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Featured Pakistan needs it's own OSINT Organization | Satellite Imagery Analysis & Tools

No harm done except for some wet dhotis. There is much more that they don’t know.
I agree. Just my personal approach of down-stating as much as I can. Let others think of us being weaker is my personal preference. TERCOM/TERMAP work had begun in the late 90s over two decades ago and given in large measure as a function of limited satellite access. There are multiple ways to skin a cat (sorry to the cat lovers).
I agree. Just my personal approach of down-stating as much as I can. Let others think of us being weaker is my personal preference. TERCOM/TERMAP work had begun in the late 90s over two decades ago and given in large measure as a function of limited satellite access. There are multiple ways to skin a cat (sorry to the cat lovers).
Beidou has changed things
It’s run by the military. Pakistans cruise missile use TERCOM. Where do you think the contour maps comes from? They have optical contour identification and altitude matching across multiple routes deep into enemy territory. They are like virtual highways the missile follow. To do this, very detailed GIS is needed and is updated on a regular basis. TERCON are coupled with satellite navigation and also uses AI to confuse enemy air defenses. They can autonomously change routes and even targets mid flight.
Sir you have set the bar so high with this one, I would be afraid to write for a while.
Pakistan needs its own OSINT Organization | Satellite Imagery Analysis for Commercial Military use

Pakistan has its own NACTA, National Counter Terrorism Authority working in collaboration with Civilian Administration, Govt and Army. Need a new OSINT organization to work along SUPARCO.

I would put a very strong case for Pakistan, China having its own OSINT Publicly available Organization as follows:
  • OSINT is Open Source Intelligence which uses commercial, civilian satellites orbiting space to take pictures of locations, movements, civilian buildings, airports, military assets and make it publicly available.
  • This Pakistani OSINT Organization will disperse accurate information when any international or domestic event takes place and not rely on other countries OSINT information available.
  • Pakistan ISI, MI, and Army, Civilian Government, Administration must use this satellite imagery to disperse accurate factual information to TV channels, Social Media, Defense Forums etc.
  • A lot of countries' use this satellite imagery in high-resolution to "FORWARD their NARRATIVE".
  • The Pakistan OSINT Organization can be used for better planning of domestic projects, roads building, like Dams, motorways, and must make it publicly available for Pakistanis to analyses, critic and make proper judgements.
  • Another case is: Through commercial or military satellite imagery it is certainly an Excellent fact-checking - with locations, details and satellite imagery. Let such #OSINT has become a standard of military/defense reporting. Time to banish - “according to sources / confidential data, et. al.”
  • Pakistan needs an NSA like Organization to build its Own Narrative, how long will it have to depend on others.
  • Pakistan can destroy other photo-shopped, faked up and concocted images and negative narrative.
  • Pakistan need to respond to such provocations and ensure reliable information is available in public.

Dear Satellites are one of the sources of OSINT there are other components like print and electronic media, government /non government data / technical reports, internet data supported by AI tools. Our guys are doing their job and for sure in an organized manner. However, we do need a lot of improvements in satellite capability / input.
Does OSINT leads to a career in HUMINT? It`s the latter that excites me.

I think one needs different skillsets for both but the one excites you (HUMINT )is second to none.
Sir what is our situation in cyber defence and cyber warfare. Recently President Arif Alvi also visited ISI headquarters and raised issue of cyber threats which we can face. Sir is it something being done to prevent that. Because India with help of Israel can build massive capability. Plus recent Israel software issue is testament to what could happen.

I believe Defence against cyber can be ensured by individual system administrators / users, CERT can create awareness, forewarn and suggest solutions as well as devise best practices.
I think one needs different skillsets for both but the one excites you (HUMINT )is second to none.
Sir, is the entry into HUMINT only through advertisement or are there any chances of getting cherry-picked being a commoner?

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