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Pakistan International Maritime Exhibition & Conference


Mar 21, 2007
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Pakistan International Maritime Exhibition & Conference ...

Pakistan international maritime exhibition and conference, the premiere maritime Pakistan exhibition in the Asian subcontinent region is focused on maritime sector / industry, which is an assured grantor of sustainable growth and prosperity.


Message ...

"Development of Blue Economy under a Secure and Sustainable Environment - A Shared Future for Western Indian Ocean Region"

Organized by National Institute of Maritime Affairs, Pakistan

Opening remarks by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, International Maritime Organization (IMO)..

Excellencies, Ministers, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a pleasure to be with you today, to share my thoughts with you, 올'비이트albeit virtually.

I would like to commend Pakistan for organizing such a timely event to discuss pertinent policy issues,

bringing together countries to exchange views on areas of common interest, in particular considering the significance of the Western Indian Ocean region for seaborn trade.

The maritime sector is at the heart of connecting global supply chains around the world and has shown surprising resilience in continuing to deliver vital goods and supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

But we have much work yet to do.

Our focus must be on finding solutions and preparing for the post-COVID world.

The ability for shipping services and seafarers to deliver world trade is central to building a sustainable blue economy.

Seafarers are at the core of shipping's future, their dedication and professionalism are worthy of great admiration.

We have dedicated this year's world maritime theme "Seafarers: at the core of shipping's future" to the heroes who continue to deliver essential goods and services throughout the pandemic and beyond.

Thanks to seafarers, international shipping has kept global trade flowing. Yet, we still have a huge task to resolve, the crew change crisis, and ensure the relief and repatriation of seafarers stranded at sea, beyond their contracted time.

This humanitarian crisis threatens trade and safe navigation.

We need seafarers to be designated as key workers, as outlined in the UN General Assembly Resolution adopted in December.

To date, 54 IMO Member States have declared this designation. However, we need more Member States to support it.

Key worker designation is crucial to ensure prioritization for vaccination.

IMO has spared no efforts, working with Member States, UN agencies, and the shipping industry to ensure that operations can continue safely.

I appreciate the commitment of more than 500 companies and entities who recently signed the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change.

Let's all put seafarers at the heart of our conversations and actions this year.

Looking beyond the pandemic, we must all commit to a sustainable post-pandemic recovery.

The world relies on a safe, secure and efficient international shipping industry, which is provided by the regulatory framework developed and maintained by IMO.

Collaboration, cooperation, and communication has never been more important. We need to work together to enhance the resilience and green credentials of shipping.

Blue Economy encourages better stewardship of our oceans and blue' resources. Action on climate change is essential.

IMO's initial GHG strategy has set us on a course to phase out GHG emissions from shipping.

We must build on the achievements so far.

We have progressed many candidate measures laid out in the strategy.

We adopted mandatory measures to improve energy efficiency nearly 10 years ago; and this June we will adopt measures to cut carbon intensity of ships.

IMO Member States have committed to revising the initial IMO GHG strategy in 2023 – we are on the right track for decarbonization.

But we need even more commitment from stakeholders, donor countries, partners and industry, so that our capacity-building work and various partnership projects continue to support developing countries.

IMO's agenda goes beyond climate. Our work, particularly in capacity-building, aims to support a sustainable blue economy.

To ensure a sustainable global ocean economy, IMO continues to work together with Member States and the maritime industry to support the decarbonization of shipping;

the facilitation of shipping through increased digitalization involving ports;
tackling marine plastic litter and the spread of invasive aquatic species through biofouling
and not least ensuring a sustainable and diverse maritime workforce. All these aspects are key to successful and sustainable governance of our oceans.
Safe, efficient, secure and environment-friendly shipping fosters and bolsters all economies.

This is why I encourage all States to ratify all IMO treaties and fully implement them.

This includes maritime security measures.

Threats to international shipping and seafarers continue to evolve in different critical maritime routes.

IMO's Global Maritime Security Programme continues to evolve to tackle these challenges.

We are supporting Member States to develop a coordinated "whole-of-government" approach to maritime security.

We have launched an important project with the EU and other implementing partners to deliver long term and sustained improvements in maritime security

and the safety of navigation across Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean.

Comprehensive technical assistance will be provided to strengthen maritime security in nine beneficiary countries.

And we continue to provide technical assistance to Djibouti Code of Conduct signatory States.

I thank and recognize the important contributions made by our partners and the states in the region, including significant naval efforts which do so much --- to counter piracy in the Western Indian Ocean.

I urge all IMO Member States to fully engage as we strive to innovate and work together to address current and future threats to maritime security within the region and beyond.

Maritime trade is and will remain vital to the world's economy. Cooperation and communication are key to achieve our common goal --- the protection and sustainable development of the ocean.

I am certain, that the presentations, discussions, and exchange of views during this conference will provide new input for our considerations on the development of blue economy -- under a secure and sustainable environment.

I wish you successful deliberations.
Soft launch of premier edition of Pakistan International Maritime Expo & Conference (PIMEC) was held at Islamabad. Federal Minister for Defence Khawaja Muhammad Asif was the Chief Guest at the Launching ceremony of the exhibition. PIMEC is scheduled to be held at Karachi Expo Centre from 10-12 February 2023.

While addressing at the ceremony, the Defence Minister appreciated Pakistan Navy for taking the initiative to exhibit potential of Pakistan's Maritime Sector through PIMEC. He said that Pakistan offers enormous opportunities for profitable investments, joint ventures and trade in the maritime sector. He highlighted that oceans bring the nations closer and therefore the need to make them a safer place through collaborative efforts of all stakeholders. Pakistan as a responsible state is committed to play its role for international peace, stability and order.

The Defence Minister dilated upon Pakistan Maritime Potential that can contribute enormously to our national economy. Development of efficient ship-breaking industry, trans-shipment ports, fisheries industry, coastal tourism, water sports and aqua culture are few of the areas which deserve special focus.

The Chief Guest emphasized on the integration of public - private partnership amongst maritime industry to achieve optimum results. He further added that the potential of academic and R&D organizations must be incorporated for enhancing efficiency and productivity of our maritime sector. He assured that Government will continue to create business and investment friendly environment. Towards the end, the Chief Guest hoped that avenues generated through PIMEC will grow and bring Pakistan closer to the cherished goals of realizing regional peace and shared prosperity through collaborative efforts.

Earlier, Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi acknowledged the dynamic participation of guests that added great value to the event. Naval Chief appraised that PIMEC will be the flagship event of Pakistan and is planned to be held biennially for demonstrating latest technology of national and international maritime industry.

The exhibition will serve as one of the international gathering of entrepreneurs, R&D specialists, financial experts and top level policy makers to boost cooperation, share knowledge and support ventures in the maritime field. The Admiral expressed his gratitude and hoped that with zeal & zest, meticulous planning and cooperation from all the stakeholders, PIMEC-2023 will prove to boon our national economy and help raise our international stature.
The ceremony was attended by Federal Ministers, Ambassadors, military officials, Academia, Media Fraternity and distinguished guests from all walks of society.



Daily Parliament Times
January 9, 2023

Written by Ali Basit

Oceans remain an important component of our planet having countless marine species and vast sea bed resources. It has provided with the cheapest medium for transportation of goods and largely contributes to world’s GDP. Economic activities in the oceans are increasingly expanded over the period of time primarily due to growing population and globalization. Dependence on oceans has led to diverse economic interactions clubbed under the term, Blue Economy, which covers industries focused on sustainable utilization of oceans based resources.

The geographical location of Pakistan provides the shortest route to Indian Ocean for Central Asian Republics, Afghanistan and western part of China through Karachi and Gwadar ports, presenting great potential for development at national as well as regional levels. In this regard, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a manifestation of Pakistan’s commitment towards the utilizing the potential of Blue Economy through enhanced regional connectivity.

The country is blessed with over 1000 km long coastline and the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) covering about 240,000 Sq. Km. In addition, extension of continental shelf (50,000 Sq. Km) was also approved by United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (UNCLCS) in 2015.

Pakistan’s coastal areas provide vast breeding grounds for commercially important fishery resources including crabs and shrimps, having potential worth of more than $2 billion annually. More than 40,000 Pakistani citizens are directly or indirectly attached with fishing industry providing a huge workforce for exploitation of these resources. Pakistan’s coastal area contains numerous scenic spots including Sandy Beaches, Cliffs, Bays, Deltas, Islands, mud volcanoes, Estuaries and Mudflats. Pakistan’s beaches are highly suitable for water sports activities including Boating, Snorkeling, Jet-Skiing, Para-Gliding and Scuba Diving to promote coastal tourism. Pakistan’s coastal line contains a range of luxurious accommodation facilities to support coastal tourism industry.

With an annual freight bill of more than $3 billion and business friendly shipping policy, Pakistan offers great opportunity for investment in Marine transportation sector. Moreover, Gadani is an important hub for ship breaking industry spread over 10 kms beach on the Arabian Sea close to Karachi port. It is the third largest ship-breaking yard in the world. Additionally, Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KS&EW) has state of the art Ship Lift and Transfer System (SLTS) which affords construction and repair of multiple ships as per international standards. Karachi Shipyard is also building various vessels for Pakistan Navy including MILGEM class corvettes.

Being cognizant of the maritime potential of Pakistan, Pakistan Navy has taken various initiatives such as maritime security workshops, maritime conferences, visits and briefing to policy makers, engagements with media house and business community, inclusion of maritime related curriculum, maritime awareness and publicity campaigns, and observing world ocean and environment days, to harness benefits of Blue Economy.

Across the globe, maritime exhibitions provide an ideal platform to showcase various marine related products, systems and services, leading to beneficial business partnerships. On the same lines, Pakistan International Maritime Expo and Conference (PIMEC) is an initiative of Pakistan Navy being organized under the patronage of Ministry of Maritime Affairs in order to jump start development of maritime sector in Pakistan and spur Blue Economy.

PIMEC is scheduled from 10 to 12 Feb, 2023 at Karachi Expo center. The exhibition will bring together stakeholders and companies from diverse maritime fields to exploit and explore the potential of Blue Economy. It is actually to venture new chapter where we explore the true potential of much more that is to follow. Not only it will give us livelihood and vibrancy to our economy but also provide endeavors to mitigate climate change effects.

PIMEC will focus on investment and collaboration in the fields of port operations, maritime logistics, sea transportation, ship building and repair, ship-breaking, fisheries and aqua culture, sea-bed resource exploration, maritime training and education, coastal tourism, renewable energy, environmental protection, marine engineering equipment, and real estate development along the coast.

The objectives set forth for PIMEC are; to provide opportunities to maritime industry to display products at single forum and interact directly with international maritime industry; to invite international maritime and defence manufacturers for joint ventures, transfer of technology, and research to provide impetus to Pakistan’s industrial setups; and to highlight Pakistan’s vast potential for Blue Economy, reinforce efforts in the realm of maritime diplomacy. In order to achieve the objectives of this national level event, support of relevant ministries, departments and business community will be essential during planning as well as execution stages.

PIMEC will provide an ideal opportunity for interactions between the target customers and maritime industry representatives. A large number of trade and industry participants from local and international maritime sector are therefore being invited to attend the event.

During PIMEC, an exclusive international maritime conference will also be held under the auspices of National Institute of Maritime Affairs. Eminent speakers will exchange views on latest trends and scientific approach to various challenges related to maritime industry.

To sum up, PIMEC is a distinct event which will help in promoting sustainable, economically viable and mutually beneficial business relationships between maritime stakeholders across the globe. In addition, it will highlight the potential of maritime sector in Pakistan and help in capitalizing the benefits of the Blue Economy.
Wait a sec ... all this talk about trade and thousand of cargo ships coming to Pakistani port. What about the thousands of shipping containers now stuck at those ports. I mean what will this pointless expo accomplish? Can anyone elaborate?

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