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china's african crop

China's development beneficial for Uganda: President Museveni

KAMPALA, June 23 (Xinhua) -- Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said here Friday that China's development, which means an opportunity, instead of threat, to Uganda, is beneficial for peace and development of Uganda, Africa and the entire world.

He refuted the claim that China's development is a threat to Africa and China is coveting Africa's resources, saying that the Ugandan people are happy for the tremendous achievements Chinese people have scored.

He made the remarks when talking with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who arrived here Friday for a two-day official visit to the east African country.

Museveni thanked China for providing assistance to Uganda in its fighting for national liberation and giving it help in its national development after it became an independent nation, saying that Ugandan people will remember the kindness.

He said Uganda wished to enhance cooperation with China in agriculture, traffic, telecommunications, mineral development, tourism and infrastructure.

The Chinese premier said that Sino-Ugandan relationship is completely established on the basis of mutual respect and support.

He said Uganda has rendered precious support for China in China's safeguarding of sovereignty and territorial integrity and the efforts made by the Chinese government to realize China's reunification.

The Sino-Ugandan relationship has seen steady development since the two countries established diplomatic ties in 1962, with close political contacts and deepening cooperation in various fields.

Wen said the bilateral friendship has remained unchanged despite big changes in the international situation and each of the two countries.

The Chinese premier said that the two countries have been cordial cooperation partners and will maintain this partnership in the future, adding that China is willing to join Uganda in bringing the friendship and cooperation between the two nations to a new level.

Wen said that China attaches importance to bilateral economic relationship and trade, pursuing more cooperation in this field in a market pattern that businesses play a main role, assisted by the government guide.

He said China will continue to take a series of active measures to increase import from Uganda. China encourages its businesses to invest in Uganda's agriculture, water conservancy, traffic, telecommunications and infrastructure. China is willing to help Uganda in education and health, with prevention and treatment of Malaria and AIDS being part of the help.

Wen said he deeply felt the African people's profound friendship with Chinese people during his eight-day visit to seven African countries, which started on June 17, with Uganda being the last stop.

The Chinese people will not forget their African friends, he said, adding that China, which has developed, will give more support and help to Africa.

The Chinese premier said he and leaders of the seven countries had an cordial exchange of views and reached significant agreement on enhancing relationship and developing a new strategic partnership between China and Africa, solidifying the foundation for the development of China-Africa relationship.

The two leaders witnessed the signing of bilateral agreements in a wide range of fields including economy, trade, agriculture, education, health and technology.

China will provide anti-malaria medicine for Uganda, build example agriculture center and countryside school in Uganda, according to the agreements.

China and Uganda issued a joint communique after the talk. Enditem

Chinese firm wins massive road projects in Ethiopia
www.chinaview.cn 2006-06-24 16:57:14

ADDIS ABABA, June 24 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese firm, CGC Overseas Construction Co. Ltd, said here Saturday it has signed an agreement with the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) for the construction works of two roads with a total amount of over 839 million birr (about 97 million U.S. dollars).

Sun Guoqiang, the firm's chief representative in Ethiopia, told Xinhua that his company won the international bid for the construction of the Dodola Junction-Goba and Dera-Gololcha Mechara roads, which are located in south Ethiopia's Oromia state.

The Dodola Junction-Goba road is part of the Nazareth-Assela-Dodola and Shashemene-Goba Road Upgrading Project, and the work consists of upgrading the existing 130-km natural gravel surfaced road. The cost of the construction works of the project is over 371 million birr (about 43 million dollars).

The Dera-Gololcha Mechara road is part of the Dera-Gololcha Mechara Road Upgrading Project and the work consists of upgrading the existing 120-km gravel track to a six-meter-wide gravel surfaced carriage way along with a 0.5-meter gravel shoulder on either side, corresponding to feeder road standards. The cost is over 468 million birr (about 54 million dollars).

Sun said the construction of each project is expected to be completed in three and a half years.

The Ethiopian government has secured credit from the International Development Association (IDA) to cover the cost of the road sector development program and a portion of it is allocated towards the construction of the two road projects. The government also finances a considerable portion of the cost of the project.

CGC Overseas Construction Co. Ltd is a subsidiary company of the China Geo-engineering Corporation (CGC). Since last year, CGC Overseas Construction Co. Ltd has been given a number of road projects in Ethiopia, with a total amount of over 2.4 billion birr(276 million dollars).

Centered in the capital Addis Ababa, the country's road system radiates in all directions in a spoke-like pattern. However, substantial parts of the country, notably in the west, southwest, and southeast, still lacks all-weather connections to this network. Only about l2 percent of the 80-million population have been access to roads. Most roads in the national network were concentrated in the central, eastern, and northern highlands. Therefore, completion of an adequate nationwide highway system continued to be one of Ethiopia's major development challenges.

Since the downfall of the Derg regime in 1991, many Chinese firms entered Ethiopia and played a major role in the construction of roads in the Horn of Africa country.

Despite these efforts, Ethiopia's road network remained primitive and quite limited, even by African standards. Enditem
China vows to make upcoming China-Africa summit "grand", "pragmatic" gathering
www.chinaview.cn 2006-07-08 22:22:32

BEIJING, July 8 (Xinhua) -- China on Saturday vowed joint efforts with African countries to make planned China-Africa summit in November a "grand" and "pragmatic" gathering.

Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing made the remarks at a reception held by the Foreign Ministry for African diplomats in Beijing on Saturday.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and African countries. Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao visited ten African countries this year and reached broad consensus with the leaders there on the promotion of China-Africa cooperation, Li noted.

China will host the third ministerial meeting of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum this November. Li said leaders from China and Africa will discuss establishing and developing new China-Africa strategic partnerships.

He congratulated the participants on the success of the seventh African Union (AU) summit in Gambia's capital Banjul on July 1-2, adding China will continue to support AU's efforts in promoting the peace and development of Africa.

Nolana Ta Ama, Togo's ambassador to China as well as head of African diplomatic missions, expressed appreciation for China's support and assistance for Africa's national independence, peace and development.

He also spoke highly of China's policies that have facilitated all-round China-Africa friendship within the framework of China-Africa Cooperation Forum and China's African policy document which was published earlier this year. Enditem

I can't see. Can you provide the link? thanks, I didn't quite understand the meaning of china's african crop.

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