPEC. These motherfvckers are obsessed.
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The embarrassing incident, however, did not shake Pakistan-France ties.
Pakistan should have no ties whatsoever with this disgrace of a nation that sneers arrogantly at the rest of the world. The sheer arrogance of the French - that they somehow fight their battles with "honour" and "dignity" when the reality is this nation fights just as dirty as any other - is breathtaking.
Pakistan should have no ties whatsoever with this disgrace of a nation that sneers arrogantly at the rest of the world. The sheer arrogance of the French - that they somehow fight their battles with "honour" and "dignity" when the reality is this nation fights just as dirty as any other - is breathtaking.

Forget the arrogant French behaviour on the world stage for one moment. This is clearly a nation that promotes terrorism and instability in Pakistan. It is a clear admission. Not that we ever needed one. It is beyond outrageous that Pakistani government continues to have diplomatic or any kind of relation with Britain, France and the like. These countries provide support and refuge to BLA and other terrorists operating in Pakistan. They openly undermine our relations with China. They even oppose CPEC and support Afghans who attack Pakistani soil. For almost two decades NATO countries ganged up in Afghanistan against Pakistan. We all know what happened across Pakistan and who was the main sponsor.

Pakistan as a sovereign nation needs to grow some spine and review its relations with Anglo-Saxon and certain European nations. There is only one kind of relation with these backstabbers. They exploit our weakness. Their embassies are spying headquarters. They use their embassies as a hub to destabilise Pakistan. Their diplomatic staff works against Pakistani interests.
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Forget the arrogant French behaviour on the world stage for one moment. This is clearly a nation that promotes terrorism and instability in Pakistan. It is a clear admission. Not that we ever needed one. It is beyond outrageous that Pakistani government continues to have diplomatic or any kind of relation with Britain, France and the like. These countries provide support and refuge to BLA and other terrorists operating in Pakistan. They openly undermine our relations with China. They even oppose CPEC and support Afghans who attack Pakistani soil.

Pakistan as a sovereign nation needs to grow some spine and review their relation with Ango-Saxon and certain European nations. There is only one kind of relation with these backstabbers. They exploit our weakness. Their embassies are spying headquarters. Their diplomatic staff works against Pakistani interests.
The biggest joke is when they bend double back over themselves in faux outrage at the very thought of the word "Islamist" or "terrorist" and go into intense toxic meltdown over their egalite liberte bollox, all the while exporting and trading in terror throughout the world. Libya, Syria, Bosnia, Africa, east Asia are replete with examples of peoples being DENIED liberte, egalite and fraternite so that the precious French may proliferate hypocrisy through clandestine support for terrorism.
The biggest joke is when they bend double back over themselves in faux outrage at the very thought of the word "Islamist" or "terrorist" and go into intense toxic meltdown over their egalite liberte bollox, all the while exporting and trading in terror throughout the world. Libya, Syria, Bosnia, Africa, east Asia are replete with examples of peoples being DENIED liberte, egalite and fraternite so that the precious French may proliferate hypocrisy through clandestine support for terrorism.

Filthy hypocrites.

We have to get one thing dead straight. There should be no ambiguity. These white nations are in it together. Their papa America has decided that Pakistan must become an Indian colony. All the white nations are in tandem selling advanced weapons and providing economic and trade benefits to Hindustan. They all agree with the US deep state plan. China must be taken down and Pakistan must be turned into an Indian colony. Anyone doubting these nefarious plans needs to wake up fast. This is not a conspiracy anymore. We used to be in a covert state of war. This has changed into an overt war.

Well, it says the fiasco occurred way back in 07 and even then it never affected the bilateral relationship back then so I don't think that could be a motive. On a separate note, its astonishing so much shit is going on in the background and never makes it way to the mainstream media or even the 'underground' scene. So much is kept secret for so long, speaks volumes about the professionalism of these agencies. I am sure Mr Mas would have gotten the green signal from somewhere, hence the spilled beans otherwise we'd have never known. Who knows what's going on now right at this very moment lol. We might never come to know about it, ever.

The ones I was talking about had goras in it with those Tom Cruise specs lol. They were so in-your-face, the local people were really intimidated. Blackwater never gave a shit. Look what that bastard Raymond Davis did. This cat and mouse is perpetually going on, its unbelievable at times. Must be exhausting as well.

These Anglo-Saxon and European nations have deciphered Pakistan. Install puppet leaders and get as much work done as possible. This is the reason why they hate the Pakistani army. The only thorn in their way. The same for the US deep state. The US deep state absolutely loves corrupt Pakistani civilian leaders. You can bargain with such crooks.

We did good. We did excellent. China Pak relations all the way.

And get santioned to oblivion

They would have sanctioned Pakistan a long time ago. These Anglo-Saxon bigots just cannot do it. Pakistan is too important to be alienated. They rely and depend on Pakistan in many ways. Some ways that you and I cannot comprehend.

Do you understand what sanctioning a nation into oblivion means? It effectively means that all diplomatic channels come to an immediate halt. It is nothing short of a declaration of economic and diplomatic war. Do you think that the European, American and Anglo-Saxon bloc can afford this? They would have to pack their bags and leave their spying headquarters in Pakistan.

The white nations are playing the long game with Pakistan. They don't want to agitate Pakistan beyond point of no return. Infiltrate through media and at the grass root level. Export evangelical Christian and so-called human rights INGOs into Pakistan and destabilise the society. Fan sectarian hatred i.e. support PTM and BLA. Promote religious hatred among various groups. Highlight feminism and human rights for anti-state actors through the local media. The list goes on and on. The white nations are holding their breath and exercising restraint when it comes to Pakistan. These white nations would have put Pakistan on FATF and all other lists long ago. They fume when they hear Pakistan, but they cannot do much at this moment.
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really France ? you too ? :tsk:
If i am not wrong back in the day, ISI also captured 2 French Agents aka civilians taking pics of one sensitive installation ..

Some Americans were released, with their tapes, because the then COAS ordered it...

The biggest joke is when they bend double back over themselves in faux outrage at the very thought of the word "Islamist" or "terrorist" and go into intense toxic meltdown over their egalite liberte bollox, all the while exporting and trading in terror throughout the world. Libya, Syria, Bosnia, Africa, east Asia are replete with examples of peoples being DENIED liberte, egalite and fraternite so that the precious French may proliferate hypocrisy through clandestine support for terrorism.

You, sir, get it!

Forget the arrogant French behaviour on the world stage for one moment. This is clearly a nation that promotes terrorism and instability in Pakistan. It is a clear admission. Not that we ever needed one. It is beyond outrageous that Pakistani government continues to have diplomatic or any kind of relation with Britain, France and the like. These countries provide support and refuge to BLA and other terrorists operating in Pakistan. They openly undermine our relations with China. They even oppose CPEC and support Afghans who attack Pakistani soil. For almost two decades NATO countries ganged up in Afghanistan against Pakistan. We all know what happened across Pakistan and who was the main sponsor.

Pakistan as a sovereign nation needs to grow some spine and review its relations with Anglo-Saxon and certain European nations. There is only one kind of relation with these backstabbers. They exploit our weakness. Their embassies are spying headquarters. They use their embassies as a hub to destabilise Pakistan. Their diplomatic staff works against Pakistani interests.

The Defence Establishment can take the lead by cutting off all ties --- but they never will.
Pakistan should fully support Turkey and libya against the french. Pakistan should also make sure they have no existence in Afghanistan, though their existence in Afghanistan didn't make any difference. Time to draw lines, be proactive and punish those try to cross red lines.
This act of france will have to pay with french downfall.

If they think that only army and ISI will retaliate, so let them live in a heavan of fools.
When you know even allies spy on allies, so what do you expect from “non-ally” country ? And France is not the only country spying on us...
I'm not sure why Pakistan allowed the French spy to leave. If they are spying on Pak's nuclear weapons...then in the same manner Pak should arrest that spy and try him/her in court...
..."business as usual"

IMO Pak should have drawn the line where the nuclear program is concerned...and straight up executed the spy after making it public as to what France was up to...
...but if for some reason that line wasn't drawn...and some backdoor deal was made to allow the spy to leave unharmed...then what exactly did Pak gain from it? I don't remember France doing Pak any favors in any way from this time(2007-2010) till now. Pak could've used their support on various issues in UN...or some defense equipment...anything of significant value basically. Instead all France has been doing of late is pleasing India(ever since the Rafale stuff) while sidelining Pak. I hope whatever it was...was significant enough to let France get a pass on this major transgression.

He was a diplomat thats why declared persona non grata by Pakistan and reverted by French foreign office.
Forget the arrogant French behaviour on the world stage for one moment. This is clearly a nation that promotes terrorism and instability in Pakistan. It is a clear admission. Not that we ever needed one. It is beyond outrageous that Pakistani government continues to have diplomatic or any kind of relation with Britain, France and the like. These countries provide support and refuge to BLA and other terrorists operating in Pakistan. They openly undermine our relations with China. They even oppose CPEC and support Afghans who attack Pakistani soil. For almost two decades NATO countries ganged up in Afghanistan against Pakistan. We all know what happened across Pakistan and who was the main sponsor.

Pakistan as a sovereign nation needs to grow some spine and review its relations with Anglo-Saxon and certain European nations. There is only one kind of relation with these backstabbers. They exploit our weakness. Their embassies are spying headquarters. They use their embassies as a hub to destabilise Pakistan. Their diplomatic staff works against Pakistani interests.

Our two biggest enemies in Europe are France and Britain no doubt. These US puppets keep sponsoring terrorism in Balochistan.

I Remember reading a comment a couple of years ago on somebody saying that Britain funds terrorist in Pakistan. At first I was laughing because I was thinking we were close allies. To only later find out the Truth. This is from wikileaks:

CIA and MI-6, later joined by RAW and Mossad bribed and induced the Baloch =
Sardars of Bugti, Marri and Mengal tribes in 2002 and promised them all out=
support to make Balochistan a self-governing state. They were advised to k=
eep airing their grievances about greater political rights, autonomy and co=
ntrol over natural resources and at an opportune time launch armed insurgen=
cy. All arrangements for funneling funds, weapons and equipment from Afghan=
istan, India and Zahidan and setting up training camps in interior Balochis=
tan for training of rebels as well as communication network were tied up. 6=
0 Farari (training) camps were setup in interior Balochistan to destabilize=
the province.=20».

Militant organizations such as Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) under Harbyar, =
BRA, Baloch Liberation Front (BLF) under Dr Allah Nazar and Lashkar-e-Baloc=
histan banned by Pakistan are materially and financially funded by CIA, RAW=
, MI-6, RAAM and Mossad to keep Balochistan destabilized through acts of sa=
botage and subversion. BLA alone receives Rupees 50-90 million per month fr=
om CIA to meet its expenses. Once majority of Farari camps were destroyed b=
y security forces, members of these groups were imparted training in Afghan=
istan by Indian military trainers in dozens of training camps. These groups=
are involved in target killings of settlers, pro-Pakistan nationalist lead=
ers and political activists, kidnappings, extra judicial killings and bomb =
blasts. Runaway terrorists taking part in subversive activities in Balochis=
tan are projected as missing persons and the Army and intelligence agencies=
blamed for it by Human Rights.=20».
Hahaha these cheese eating fags thought they can fool ISI.
ISI is the father of all fathers.
Contries like Pakistan, greece, iran are always hungry for investment. The best way to counter chinese investment is instead of espionage and illegal activities. Invest double and tripple the amount china does.
For examplr if china invest 100 billion in to pakistan, the europe and america ehould invest double the amount. We have not still seen any interaction yet.

So called Western democracies are in debt to there eye balls that's why they are asking China to invest in there economies. Germany is tired of carrying EU debt burden hence that was the key demand from their treasury to house EU central bank their. Why one is dreaming that West will go in competition with China and invest in Pakistan while there own pockets are empty. Mate Western counties can only offer you lolly pops, good sweet words and dreams of tomorrow but no substance or investments. So lets not kid ourselves and don't be fooled by there lectures of nobility, we have chosen the right path as IK said our economical destiny lies with China. Before they were after our nuclear program and now they are after CPEC. To stop CPEC these powers will go to any length and expect more to come and we are the fools who are working for the Western security as our elite kids are in there Universities. Allah saves us from the evil minds and misguided Pakistani's who are still holding on to the Western glittering cloaks.
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