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Latest Development in Afghanistan

Amid the ongoing escalation, the Taliban are deploying additional forces to the Iran-Afghanistan border in a strategic move.


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‘550 former govt officials returned to Afghanistan’​

The Frontier Post


KABUL (Khaama Press): Mawlavi Abdul Kabir, Taliban’s Acting Prime Minister met with UNAMA Chief, Roza Otunbayeva in Kabul and said that more than 550 former government military and civilian officials have returned to Afghanistan.

Official sources have not confirmed the report and claim that hundreds of former government military personnel have been persecuted and killed by the Taliban group.

While meeting with the head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Afghanistan (UNAMA), PM Kabir said, since the return of the Taliban to power “islands of power, corruption, war and insecurity” have ended in Afghanistan.

This comes as at least 13 people including some key Taliban members were killed and more than 30 others were injured in the latest terror attack in northeastern Badakhshan province on Friday.

During the meeting, Mawlavi Kabir asked the international community to remove the senior Taliban members’ names from the “black list”, and said Taliban administration wants to maintain active diplomacy and good relation with the international community.

Mawlavi Kabir stated that international organizations and aid groups could resume their operation in Afghanistan – adding the international community could complete the unfinished projects in Afghanistan.

Considering the dire economic situation in Afghanistan multi-folded with drought and poverty, Afghan people are in urgent need of further international aid.

Meanwhile, the Taliban regime’s reluctance to positively respond to the demands and concerns of the international community, especially in the areas of education and women’s right to work, has caused donors to drastically reduce the amount of aid to Afghanistan, which further isolates the war-torn country.

Citizens criticize bank restrictions on withdrawals​

The Frontier Post


KABUL (TOLOnews): It has been two years since banks imposed restrictions on withdrawing funds and citizens of the country are once again criticizing the restrictions on banks.

They said that after Islamic Emirate took over the country, the withdrawal of money faced restrictions and this problem has made them face many challenges and they called on the Islamic Emirate to address them. “In this current situation there is no work, and the customer is demanding money, the economy is weak. Private banks should provide customers’ money,” said Abdul Shokor Akbari, a Kabul resident.

“We could receive the money very easily and we could execute the contracts of our companies very easily; But for now, these limitations have created many problems for us,” said Tamim, a resident of Kabul.

Meanwhile, the Central Bank of Afghanistan said that they are trying to provide facilities for those who have bank accounts.

“Now, compared to the past, the amount of commercial bank customers’ loans has increased, which means that the restrictions have decreased, and in the same way, technical discussions with international institutions continue,” said Hasibullah Noori, the spokesman for the Afghanistan Bank.

The owners of some private banks said that in a few months, all restrictions on withdrawing money will be removed.
- Pakistan's Special Representative for Afghanistan, Mr. Asif Durrani, held a meeting with Afghanistan's Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi in Kabul.

- During the meeting, Muttaqi expressed hope that Mr. Durrani's appointment would further enhance the political and economic ties between the two neighboring countries, emphasizing the importance of joint efforts in achieving this goal.

- He also highlighted the favorable opportunity for economic growth and collaborative projects in both nations following the establishment of peace in Afghanistan.

- Muttaqi assured that Afghanistan prioritizes security cooperation, affirming their commitment to never allow their territory to be used against any other country and actively working towards regional peace and stability.- In response, Mr. Durrani congratulated Muttaqi on the recent stability and peace achieved after four decades of turmoil.

- He pledged to strengthen and broaden the relations between the two countries, recognizing that regional peace is in the best interest of all parties involved. - Mr. Durrani further conveyed his readiness to establish and implement bilateral mechanisms encompassing political, economic, and various other domains.



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