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Arab Coalition Announces Launch of Operation to Liberate Yemen from Houthis

Unless they commit troops on the ground it will never work. Also they'll need to invest hundreds of billions rebuilding Yemen to give the govt support and kill off Houthi support, especially in areas they have traditional support in.
Abi Salool should have intervened with its air force in Libya to remove Turkish invaders, not bomb Yemen an already poor Arab country to hell since 2015.

@The SC you're too much of a pro-gov figure, not criticizing anything they do. This war started in 2015, I was on PDF and I remember the old Saudi members were cheering. Here we are in 2022 and you're posting this shit as if it is new.

KSA policies have been failures for too many years.

From ignoring Iraq since 2003 till 2015, basically pushing it towards Iran. to bombing Yemen to utter hell, ignoring Libya and supporting Turkish elements in Syria which strengthened Turkey's foothold in Syria.
There is no sane person that will support the rupture and division of an Arab state. The Gulf states despite their intervention in Yemen are still strongly opposed to any division of the state and the same thing for Iraq and Syria, although Iraq, Syria and Yemen have strong sectarian and ethnic factors suitable for division, but no state encourages this division..
Confirmed and strong leaks

- Sudanese Armed Forces (Special Mission Forces) + (9th Airborne Division)
- General Intelligence Service (Operations Authority)
- Rapid Support Forces

There are already troops sent ..

The number is very large, according to leaks from sources inside the Republican Palace ..

Military coordination for the first time became a Saudi-Sudanese only outside the Emirati-Egyptian sphere..



Citizens' takbeer today in Harib .. Rejoicing at the victory over the militia..
It draws everyone's attention to two important matters:

1- The joy of the Yemenis with the heroes joining together in the fields, unifying their ranks, and achieving victory over the Houthis ..

2- The extent of the suffering of the people in the areas that are still in the hands of the terrorist militia and their land mines..

Operation are ongoing..

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How Can you say you fight for a free yemen and the yemen state and the yemen people. if you fight and kill yemenis with troops from outside yemen.
You kill the yemen people for a small Regime that can not stand alone. You are invaders. You are not with the yemen people you are ageinst them.
Yemeni forces continue to defend 3 million displaced people in Marib

التحالف: ضربات موجعة تقضي على 240 إرهابيا حوثيا

The Coalition to Support Legitimacy, led by the Kingdom, announced yesterday, Tuesday, the implementation of 53 targeting operations against the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in Marib and Al-Bayda, and the elimination of more than 240 terrorist elements. The targeting resulted in the destruction of 34 Houthi military vehicles.

Yesterday morning, the coalition began a military operation for legitimate military objectives in the kidnapped capital, Sana'a, and said: It is a response to the threat and the military necessity to protect civilians from hostile attacks.

On the ground military front, the Media Center of the Southern Giants Brigades confirmed, on Monday, the liberation of the center of the Harib district, which is intertwined with the Ain district, to secure the Ain district in particular and Shabwa governorate in general.

The "Giants" said: "The southern brigades, with the support of coalition aircraft, liberated the city center of Harib in the Ma'rib governorate, amid a state of collapse among the Houthis." dead and wounded.

The Yemeni army continues its attack on the fronts of the eastern and western Taiz governorate, amid the Houthi militia incurring heavy losses in equipment and lives, and launched violent bombardment on its positions, causing dead and wounded among the Iranian arms, along the eastern front of the city.

The army stated that it continues, along with forces from the Giants Brigades, to advance in the south of Ma'rib Governorate, declaring control of mountains and strategic sites overlooking the districts of Harib and Abdiya in the south. On the southern front, they were able to advance towards the road linking Marib and Al-Bayda, amid the losses of the Houthi coup militia.

The Giants are advancing south of Ma'rib under air support provided by coalition fighters (today)


There is no sane person that will support the rupture and division of an Arab state. The Gulf states despite their intervention in Yemen are still strongly opposed to any division of the state and the same thing for Iraq and Syria, although Iraq, Syria and Yemen have strong sectarian and ethnic factors suitable for division, but no state encourages this division..

What are u some kind of GCC spokesperson telling me their official gov stance. I am looking at what they have been doing for the last 7 years, UAE took Socotra and is trying to make it their own land supporting southern separatist.

KSA, UAE, Qatar were heavily involved in the Libya and Syria wars, both wars resulted in the de-facto divided states of Syria and Libya.

Once again, stop being such a pro-gov parrot, criticize them when it is due, something the middle east never does with the dictatorships all over the place.
What are u some kind of GCC spokesperson telling me their official gov stance. I am looking at what they have been doing for the last 7 years, UAE took Socotra and is trying to make it their own land supporting southern separatist.

KSA, UAE, Qatar were heavily involved in the Libya and Syria wars, both wars resulted in the de-facto divided states of Syria and Libya.

Once again, stop being such a pro-gov parrot, criticize them when it is due, something the middle east never does with the dictatorships all over the place.
Are you mad at me or the news and facts on the ground?

We know you don't like the GCC and its leaders.. but do you really expect everyone to do so just because you do?

7 years of trying a political solution that did not work.. did you know this is the third official Operation in Yemen and it is called "The liberation of Yemen"..

And don't tell me that you like what Iran and its proxies did to Iraq..

Are you the Houthi Militia spoke person here?
Are you mad at me or the news and facts on the ground?

We know you don't like the GCC and its leaders.. but do you really expect everyone to do so just because you do?

7 years of trying a political solution that did not work.. did you know this is the third official Operation in Yemen and it is called "The liberation of Yemen"..

And don't tell me that you like what Iran and its proxies did to Iraq..

Are you the Houthi Militia spoke person here?

You're focusing on the wrong bits.
Whether I like you, the GCC leaders, Iran and its militias or not is not relevant. Whether I am mad or not, does not matter either.

Codenames of military operations do not matter, Saudi Arabia copied America's Desert Storm name and called it Decisive Storm. Again, focusing on nonsense.

Acknowledge what I wrote instead of this bs, see you in 2025 still bombing Yemeni kids without major ground operations. The alternative is for the GCC troops to launch major ground OPS and clear cities, this comes with heavy casualties as we saw in Iraq but it works. Yemenis will suffer less as the blockade can be lifted quicker, though is the GCC willing to lose that many troops and do they care? No.

That's what it is.
You're focusing on the wrong bits.
Whether I like you, the GCC leaders, Iran and its militias or not is not relevant. Whether I am mad or not, does not matter either.

Codenames of military operations do not matter, Saudi Arabia copied America's Desert Storm name and called it Decisive Storm. Again, focusing on nonsense.

Acknowledge what I wrote instead of this bs, see you in 2025 still bombing Yemeni kids without major ground operations. The alternative is for the GCC troops to launch major ground OPS and clear cities, this comes with heavy casualties as we saw in Iraq but it works. Yemenis will suffer less as the blockade can be lifted quicker, though is the GCC willing to lose that many troops and do they care? No.

That's what it is.

All these ground offensives going on and you still want more.. war goes according to well studied plans .. not just fighting like stupid bulls.. You can just go to twitter or anywhere on the net and type Yemen today.. maybe you can stop this BS talk..
Saudi/UAE Vietnam. Let’s see if they can take 50k casualties like the US. No amount of fancy western equipment will help them. Learn from your masters, the Americans. A lot of similarities between the Houthis and the Afghans. They should have listened to the Pakistanis.
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All these ground offensives going on and you still want more.. war goes according to well studied plans .. not just fighting like stupid bulls.. You can just go to twitter or anywhere on the net and type Yemen today.. maybe you can stop this BS talk..

You must send 300k troops, start the machine of martyrdom and let's stop being air farce fuckers
The major tribes of Ma'rib announce their joining the Giants' forces and issue this statement


Yesterday, Tuesday, the Murad tribes, the major tribes of Marib, pledged to fight alongside the Southern Giants Brigades to liberate their lands from the Houthi militia.

This comes after the liberation of the Southern Giants Brigades, the city of Harib, the first district in the south of Ma'rib Governorate, whose residents all belong to the Murad tribe, and which are fighting the battle in defense of their homes and lands.

The “Murad” tribes inhabit the districts of “Rahba”, “Al-Juba”, “Part of Harib”, “Jabal Murad” and “Mahliya”, while the “Bani Abd” tribe inhabits the Al-Abdiyyah district, whose brigades of giants reached sites overlooking it south of Ma’rib.

The declaration of the Murad tribes to fight alongside the giants is a resounding slap to the Houthis, and it will lead to the rapid collapse of the fighting ranks of the militias throughout the districts of southern Marib, as one of the largest tribes historically opposed to terrorist militias.



As of today:

The US Department of Defense: The CIA supports the Pentagon's assessment of designating the Houthis as a terrorist organization..
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