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Pakistan issues NOTAM for missile test

This test is done to keep PDM idiots happy and claim hamare missile india say behtar hai…….

Now this will buy cheaper roti, gas and food.

This test totally makes sense for Khota brains …
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If you cannot post anything other than nonsense then PDF is not the place for you
My Kind ?? What is my kind. The kind who cares for Pakistan people more than these props ??

I am really starting to wonder if too many people when born with iodine deficiency ?

Testing the same fkn missile year after year and issuing recycled boasting statements by ISPR is boring and mocks our current situation.

I would much rather prefer if we had closed Afghan airspace and bombed them 8 feet deeper in their caves ….

Bomb with what, we have been testing same 5 missiles for last 30 years for perfection, Question is "Are we there yet"
That has nothing to do with politics and most people with an ounce of Brain will make this connection - generally you need more brain for most things including seeing that this test is messaging post India testing upgraded versions of its strategic weapons.

Hence, it is both a message and public declaration of new capabilities on the Pakistani side to counter what India is doing.
Imran Khan, you or corruption has no relevance to this messaging which I guarantee needs more than an ounce of brain which is what rabid youthias should invest in getting more of if they truly want to keep the PTI hope alive instead of dragging their leader being outplayed into every other thread
While i agree with your first point but what the hell u guys think ?

When we are on verge of collapse and dying does these false sense of agression suits us ?

We are unable to clear consignment of onion we have net reserves of 0.8 billion dollars with upcoming payments of 8 billion follars in march ...

2 million workers got jobless ... Industries are closing day by day and here armed forces are testing new equipments ... What the **** they think ? While we r dyong of hunger they are using our tax money to show off ... And we cant even question or critisize ... Stop worshiping these generals who think that people of Pakistan as brain less low caste people?

The tone of public of Pakistan is clear from this very forum ... U can label Anyone criticizing the generals and pdm as youthia but if 90% people of Pakistan is labelled as youthia then sorry my brother youthia or pti is just representative of feelings of Pakistani people nothing else ... Mark my words even if imran khan make a deal with pdm or generals and make a compromise with these crooks we will throw him out as well ...

We r fedup of this fucking system which is working for benefits of few thousand elites only ...

So either stop defending these generals or be ready for insults and eventually people will leave this forum as well ... Let them speak their mind as there is no where else they can demonstrate frustration ... If we cant let them speak then frustration will be released by other means and that will bloody ..
Why create a new thread for it? Do people get get more money for it? Kindly check if a thread is already running or not beofre your posts and threads.

What do u mean more money..
Who is earning money here by creating new threads.
Good, india needs reminder that we also capable. As well as some others around the globe

Pakistan Zindabad
Ki faida. India actually fired a nuclear tipped missile for all intents and purposes INTO Pakistan without repercussions.
While i agree with your first point but what the hell u guys think ?

When we are on verge of collapse and dying does these false sense of agression suits us ?

We are unable to clear consignment of onion we have net reserves of 0.8 billion dollars with upcoming payments of 8 billion follars in march ...

2 million workers got jobless ... Industries are closing day by day and here armed forces are testing new equipments ... What the **** they think ? While we r dyong of hunger they are using our tax money to show off ... And we cant even question or critisize ... Stop worshiping these generals who think that people of Pakistan as brain less low caste people?

The tone of public of Pakistan is clear from this very forum ... U can label Anyone criticizing the generals and pdm as youthia but if 90% people of Pakistan is labelled as youthia then sorry my brother youthia or pti is just representative of feelings of Pakistani people nothing else ... Mark my words even if imran khan make a deal with pdm or generals and make a compromise with these crooks we will throw him out as well ...

We r fedup of this fucking system which is working for benefits of few thousand elites only ...

So either stop defending these generals or be ready for insults and eventually people will leave this forum as well ... Let them speak their mind as there is no where else they can demonstrate frustration ... If we cant let them speak then frustration will be released by other means and that will bloody ..
Spot on Brother! Calling everyone youthia just because he/she challenge the lie being imposed on us for year isn't going to change the reality that we Pakistanis are fed up and enough is fuckin enough.
The ex coas conspired against a sitting government threw the PM out, installed a treacherous lot, have them a clean chit and the country is gone to gutters because of it and we are not allowed to question that?
We don't need a missile test to signal anything to India when India knows all about our true aukaat and those of our so called defenders and where sitting PM is thrown out at the whim of a foreign power.
armed forces are testing new equipments
O my friend! Strategic forces have the responsibility to remain ready for every second to defend the country and strike the enemy with a big punch.
If other institutions of country are not working fine,then should they also stop working?
That's not a logical thing
Ki faida. India actually fired a nuclear tipped missile for all intents and purposes INTO Pakistan without repercussions.

I'm so glad people (like you) get it.

So many people here (arm chair strategists) have no clue how deterrence should work, just like our generals.
O my friend! Strategic forces have the responsibility to remain ready for every second to defend the country and strike the enemy with a big punch.
If other institutions of country are not working fine,then should they also stop working?
That's not a logical thing
So u r saying that irrespective of the fact that patient is on icu with no sources for payment of hospital bill his security guard should keep on buying new weapons on loans ?
So u r saying that irrespective of the fact that patient is on icu with no sources for payment of hospital bill his security guard should keep on buying new weapons on loans ?
That's completely an irrelevant example.
They got budget for some technology,prepared it and now want to test their thing .If other institutions are going off the track.
That's is not their problem. They should test their thing to enhance their punch delivering capability .that's what they are paid for.
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