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Hindu Genocides in Indian Punjab - Mass Murders of Sikhs Continue

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Yeah send it to the sardarji, he will show it to the respective ppl ............

Man to the right looks different from the 'common Indian' on the left. They should have their own nation.
Yeah send it to the sardarji, he will show it to the respective ppl ............

How many times this Indian DGMO aka Sardari ji, proven that he lied to 1.2 billion Indians and world. How many times the world, BBC, CNN, Newyork times, almost everyone including Pakistan has exposed the lie of this Sardari ji.....

This sardari ji is a certified liar, a bad name to the Indian armed forces! That's not what we or world believe now, but more Indians believe that they were the first ones lied and played around with.
Loss of lives is deplorable but wouldn't happen if the Indian government had respected the will of a majority of people of a state instead of fermenting trouble. I can give you the backstory of one of the incidents in the article, the Bidar bomb blasts that killed 35. Before you get your panties in a twist because Hindus died, here is the back story:


The Hindus killed six Sikh students because they didn't donate money for a Ganesha festival. It is against our religion to sit quietly when somebody does atrocities on you. After that some Khalsa did Car Seva and paid back with interest.
dont shove nonsense , I am from karnataka yankee and know better than you. Nation cannot be held responsible for acts of few.

It is against our religion to sit quietly when somebody does atrocities on you.
If you want to know who indulged in horrible violence against sikhs go read history. Acts of few does not give you license to kill every one. If you want khalistan , come and contest the elections if not just keep quiet.
There is a good reason why sikhs turned to being militarized. You show all the attributes of all false flagger.
all i see is a pakistani crying from his room seeing his country burning but rather than doing something about it he is trying to get satisfaction by doing propaganda against the nation which he wants to see burning but actually is doing pretty well
Source: Santa Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale

He was a great man and is needed more today than ever
well no disrespect to him but he lost the cause when he gave refuge to criminals rapists junkies etc under him
well no disrespect to him but he lost the cause when he gave refuge to criminals rapists junkies etc under him

I agree somewhat, he also shouldn't have barricaded himself in Darbar Sahab.
Don't get upset Indian!

Modi is not Sikh leader , Indra Gandhi was not Sikh leader, Rajic Gandhi was not a Sikh leader etc Nehru in 1947 who promised Sikhs a separate country in the shape of Khalistan was not also Sikh leader .......

This is the time when Sikh community has to stand up equally with Kashmiri brothers and demand their vote right to leave.

Go read if it was really Hindu / Bharat govt, media and army acts of few, or full Indian state was involved? watch this dude:

ok smart guy, do you know who CCS or MMS is ?
I was going to ignore you until I saw that statement? How am I a false flagger? I'm flying the American flag because I'm an American of Sikh heritage. It's ok to not agree with me without making bs allegations.
Lol why you want to separate from us lol. Are you afraid of South Indians Marathis or something 8-):p:
Keep religion and the names of my Gurus out of it please. Like I said it's ok to not agree with me, I'm happy to debate anybody cordially.
well yea religion should be kept aside but u r gurus :rolleyes1:i bet when i go to gurudwara all the time i feel like he belongs to all
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