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Anza Mark III

What you say, is perhaps the most common sensical thing. I follow your posts. But you dole out a very bitter pill to swallow. And in these times no one is ready for it. You, my friend, is in a hopeless minority. :)


Tell me about it---. Only if my pak compatriots could feel my suffering and pain---.

Ever heard of CASSANDRA TRUTH____no---here it is---enjoy---

Cassandra Truth
A prophet that, Cassandra-like,
Tells truth without belief...
— Anonymous, "Advice to a Lover", 17th or 18th century English poem
Sometimes people just won't believe you.
You try your hardest to tell someone that your parents are actually super villains and that you need their help to bring them down, or that aliens have landed in your backyard and are now plundering your kitchen, or that the nice grandpa in the flat above you is in fact an evil bloodthirsty creature from another dimension, but the authorities look at you like you are crazy and send you packing. What's a lone protagonist to do?
A common staple of Disney and children's films, where the Kid Hero stumbles upon an evil conspiracy or a criminal ring and their parents and the police refuse to listen. The only thing to do is to save the day yourself, with PG heroics and Scooby-Doo style.
If the protagonist trying to report the situation works for someone who can actually do something about it, such as the FBI, it's not so much that s/he isn't believed, but Da Chief will tell him/her that it isn't worth it to expend resources "on a hunch".
This sort of situation can also be used to maintain the Masquerade: if a minor character finds out and tries to tell someone that the guy next door is secretly a Warrior of Justice, they won't be believed, because who would ever think that that foppish playboy could really be the dark, grim Super Hero? Often though, it's because they're horrible at wording it so it sounds genuinely insane.
Sometimes Character A actually asks what's going on and, when given the true-but-bizarre explanation by Character B, responds "Well, if you don't want to tell me, just say so".
Related to Devil in Plain Sight, except that in that case, the disbelief is mainly due to the deceptive abilities of the "devil", whereas in this one, it's usually due to strange circumstances, the perceived unreliability of the speaker, or just plain bad luck. It can also be a Crying Wolf situation, where the fact that the character lied previously is obfuscating the fact that they're telling the truth now. If it deals with uncovering something that might be dangerous and people don't believe the person not because they think they are lying but because they are crazy, see Properly Paranoid.
The title comes from the mythical seer Cassandra, whose prophecies were always accurate but never believed due to a curse from the god Apollo, thus making this Older Than Feudalism. (Writers of speculative fiction just looove to name precognitive or clairvoyant characters "Cassandra" or some variant thereof, like in Smallville, Buffy, Red Dwarf, and The X-Files).
If the person telling the truth is an NPC in a video game, they're spouting Infallible Babble. In this case, the in-game characters won't believe them, but a Genre Savvy player will.
If the character is the one guy to figure something out despite all the much more expert people working on the problem, he is an Einstein Sue.
This is often played to ridicule the doubters, even when the truth is on the level of the absurd. A protagonist warns others of a completely unlikely, nigh impossible event, but the audience, in on the secret, perceives a truth they would normally doubt themselves as completely obvious.
Subtropes are Ignored Expert and The Cassandra, where the character in question is in a position where they really should be believed, due to authority on the subject or track record of accuracy, but still isn't.
See also Not So Imaginary Friend, for a specific situation where the "truth" is the existence of a character. If the person telling the truth is dismissed by law enforcement officers, it's Police Are Useless. When the truth in question has something to do with Medium Awareness, compare Audience? What Audience?.
Contrast with Sarcastic Confession and You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You, or The Inner Reveal when they believe the truth. A particularly cynical twist is when whoever wasn't listening concludes that Cassandra Did It when what she's saying comes true.
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You may disagree as much you want to---but it stands as a historical truth that illiterate and clever civilians always dig their own graves. They are the sole cause of their own demise and destruction---. The proof is in the pudding---it has gone stale and become poisioness---.

I keep telling my compatriots to read your history---read the history of successful rulers---regardless of what nation religion or creed they were---. If you find the nation to be prosperous AND CIVILIANS HAPPY---that was for one and only one reason---the justice was swift and ruthless---and enemies of the state were taken out without any prejudice at a lightening pace---WITHOUT MERCY.

We people are truly illiterate ---- our whole of muslim civilization was destroyed by Ghengis Khan some 600 years ago---millions killed---cities raised to the ground---libraries burnt down---whole of empires and races disappeared from the face of the earth within a very short time---and exactly for very similar reasons---killers of trader were not brought onto justice---the emperor did not believe in the level of threat the mongols posed---the MULLAHS were doing the same thing---creating division amongst the believers---. And why were the mullahs doing that---because the emperor was weak---a strong emperor would have executed them and strung them high on the trees..

Now where does ANZA 111 come in this picture----every where my good man---. If the threat was taken down in time---we did not have to worry about making Anza 111---we would have had systems superior to anza 111.

At the end of the day--it is all about the multiplier effect---you fail in assessing the situation---the results and consequences would be of monumental proportions as they are ---.

In years to come---history will judge us terribly---it will put us to shame---it will show our misdeeds and incompetence to our coming generations---and they would be wondering like me----why would these paks make such stupid decisions when they already had the examples of Genghis Khan and vietnam in front of they----the examples that every pak child studied in their history books.

In the end---there will only be one conclusion---those who taught us the history of muslim civilization and that of the vietnam war---they lied to us---they lied and did not tell us the truth as to how it happened---our fathers and their fathers failed us as they failed the nation---.

Unless the parents and grand parents don't learn to speak the truth---as brutal as it may sound---a nation can never build on itself----.

A lie will take you only so far.

I understand where you're coming from Mastan believe me if you have read my posts anytime in the past few years you will know I understand the major failures of our society. I do appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us.

We people are truly illiterate ---- our whole of muslim civilization was destroyed by Ghengis Khan some 600 years ago

Mastan, sack of Baghdad didn't end Islamic power in the world it certainly brought damage and great harm, but other Muslim empires did rise up after the sack of Baghdad. Ottoman Empire in the 14th century and Mughal empire in the 16th century most noticeably were powerful Muslim empires and were deemed advance civilizations If you think we have it bad compare Mongols of Genghis Khan's time and look at Mongolia today.

Now where does ANZA 111 come in this picture----every where my good man---. If the threat was taken down in time---we did not have to worry about making Anza 111---we would have had systems superior to anza 111.

Of course Mastan, we can rightfully blame the Mughals for this mess, had they taken care of our enemies during their rule we would not be facing many of the problems we face today, of course this being history one can keep going back in time and point out other reasons but I find the Mughals a relevant point to start.

We people are truly illiterate

Agreed in the larger sense our society seems to be illiterate of the higher and more advance truths and information possessed by the the advance nations of today, we are not cutting edge as them, not as innovating as them, nor can we compete with them in this century. Unfortunately, Mastan I feel we simply live in a bad historical period of Muslim society, other centuries were much kinder to us. Muslim countries failed to industrialize, even today most Muslim countries including Pakistan are semi-industrialized, many western countries began to industrialize in the 19th century, it is an abysmal situation.

On a lighter note I would like to share a quote with you from the Bible

"No weapon that is formed against you will prosper." - Isaiah 54:17

I wish that was the case...
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§ Anza Mk-III - Believed to be based on the Chinese QW-2 MANPADS, modifications made to meet Pakistan Army requirements include a new firing unit similar to the Russian 9K38 Igla MANPADS. All-aspect attack capability and improved ECCM capability. The minimum altitude of 10 m gives capability to attack very low flying helicopters and cruise missiles. Also has a vehicle-mounted launcher variant.
hi WebMaster if we replace the missile used by anza with an anti tank missile it can be changed into a fire and forget atgm right ?
hi WebMaster if we replace the missile used by anza with an anti tank missile it can be changed into a fire and forget atgm right ?

First you need to change fragment warhead by shaped charged warhead. Need to decrease speed for increase accuracy & most important part change/design a seeker.

It looks pretty easy but you need to cahnge hole missile's frame, alot of work would require to covert Anza to a potent ATGM.
thanks.does IA have any locally manufactured manpads?:cheers:
hey can you guys tell me the specifications of anza mk3(seeker,range,altitude,optics) and whether or not it is man portable because i read that now its tripod and vehicularly mounted now and lastly how it compares with other systems like the stinger F
you don't use shaped charge warhead for air kills because shaped char warheads are meant for penetrating hard armour and need to come in contact with the target. For air kills fragment warheads are used because they don't need to come in contact with the target, warhead explodes when within predefined range of the target and the shrapnel does the job.

First you need to change fragment warhead by shaped charged warhead. Need to decrease speed for increase accuracy & most important part change/design a seeker.

It looks pretty easy but you need to cahnge hole missile's frame, alot of work would require to covert Anza to a potent ATGM.
Well it has been known to be various errors in Janes I would stay with the 15km claim which has been confirmed by more reliable sites and members on other forums (Ex-pakistani army)

so what type of aircraft can it shoot down
10 year old thread however the ANZA III project was discontinued. no marked difference between II and III.
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