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Development works done in East Pakistan during Pakistan time

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I will try to keep an eye on it and make sure it stays with the positive...I am tired of hearing all negative as if in decades we were with East Pakistan we did nothing!!

@BHarwana Report any crap DO NOT ENGAGE! I will clean it up!

@Dubious You have been doing excellent moderation on this forum lately. It is much cleaner. All mods also, keep up the good work guys. :tup:
I will try to keep an eye on it and make sure it stays with the positive...I am tired of hearing all negative as if in decades we were with East Pakistan we did nothing!!

@BHarwana Report any crap DO NOT ENGAGE! I will clean it up!

@Dubious I would agree with @waz this thread will become a mess. Indian have been working very hard to cultivate hate between Bangladesh and Pakistan and there are elections coming in Bangladesh of Dec 30th. They will do every thing to destroy the reality. The message here has been delivered and any one who can count cost know how much money went into Bengal no can deny these projects.
2.1. Pre-independence Revenue Sharing (Niemeyer Award) Prior to independence, Niemeyer Award (under the 1935 Act) was followed to distribute the resources between federal and provincial governments of the British India. Under this award sales tax was a provincial subject while income tax collections to be redistributed were prescribed as 50 percent of the total collection. Even after the creation of Pakistan, till March 1952, same award was followed although with some adjustment in railway budget, sharing of income and sales tax [Pakistan (1991)]. In addition Sindh and NWFP were given annual grants of Rs 10 million and Rs 10.5 million, respectively. However when the financial position of Sindh improved, these grants were used to settle its federal debt thus it was virtually getting no grants at the time of independence.

2.2. Post-independence Revenue Sharing (Raisman Award) After the independence, Sir Jeremy Raisman was assigned to formulate a feasible revenue sharing formula between federation and federating units of the country. Thus Raisman formula was presented in December, 1947 [Pakistan (1991) and Jaffery and Sadaqat (2006)] and subsequently adopted on April 1, 1952. In that formula, to overcome the poor financial situation arising from partition federal government was given 50 percent ad hoc share of sales tax to cope with its financial crises under Raisman award. Out of the proceeds of 50 percent income tax East Pakistan government got 45 percent of the federal divisible pool while West Pakistan got the remaining share. This share was distributed as 27, 12, 8, 4, 0.6, 0.6, and 2.8 percent amongst provinces of Punjab, Sindh, NWFP and Bhawalpur, Khairpur, Balochistan states union and residual1, respectively [Pakistan (1991)]. Under this award the subvention to NWFP was Rs 12.5 million.

2.3. Revenue Sharing under One Unit Four provinces NWFP, Sindh, Punjab, and Balochistan of West Pakistan were declared as one unit during 1955. Earlier, these provinces were considered as separate identities as of East Pakistan. Therefore, after these arrangements there were only two units namely East and West Pakistan. Two awards for year 1961 and 1964 were announced during that period. At that time the resources were distributed only amongst East Pakistan and West Pakistan.

2.3.1. The 1961 Award Under the award, out of the divisible pool (70 percent of sales tax plus other taxes), East Pakistan and West Pakistan got 54 and 46 percent share,
respectively. 30 percent of sales tax was specified to the provinces on the bases of collection in their respective areas. While the remaining duties on agricultural land and capital value tax on immovable property were given to the units as per their collection [Pakistan (1991)].

2.3.2. The 1964 Award The 1964 National Finance Commission was set up under article 144 of the 1962 constitution. The divisible pool consisted of collection from income tax, sales tax, excise duty and export duty. However 30 percent of sales tax was distributed in accordance with its collection in each province. The respective share out of divisible pool between centre and provinces were 35:65 percent. The share of East Pakistan and West Pakistan remained unchanged at 54 percent and 46 percent. However, on 1st July 1970 the West Pakistan was disband into Punjab, Sindh, NWFP and Balochistan, thus its share of 46 percent was distributed as 56.5, 23.5, 15.5 and 4.5 percent respectively among the new provinces [Pakistan (1991)].

2.3.3. National Finance Committee 1970 A committee2 was set up to recommend for the inter-governmental resource sharing under the Federal Finance Minister on April 1970. The divisible pool remained unchanged, however the share of the federal and provincial governments in the divisible pool was considered to be 20:80 percent respectively. Out of the provincial share 54 percent was given to East Pakistan, while the remaining 46 percent was distributed among the rest of the provinces

http://pide.org.pk/pdf/Working Paper/WorkingPaper-33.pdf

Wow, so since 1961 East Pakistan got a higher percentage (54%) of tax money than West Pakistan (46%.)

East Pakistan was wealthy. We have been lied to.
I think this thread should go on and become sticky...It has valid points...Just cleaned up some personal garbage but apart from that, MOST of these projects are never mentioned in debates! All the negative is always mentioned so I would like , with your permission, to allow this thread and make it a sticky!

The title needs to be changed though, something like "Development works in East Pakistan 1947-1971". Saying these development works were done by West Pakistan in East Pakistan is like saying development in Punjab is done by Sindh, Balochistan and Khybar Pukhtoonwa. Besides, many of these projects were in fact funded by donors.
@Dubious I would agree with @waz this thread will become a mess. Indian have been working very hard to cultivate hate between Bangladesh and Pakistan and there are elections coming in Bangladesh of Dec 30th. They will do every thing to destroy the reality. The message here has been delivered and any one who can count cost know how much money went into Bengal no can deny these projects.
Well, I made this sticky so that it can be more of a reference .....

I know in fights/ war a lot goes south!

In fact my parents never taught me about BD...I didnt know BD was east Pakistan before secondary school....I found out through history in school ....then when I joined this Science club [which took part in competitions] my senior who was in O levels and I was 2 yrs junior ...she found out I was Pakistani and I didnt know she was BD...She comes up to me and says so your parents hate my country and my people. Do YOU hate me? I didnt know what she was talking about coz in our community Pakistanis, BD and Indian Muslims were all equal. It was the 1st quick lesson on BD I got! All negative....all disappointing, coming from a lady 2 yrs my senior pouring out words I had no clue how to digest! I had no defense all I could ask was, why should I hate you when I dont know you, I wasnt born then nor did anything that you claim? She immediately shut up and respected me after that, more so coz she had no reply for my questions and also coz we won the competition......

I avoid BD threads for this very reason but I fail to agree we did ONLY BAD!

Sure people would know at the back of their minds, but very few would point it out, bring it forward and I would like this as a resource thread so kindly fill it up with everything good you people can think of!

I am tired of hate....

The title needs to be changed though, something like "Development works in East Pakistan 1947-1971". Saying these development works were done by West Pakistan in East Pakistan is like saying development in Punjab is done by Sindh, Balochistan and Khybar Pukhtoonwa. Besides, many of these projects were in fact funded by donors.
I can change the title to make it sound more intellectual.
Well, allowing budget into East was also consensual....So West had to agree in order for it to move forward!
2ndly, money from donors could have also been siphoned to West considering we were evil, right?

@BHarwana [change your name...I always forget what it is when I need to mention you :angry:]

Do you agree to the thread title being change to: "Development works in East Pakistan 1947-1971" as suggested by @Species ?
Well, I made this sticky so that it can be more of a reference .....

I know in fights/ war a lot goes south!

In fact my parents never taught me about BD...I didnt know BD was east Pakistan before secondary school....I found out through history in school ....then when I joined this Science club [which took part in competitions] my senior who was in O levels and I was 2 yrs junior ...she found out I was Pakistani and I didnt know she was BD...She comes up to me and says so your parents hate my country and my people. Do YOU hate me? I didnt know what she was talking about coz in our community Pakistanis, BD and Indian Muslims were all equal. It was the 1st quick lesson on BD I got! All negative....all disappointing, coming from a lady 2 yrs my senior pouring out words I had no clue how to digest! I had no defense all I could ask was, why should I hate you when I dont know you, I wasnt born then nor did anything that you claim? She immediately shut up and respected me after that, more so coz she had no reply for my questions and also coz we won the competition......

I avoid BD threads for this very reason but I fail to agree we did ONLY BAD!

Sure people would know at the back of their minds, but very few would point it out, bring it forward and I would like this as a resource thread so kindly fill it up with everything good you people can think of!

I am tired of hate....

We never did bad to Bangladesh the death of civilians which are blamed on us were done by November 12th 1970 cyclone and before that I can post a speech of Ayub Khan where he is clearly naming Indian RAW elements killing civilians and students in 1969 when there was no involvement of Pakistan army in Bangladesh. The problem is none of us ever countered the narrative of India.

If you recall who was Sikandar Mirza and how he destroyed the political system of Pakistan you would blame Bangladesh more for atrocities than west Pakistan.

My grand father was MLA at that time and his efforts made Ayub Khan attain power and I know a lot from that time because of discussions with my late grand father. There is lot to history which is not told but blaming Pakistan for looting Bangladesh is wrong. They asked independence for ethnicity not economics.

Here is the video of celebrations of independence in east Pakistan. Bengali can blame us for every thing but we even paid for their loans. Sorry the narrative of Bangladesh is flawed.

Nobody trashes Pakistan for the good that it did. But why don’t we open a thread what British empire did for India (Pakistan and Bangladesh included) ofc many many things but still doesn’t justify the harm
It is not about justifying the HARM....
Sadly, everyone knows what British Raj did...Mostly the good..not too much about the bad...For West Pakistan it is the opposite....NO ONE knows that any good was done! ONLY NEGATIVE is spread, it causes hate that results in some sort of relief and appreciation for the partition!

However, show me 1 thread that showed ANY GOOD that was done.....Everytime such a thread is allowed, it becomes a troll fest! It is as though either you know there was good and fail to acknowledge it! OR you dont know there was no good that just means too much negative propaganda...Even science today says dont be negative!
We never did bad to Bangladesh
That is an overstatement!

However, we didnt do it as bad as they keep recollecting!

The problem is none of us ever countered the narrative of India.
I agree with this and sadly that has become poison...

I know of just 1 Pakistani family who were stationed in BD when the attacks started...They had to run and their recalls are really scary! They faced it 1st hand but they dont hate BD across the board despite having to flee chaos AGAIN (1st from india then BD)

If you recall who was Sikandar Mirza and how he destroyed the political system of Pakistan you would blame Bangladesh more for atrocities than west Pakistan.
Politicians of that time were all privileged people who didnt care about humanity! I could say the same about Bhutto....

My grand father was MLA at that time and his efforts made Ayub Khan attain power and I know a lot from that time because of discussions with my late grand father. There is lot to history which is not told but blaming Pakistan for looting Bangladesh is wrong. They asked independence for ethnicity not economics.
That I agree...I also agree we were unfair and didnt want power to go to the East also due to ethnicity. I also agree BD was never supposed to be a part of Pakistan and it partitioned for good!

Here is the video of celebrations of independence in east Pakistan. Bengali can blame us for every thing but we even paid for their loans. Sorry the narrative of Bangladesh is flawed.
It is hence why I want this thread...Not to hear a thank you from them but to educate them and also ourselves...More for ourselves since PDF is also accumulating and presenting knowledge...Those who are true to themselves will read and hopefully decrease the hate!
The source of your epic thread was some propaganda blog?

Their only source of income was jute and cotton and that too was regularly disrupted by floods and cyclones.
The annual exports of jute from east Pakistan was less than Pakistani defence budget which hovered around 500 million dollars after 1965.

There will always be lopsided development. The southern and western part of India contribute more economically to the exchequer than North and the east. But more money is spent in politically important states in the North.

I know Nehru is reviled by Indians but he did a great job in ensuring Hindi is NOT the national language, by dividing states on linguistic grounds and ending Zamindari. From what I understand Pak did none of these 3. It even imposed Urdu on the Bengalis which defied logic.

Again, I wish I remembered the name of the book from uni but I don't. Maybe some Bangla can shed light on it. Jute was exported but many factories were in India in West Bengal and West Pakistan decreased or forbid the export of jute to India.

Also in 1947 itself Jinnah wanted Calcutta as a "free port" to be used as a capital by both cities because East Bengal was pretty rural.

2.1. Pre-independence Revenue Sharing (Niemeyer Award) Prior to independence, Niemeyer Award (under the 1935 Act) was followed to distribute the resources between federal and provincial governments of the British India. Under this award sales tax was a provincial subject while income tax collections to be redistributed were prescribed as 50 percent of the total collection. Even after the creation of Pakistan, till March 1952, same award was followed although with some adjustment in railway budget, sharing of income and sales tax [Pakistan (1991)]. In addition Sindh and NWFP were given annual grants of Rs 10 million and Rs 10.5 million, respectively. However when the financial position of Sindh improved, these grants were used to settle its federal debt thus it was virtually getting no grants at the time of independence.

2.2. Post-independence Revenue Sharing (Raisman Award) After the independence, Sir Jeremy Raisman was assigned to formulate a feasible revenue sharing formula between federation and federating units of the country. Thus Raisman formula was presented in December, 1947 [Pakistan (1991) and Jaffery and Sadaqat (2006)] and subsequently adopted on April 1, 1952. In that formula, to overcome the poor financial situation arising from partition federal government was given 50 percent ad hoc share of sales tax to cope with its financial crises under Raisman award. Out of the proceeds of 50 percent income tax East Pakistan government got 45 percent of the federal divisible pool while West Pakistan got the remaining share. This share was distributed as 27, 12, 8, 4, 0.6, 0.6, and 2.8 percent amongst provinces of Punjab, Sindh, NWFP and Bhawalpur, Khairpur, Balochistan states union and residual1, respectively [Pakistan (1991)]. Under this award the subvention to NWFP was Rs 12.5 million.

2.3. Revenue Sharing under One Unit Four provinces NWFP, Sindh, Punjab, and Balochistan of West Pakistan were declared as one unit during 1955. Earlier, these provinces were considered as separate identities as of East Pakistan. Therefore, after these arrangements there were only two units namely East and West Pakistan. Two awards for year 1961 and 1964 were announced during that period. At that time the resources were distributed only amongst East Pakistan and West Pakistan.

2.3.1. The 1961 Award Under the award, out of the divisible pool (70 percent of sales tax plus other taxes), East Pakistan and West Pakistan got 54 and 46 percent share,
respectively. 30 percent of sales tax was specified to the provinces on the bases of collection in their respective areas. While the remaining duties on agricultural land and capital value tax on immovable property were given to the units as per their collection [Pakistan (1991)].

2.3.2. The 1964 Award The 1964 National Finance Commission was set up under article 144 of the 1962 constitution. The divisible pool consisted of collection from income tax, sales tax, excise duty and export duty. However 30 percent of sales tax was distributed in accordance with its collection in each province. The respective share out of divisible pool between centre and provinces were 35:65 percent. The share of East Pakistan and West Pakistan remained unchanged at 54 percent and 46 percent. However, on 1st July 1970 the West Pakistan was disband into Punjab, Sindh, NWFP and Balochistan, thus its share of 46 percent was distributed as 56.5, 23.5, 15.5 and 4.5 percent respectively among the new provinces [Pakistan (1991)].

2.3.3. National Finance Committee 1970 A committee2 was set up to recommend for the inter-governmental resource sharing under the Federal Finance Minister on April 1970. The divisible pool remained unchanged, however the share of the federal and provincial governments in the divisible pool was considered to be 20:80 percent respectively. Out of the provincial share 54 percent was given to East Pakistan, while the remaining 46 percent was distributed among the rest of the provinces

http://pide.org.pk/pdf/Working Paper/WorkingPaper-33.pdf
Great. Thanks.
Over half of our army ,navy and airforce were full of Bengalis too.
No. 5% in Army with just one Major General, 1.7% in Navy and a better 6% in the air force (officer ranks). Numbers suggest 10% of Bengali staff strength in Military.

I will try to keep an eye on it and make sure it stays with the positive...I am tired of hearing all negative as if in decades we were with East Pakistan we did nothing!!

@BHarwana Report any crap DO NOT ENGAGE! I will clean it up!
@Dubious , for a sticky thread this title looks a bit absurd . IMHO this title proposed by bluesky should work well .
Changing the title will encourage positive-minded people to participate in the discussion.
This title proposed by @bluesky is
" Development works were done in East Pakistan during Pakistan time " .
Thanks and regards.
From what I understand Pak did none of these 3. It even imposed Urdu on the Bengalis which defied logic.
It was alos imposed on Punjabis, SIndhis, Pathans, Balochis, Seraikis, Kashmiris, Gilgitis.

And unlike the above, the Bengos actually got their language as a co-national language. Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Seraiki, Brahui etc did not get that status.
fishes always get angry when they talk about 1971 ...
move on its history ,
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