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Featured Pakistan needs it's own OSINT Organization | Satellite Imagery Analysis & Tools

Back in 2005 I had the pleasure of working alongside with UNOCHA HIC (Humanitarian Information Centre) in Pakistan during the 2005 earthquake with a remote recon and response team under the umbrella of UNOPS nicknamed "Quake Jumpers" , I was so impressed at the capability of UNOSAT, when we were struggling to obtain accurate OS maps for damage assessment, UNOSAT in collaboration with Pakistan Army, UK NGO Mapaction and DFID was able to provide detailed GIS maps which at that time we could carry on a laptop and use for damage and needs assessments. I am including a sample here:
RRT Map NA Oct 05.png

OSINT and Human Terrain concept is nothing new, foreign nations have been using journalists, MNC(Multi National Corporations) and NGO's to achieve this, for example:

Let me tell you about about the work of a consortium unknown to people outside certain circles. BINGOsmc: Balochistan International NGO Security Management Consortium? For those who don't know what it's function was:

In early 2004, a group of 10 international agencies based in Quetta, Balochistan formed a consortium to act as a security network and meet periodically to exchange security information and analysis.

An NGO security advisor was already established to support NGOs, based in Islamabad. However, INGOs raised concerns regarding the effectiveness of this initiative particularly as, at that time, most security incidents and concerns were focused in Balochistan Province.

While the establishment of Balochistan INGO Consortium (BINGO) initially improved the level of security information available, it became evident to BINGO members that additional security support was needed due to the marked differences in security capacity and experience amongst INGOs operating out of Quetta.

In May 2004, the BINGO Security Management Support pilot project was established. This was funded by DG ECHO, with Concern as the host agency and focal point for the donor, and Mercy Corps providing additional support in terms of administration and accommodation.

The BINGO Consortium convened a Security Management Committee, consisting of five members of the consortium, to oversee the Security Management Support project and supervise and monitor the activities of the Security Management Advisory team.

The Security Management Advisory team, made up of an international Security Management Advisor and two national Security Officers, were tasked with a wide range of security support activities including:

information gathering, analysis and reporting on incidents that could impact
upon the security of the operating environment of the INGOs programmes in

  • Coordinating security advice, information and arrangements with other relevant actors such as UNSECOORD personnel, government authorities and international representations;
  • assessing security in different sites within the areas of operation and potential programme areas of the INGOs in Balochistan; and
  • upgrading security management through the provision of training and technical advice.

Below is a sample of a detailed intelligence report generated by a INGO in Pakistan -2009:


In August 2005 the Pakistani authorities ordered the BINGO consortium to close and terminate all activities.

Looking at BINGO, it has access to combined staff power of Concern, Care Af/Pak, Mercy Corps etc. It's major role of Grass Roots Intelligence Gathering, Authoring Sit Reps and Impact Assessments. Considering that INGOs operate in remote corners of Pakistan and that their personnel "social mobilizers" carry considerable clout with the locals, can speak the language and blend in no problem, it is easy for them to gather intel and bring back 1st hand information for their managers (handlers).

Where was this "intel" going, no one know's to this day. Think i am a conspiracy nut, just look at the type of talent that had worked with BINGOSMC in the past:
Bob Lidstone - Canada | LinkedIn

Now look at similar offshoots in Afghanistan:

Here is a sample ANSO Report: http://www.ngosafety.org/store/files/ANSO Q3 2012.pdf
The above is designed, managed and run by NGOs to gather and analyse security information in Afghanistan, it's international off shoot in INSO: International NGO Safety Organisation :: INSO HOME ( much wider objective).

Coming back to Pakistan, we fail to respect the security challenges faced by foreign intelligence assets infiltrating well meaning "humanitarian agencies", for example: almost every respectable aid agency carries hand held GPS (excellent for geo caching), iridium based telephone systems (can bypass Pakistanis cellular and fixed line networks), due to their nature of work have access to highly detailed OS 1:25000 maps and detailed zonal, tribal, political, and maps at the UC level.

Another example of a foreign intelligence cell busted by the Intelligence Agencies in Pakistan: Colonel among three Germans held

Pakistan based map makers Alhasan Systems Private Limited carries out GIS work for various INGOs from 2005 to present date, here is an example of a highly detailed UC map complete with data sets:




There are some really, really good OSINT guys working in a private capacity in Pakistan, they just don't advertise themselves, they tend for others to take the credit, these are the silent heroes of the battle in the info-spehere. Now that said, whilst we do have some excellent outfits like CommandEleven, I understand what the OP is saying, if you want to see some quality OSINT, you can just read the research carried out by @Foxtrot Alpha into BLA, excellent work there.

Then there are those who jump on a bandwagon and advertise themselves as "experts" on OSINT but the reality is must easier to explain, for example take NATSECJEFF, he has no background in security, academicilly or otherwise and was a tutor and call centre worker, jumping on the OSINT bandwagon after the in 2012, here are his historic tweets:



Sources: Most so called "OSINT" accounts that have thousands of likes, followers and RT's are actually just people using open channel rumour mills for example we all know about the telegram channels for certain groups, but are these bona fide or are these rumour mongering?


As with most things open source, the provenance is difficult to prove. And disinformation can easily be weaponized and RUMINT is not intelligence, it is rumour. Perfect examples are cases of misinformation and panic mongering during the India-Pakistan conflict and the constant dredge of fake news on Twitter, FB, Telegram and other channels.

Whilst the government is slow moving in these spheres, perhaps citizens who have the right skills and background can pick up the slack in the meantime. The problem is that Pakistanis are like Italians, quick to anger and think with their heart and not their brains, intelligence is a game of logic and cunning.

Even some of our very educated academics have fallen prey to "sensationalising" tweets, like the PM of UK once said "too many tweets equals a twat".
We do have OSINT bureau for official eyes only just as any premium Intelligence organization does. There is no OSINT bureau for public consumptions and it will never happen. Period. However, private entities can do OSINT on their own. OSINT is over hyped by the way. Some management theorists want to grab government money in the name of OSINT jargon these days.
At least in Pakistan, we must keep private sector away from the defense activities.
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@RescueRanger NATSECJEFF has an unusually heavy bias towards Israel for a Pakistani Muslim. I feel like the teacher story is a cover.








His mentor is Noor Dhari (UK based) in his twitter bio Mr. Dhari claims to be a "Muslim Zionist" and the following

The self claimed "executive director of a counter terrorism think tank in the UK" is actually a driving instructor:

Go figure, all these people are "False-flaggers".

His mentor is Noor Dhari (UK based) in his twitter bio Mr. Dhari claims to be a "Muslim Zionist" and the following

The self claimed "executive director of a counter terrorism think tank in the UK" is actually a driving instructor:

Go figure, all these people are "False-flaggers".

Also for a security expert in counter-terrorism, Mr. Dhari is surprising easy to find using open source tools. I was able to get his home address in 3 steps:

Dhari 1.png
Dhari 2.png

I can't believe people take these frauds seriously!
His mentor is Noor Dhari (UK based) in his twitter bio Mr. Dhari claims to be a "Muslim Zionist" and the following

The self claimed "executive director of a counter terrorism think tank in the UK" is actually a driving instructor:

Go figure, all these people are "False-flaggers".

Also for a security expert in counter-terrorism, Mr. Dhari is surprising easy to find using open source tools. I was able to get his home address in 3 steps:

View attachment 643433 View attachment 643432

I can't believe people take these frauds seriously!

Full team: (https://itct.org.uk/team - not accessible without VPN from Pakistan)
Lots of Pakistanis:

Update: he also runs https://web.facebook.com/Pakistan-Israel-Alliance-PIA-298017230576581/?_rdc=1&_rdr



I am a proud Pakistani and a proud Zionist too

Landing in Israel was an experience like no other. I’d heard about the feeling of arriving at Ben Gurion from friends and colleagues I have met since founding the Pakistan Israel Alliance, but I certainly didn’t expect it to feel like this.

I was arriving early as a guest speaker of the IDC Herzliya Counter Terrorism Conference, and was the “advance party” as part of the Zionist Federation’s ground-breaking Muslim delegation to Israel.

Our group was in Israel from Thursday night until Monday afternoon. We saw many incredible things.

We visited the Western Wall, prayed at Al Aqsa, met with Israel’s first Bedouin diplomat and learnt of the Druze engagement with the IDF.

We travelled from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, visiting the site of Israel’s declaration of independence, went to the north of Israel and saw the changing demographic and environment, and spent the Shabbat hosted at a wonderful community in Jerusalem, Kol Haneshama, and by a fantastic spokesperson for the country in the form of a Jerusalem city councillor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum and her family.

This was my first visit to Israel, and came off the back of much hard work by the Zionist Federation to build links with the Pakistani Muslim community in the UK.

Noor Dahri at the Kotel
This has been achieved firstly by founding the Pakistan Israel Alliance (PIA), of which I am proud to be the director, and more so by coordinating this visit and engaging with others from my community.

This journey has not been without challenge, though. Over the past couple of months there have been a series of articles in major Pakistani newspapers both in the UK and Pakistan accusing me of being a spy, funded by Mossad with a mission to destroy the Pakistani people.

While this is hurtful and horrible for me and my family to experience, it came as no surprise.

It is not a secret that to be a Zionist in Pakistan or within most Pakistani communities is not common and is not looked upon favourably.

The British-Pakistani delegation at Temple Mount visiting the Golden Done and Al Aqsa mosque. Noor Dahri is on the right
But nevertheless I am determined to be a unique voice, rising above the parapet and ensuring that Israel receives its fair treatment within my community.

I was not always a supporter of Israel. I have joined the marches in both Pakistan and London where the crowds can be heard shouting the familiar slogans calling for “death to Israel, death to Jews.”

I have been drawn in by the incitement, hatred and indoctrination of those seeking only to bring about a time when Israel no longer exists.

But I have also met Israelis, studied at Israel’s institutions, and now, with thanks to the Zionist Federation, even been to the country.

The delegation in Tel Aviv
As a result of these experiences, I can say unequivocally that the impression within my community and the reality on the ground could not be further from each other.

I am now proud to call myself a Zionist, and I am proud to have been able to visit the land of Israel.

I just wish as many others as possible from my community would take the perceived risk, ignore the anti-Israel rhetoric that is so often spewed out, and visit this wonderful country.

This delegation may have been the first of its kind from the UK, and possibly the world, but the PIA and the Zionist Federation intend to do many more like it and to ensure that this trip, and trips like it, are able to grow and thrive in the future.

Mr. Noor Dahri is the Founder and Executive Director of Islamic Theology of Counter Terrorism- ITCT, a UK based Counter Islamist Terrorism Think Tank. Noor was born and raised in Pakistan. Noor Dahri has also worked with the London Police department for the last seven years. He has studied Forensics and Criminal Psychology from Oxford – UK and Counter Terrorism from International Institute for Counter Terrorism ICT- Israel. He is an author of "Terra Nullius: The Rebirth of a Land Without Peace"
Such things and companies will keep on comming with Army going back to barracks and civilian powers taking their responsibilities.
In a security establishment even a mildly sensitive organization isn't trusted and allowed to run. Just look at the private weapon manfacturers condition and willingness to expand.
And disinformation can easily be weaponized and RUMINT is not intelligence, it is rumour. Perfect examples are cases of misinformation and panic mongering during the India-Pakistan conflict and the constant dredge of fake news on Twitter, FB, Telegram and other channels.
I have been beating the same drum, a there is no such thing as RUMINT, it's just a rumor / disinformation NOT an intelligence ... idk why & how people fell for such crap...SOCIOINT is also not a thing, it's just a Social Media profile or personal information.....NATO's OSINT manual has classified the Open Source Intelligence into 4 categories as:

  • OSD - Open Source Data, raw data scrapped from public domain, not limited to internet but other publicly available sources too, TV shows, Books, Library etc..Most of the stuff floating on the twitter / telegram is just this, Open Source Data in it's raw form with no verification or credibility. Sharing claims of Terrorist attacks, statements & propaganda footage from Terrorists etc
  • Open Source INF - Open Source Information, a little refined & filtered out form with more input on OSD
  • Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)- Analyzing the OSD & OSINF , deploy technical tools, social engineering, extract data & Analyze / Visualize the data. Compile a report into something meaningful. For Example tracking Terrorist attacks to identify the hotspots, visualize the data on a map prepare info graphs based on different datasets. This is rarely done by so called OSINT Experts on Social Media these days. am not parroting it out, but PDF is among the only few teams that has used Social Engineering Tools for Network Analysis and most of the work is available here on forum.
  • Open Source Intelligence - Verified (OSINT-V) : When OSINT report is backed up or verified through none OSINT / Classified source i.e Target under surveillance caught in act.

Now that said, whilst we do have some excellent outfits like CommandEleven, I understand what the OP is saying, if you want to see some quality OSINT, you can just read the research carried out by @Foxtrot Alpha into BLA, excellent work there.
Highly obliged for the kind words, am just inspired by seniors like yourself & still has all lot to learn.Everytime i read your posts i get to learn something new and grateful for that.....

Below is a sample of a detailed intelligence report generated by a INGO in Pakistan -2009:
Interesting report format, something we can look into also...the current format that we are using is actually excel based with 10-11 data sets and not all of them are applicable in our case. We can pick a few additional points from this format and amends ours accordingly
My humble suggestion in this regard
Planet labs (site where Times India got those satellite images) boast a very capable daily and weekly updating satellite imagery database.
PDF as a Non governmental organisation/ think tank can subscribe to this with multiple experts already present on this forum putting satellite imagery gained to good use.
Bhai, PDF Staff members & Administration are contributing members who volunteer their services out of passion & enthusiasm. We have a very busy schedule in our personal life & have professional obligations to fulfill...i doubt if we will be able to put up with a paid subscription for Sat Img....RS & Imagery Analysis require time
Too less data available by Pakistani Companies unlike rest of world provide free OSINT data for analysis.
Pakistan needs its own OSINT Organization | Satellite Imagery Analysis for Commercial Military use

Pakistan has its own NACTA, National Counter Terrorism Authority working in collaboration with Civilian Administration, Govt and Army. Need a new OSINT organization to work along SUPARCO.

I would put a very strong case for Pakistan, China having its own OSINT Publicly available Organization as follows:
  • OSINT is Open Source Intelligence which uses commercial, civilian satellites orbiting space to take pictures of locations, movements, civilian buildings, airports, military assets and make it publicly available.
  • This Pakistani OSINT Organization will disperse accurate information when any international or domestic event takes place and not rely on other countries OSINT information available.
  • Pakistan ISI, MI, and Army, Civilian Government, Administration must use this satellite imagery to disperse accurate factual information to TV channels, Social Media, Defense Forums etc.
  • A lot of countries' use this satellite imagery in high-resolution to "FORWARD their NARRATIVE".
  • The Pakistan OSINT Organization can be used for better planning of domestic projects, roads building, like Dams, motorways, and must make it publicly available for Pakistanis to analyses, critic and make proper judgements.
  • Another case is: Through commercial or military satellite imagery it is certainly an Excellent fact-checking - with locations, details and satellite imagery. Let such #OSINT has become a standard of military/defense reporting. Time to banish - “according to sources / confidential data, et. al.”
  • Pakistan needs an NSA like Organization to build its Own Narrative, how long will it have to depend on others.
  • Pakistan can destroy other photo-shopped, faked up and concocted images and negative narrative.
  • Pakistan need to respond to such provocations and ensure reliable information is available in public.
How do you know they don’t already have it?
How do you know we don't have one already?
PK has it, and has had it for ages. It is an open secret. It is also not structured in a way most OSINTs are, and its efficacy is slightly questionable given its very closed nature, which is counterintuitive to the notion of OSINT. They do however do some basic work well (some parts of PK's OSINT is better than others).
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