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Arab Coalition Announces Launch of Operation to Liberate Yemen from Houthis

I may not agree with the other guy but should put the record straight, you put it as if we couldn't stop them, as if the drones were carried out without the consent of the state. We openly allied with US, didn't we? Targets inside Pakistan were each given permission by Pakistan and they were mostly accurate and naturally there will be collateral damage. It was highly politicised and political parties took advantage. It is why govts mostly lied and didn't tell the truth, we have a huge percentage of emotional zealots that dont think through. We are a democracy and our ppl are highly independent, unlike in dictatorships and where supreme leader reign supreme for life. Bin laden incident was also fake and he had died years ago, we could have shot down the choppers but decided not to.
It is wrong to compare all that with iran shooting passenger plane, or unable to protect nuclear scientist, these are clear incompetencies. While being a major non NATO ally, their CIA agent couldnt escape after killing a low tier intelligence operative and was caught, let alone successfully killing nuclear scientist.
If the drones were operating inside pakistan,and killing pakistanis,with the full knowledge [and permission] of the pakistani government,then why did it lodge a protest with the us government over these continued strikes?

I wont even bother with your claim of the "Bin laden incident was also fake",tho if it was,then why on earth did the americans even bother engaging in this insane charade that not only damaged us-pakistani relations,but also embarrassed pakistan internationally.
Seems an odd thing to do to a "major non-nato ally",doesnt it?

Also,I`m not saying that you couldnt stop them,its actually worse than that in fact,I`m saying that your government deliberately chooses to do nothing and instead just allows these actions to continue.

Your post is actually a rather beautiful example of something that I`ve seen more than a little bit of in certain sections of this site.Its called Rationalization,and it stems from a psychological phenomena known as Cognitive Dissonance.
Essentially it boils down to this:
1.Pakistan is [supposedly] a major non-nato ally,that has been openly aligned/allied with the us/west for decades.
2.However,if pakistan is a "major non-nato ally",then why is it being treated in such an obviously non-ally way?
3.Since it is clear that pakistan is not being treated as a "major non-nato ally",then why does the government [and military] of pakistan not act to stop what are very clearly unfriendly acts?
4.Now how does one manage to explain [rationalize] this very obvious contradiction...?
5.Read post #90 in this topic.
Thats a pretty cheap shot [to put it very mildly] considering that for 14 years us drones murdered hundreds of pakistani civilians with virtual impunity,while its military did nothing [naturally] and its government offered barely a fart of [easily ignored] protest......and we wont even go into the national embarrassment that resulted from the americans bin laden hit...
And all of this despite pakistan being the worlds sole nuclear armed muslim nation...
It certainly puts it all into a very clear perspective,now doesnt it? :sarcastic:

Your heckling over Drones are wrong, its open secrets those drone strikes were done with permission of Pakistan, and ISI was on board and share intelligence on many of such strikes, as for OBL was concerned yes American played the dirty game there by not including Pakistan's name in the collaborating in the operation, Obama the biggest cun't did all that to secure the second term, he put Pakistan under the bus and our COAS (Kiyani) who we all despise couldn't see that coming. But even in Pakistan's intelligence and many in the world journalism don't actually believe OBL death was in that operation, the whole story was so bizarre and weird that it can only be compared to a stupid Bollywood script.
Yes you can use the Salala incident to bash Pakistan, but even that was from the reaction of the tension which was heated after OBL alleged raid which leads NATO to something unthinkable and yet again the Army just back down, mostly because of threat of a full fledged invasion which could easily happen with American and NATO troops all jerking each other off.

Arab Coalition Announces Launch of Operation to Liberate Yemen from Houthis​

So what was going on for the last 7 years then?
Tuesday, 11 January, 2022 - 17:45


Arab coalition spokesman Turki al-Malki during Tuesday's press conference. (Al Arabiya)

Asharq Al-Awsat

The Saudi-led Ara coalition announced on Tuesday the launch of an operation on all Yemeni fronts to liberate the country from the Iran-backed Houthi militias.

Speaking from the Yemeni province of Shabwa, coalition spokesman Turki al-Malki said: "We are carrying out military operations to liberate Yemen and we call on all Yemenis to rally around their political leadership."

The Yemeni government had declared on Tuesday that it had liberated Shabwa from the Houthis.

Malki also hailed the role of the United Arab Emirates in the coalition.

The spokesman hailed the liberation of Shabwa, crediting the success to the Yemenis uniting to achieve that goal.

So are they going to attack USA? USA is doing this fassad. If you can't attack USA then leave it. Its just wastage of money.
Your heckling over Drones are wrong, its open secrets those drone strikes were done with permission of Pakistan, and ISI was on board and share intelligence on many of such strikes, as for OBL was concerned yes American played the dirty game there by not including Pakistan's name in the collaborating in the operation, Obama the biggest cun't did all that to secure the second term, he put Pakistan under the bus and our COAS (Kiyani) who we all despise couldn't see that coming. But even in Pakistan's intelligence and many in the world journalism don't actually believe OBL death was in that operation, the whole story was so bizarre and weird that it can only be compared to a stupid Bollywood script.
Yes you can use the Salala incident to bash Pakistan, but even that was from the reaction of the tension which was heated after OBL alleged raid which leads NATO to something unthinkable and yet again the Army just back down, mostly because of threat of a full fledged invasion which could easily happen with American and NATO troops all jerking each other off.
"its open secrets those drone strikes were done with permission of Pakistan.."
Are you sure about that....?
If thats truly the case,then why did the pakistani government issue this formal "strong protest" ?.

"It was conveyed to the US CdA that the Government of Pakistan strongly condemns the drone strikes which are a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The importance of bringing an immediate end to drone strikes was emphasized."

"It was also pointed out that the Government of Pakistan has consistently maintained that drone strikes are counter-productive, entail loss of innocent civilian lives and have human rights and humanitarian implications."

"It was also stressed that these drone strikes have a negative impact on the mutual desire of both countries to forge a cordial and cooperative relationship and to ensure peace and stability in the region."
Are you sure about that....?
If thats truly the case,then why did the pakistani government issue this formal "strong protest" ?.

"It was conveyed to the US CdA that the Government of Pakistan strongly condemns the drone strikes which are a violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The importance of bringing an immediate end to drone strikes was emphasized."

"It was also pointed out that the Government of Pakistan has consistently maintained that drone strikes are counter-productive, entail loss of innocent civilian lives and have human rights and humanitarian implications."

"It was also stressed that these drone strikes have a negative impact on the mutual desire of both countries to forge a cordial and cooperative relationship and to ensure peace and stability in the region."

Govt of Pakistan has to pretend and protest to stop the extreme backlash, given the impression that we can not do anything about American drones keep the people from joining Terrorists, but at the same time America take out many TTP leaders as for Pakistan its good thing because we get rid of top leadership without our nation fall for the narrative of TTP and other terrorist organization, PDF has discussed this in depth about the drone strikes you need to look for it.
If the drones were operating inside pakistan,and killing pakistanis,with the full knowledge [and permission] of the pakistani government,then why did it lodge a protest with the us government over these continued strikes?

I wont even bother with your claim of the "Bin laden incident was also fake",tho if it was,then why on earth did the americans even bother engaging in this insane charade that not only damaged us-pakistani relations,but also embarrassed pakistan internationally.
Seems an odd thing to do to a "major non-nato ally",doesnt it?

Also,I`m not saying that you couldnt stop them,its actually worse than that in fact,I`m saying that your government deliberately chooses to do nothing and instead just allows these actions to continue.

Your post is actually a rather beautiful example of something that I`ve seen more than a little bit of in certain sections of this site.Its called Rationalization,and it stems from a psychological phenomena known as Cognitive Dissonance.
Essentially it boils down to this:
1.Pakistan is [supposedly] a major non-nato ally,that has been openly aligned/allied with the us/west for decades.
2.However,if pakistan is a "major non-nato ally",then why is it being treated in such an obviously non-ally way?
3.Since it is clear that pakistan is not being treated as a "major non-nato ally",then why does the government [and military] of pakistan not act to stop what are very clearly unfriendly acts?
4.Now how does one manage to explain [rationalize] this very obvious contradiction...?
5.Read post #90 in this topic.

Pakistan was a major non NATO ally and got us alot of help from US, billions worth weapons and stuff. The drones eliminated terrorists that harmed Pakistan as well and for free, so why not? As i said it had political repercussions and political parties used it for sloganeering, thus the govt due to political pressure had to lie and even lodge such complaints. The govt should not have lied but they did because they couldn't face repercussions.
You call this cognitive dissonance? Seriously??😂 Your country is sanctions stricken, dirt poor with currency even cheaper than the paper its printed on and you ppl claim to be some sort of big power, thats called cognitive dissonance lolz.
Why was Pakistan targeted in a way allies dont?, yes it was, because the US blamed us for their failure in Afghanistan. The US strategy changed and they had to ally with india against china and had to act hostile towards Pakistan to court india. Pakistan did stop the drones when we told them to stop, they couldn't do it without our permission, we even let them have a supposed respected exit from Afghanistan in order to not damage relations too much.

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