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A Chance PN Encounter with Indian Coast Guards.....Tea offered as usual.

Listen buddy...u know I'm not like this...I'm only responding to this troll in the same manner.

This Shearer grandpa and his Canadian pal are openly fantasizing about the total destruction of Pakistan through nuclear weapons. Grandpa is trying his best to cover his Canadian pal, but we know better. These are allies and Pakistan haters.
Death is death, a dead soldier does not fight. A dead citizen produces no GDP. Rest is all details in bigger picture of nations. Personal level tragedies are plenty and humanity (especially south asian one) has lived through ages of them. Humanity.. will persist, everywhere. We have always.

You put Pakistan in a state where it faces certain death and then you expect that humanity in this region will survive. Well keep thinking that.
Listen buddy...u know I'm not like this...I'm only responding to this troll in the same manner...
...and u should not be defending him. Indians like him on here are the reason that ppl from our side reply in the same manner...causing a breakdown of any civil discussion.
Chill, old buddy. You DON'T need to react so violently. Try it.

This Shearer grandpa and his Canadian pal are openly fantasizing about the total destruction of Pakistan through nuclear weapons. Grandpa is trying his best to cover his Canadian pal, but we know better. These are allies and Pakistan haters.
One last time.

Will you stop making a nuisance of yourself?
Listen buddy...u know I'm not like this...I'm only responding to this troll in the same manner...
...and u should not be defending him. Indians like him on here are the reason that ppl from our side reply in the same manner...causing a breakdown of any civil discussion.
I don't think he's Indian. Ask him.
Thank you very much, I care less about Olympic gold and my personal achivement are enough for me. BTW, my little computer has processing power of many Cray XMPs from 80s and 90s, so I am good on that. Geez! You guys do not even know where present day computing stands!

I don't know even know you dude. Frankly I don't even want to know you after your Pakistan hatefest. Neither do I care about how powerful your little computer is.

If you don't have any real world facts apart from hearsay and simulations I would highly recommend you to stop fantasizing about India annihilating Pakistan through nukes. When push comes to shove Pakistan has options at its disposal which it has never ever advertised to the outside world. Only Pakistan knows what damage it can really inflict on its adversaries. Pakistan feels confident and we even display our confidence on conventional level. Just have a good look at recent skirmishes where Pakistan downed an Indian fighter.
You put Pakistan in a state where it faces certain death and then you expect that humanity in this region will survive. Well keep thinking that.
Errr... Lets repeat, shall we? You have 200 20KT bombs... there is a limit what you can do with it. Its that simple. BTW, when you fight conventional war with nukes to punch above your weight... you invite trouble....

If you bring a small pea-shooter in what was essentially a fist fight, will other party is to be blamed if they bring a Glock 9mm?
Chill, old buddy. You DON'T need to react so violently. Try it.
Not even like a year ago...I remember u were losing ur patience against trolls...and I was giving u this advice(if u remember)...
...maybe it's the quarantine...but recently I have had zero patience for trolls. Even called out a mod recently and he banned me on a thread bcuz of it.
Lmao...u have yet to provide any data of ur "simple simulation"...all u have been peddling is ur "beliefs".
I'd be happy to invite you to the discussion if you are able to speak and discuss things calmly. C'mon, you know you can.
I don't think he's Indian. Ask him.
Its not just a question of what I am, its more, why do everyone and their grandmother have to bother what I am? Why so much fascination in origin of each of us? Just to insult each other? So you can go and search some random pictures on internet and post it and call it a win?
Errr... Lets repeat, shall we? You have 200 20KT bombs... there is a limit what you can do with it. Its that simple. BTW, when you fight conventional war with nukes to punch above your weight... you invite trouble....

If you bring a small pea-shooter in what was essentially a fist fight, will other party is to be blamed if they bring a Glock 9mm?
Analogies hi deta rahay ga ya data bhi provide keray ga apnay tall claims ka? No longer replying to me bcuz I showed u ur auqaat?
Not even like a year ago...I remember u were losing ur patience against trolls...and I was giving u this advice(if u remember)...
...maybe it's the quarantine...but recently I have had zero patience for trolls. Even called out a mod recently and he banned me on a thread bcuz of it.
So shall we agree that we have convinced the other?
Calling out Mods; well, that's a different kettle of fish.
An idle question - have you done the arithmetic?

  1. Count the numbers of dead in the original two atom bombs;
  2. Count the number of devices reported to be in Pakistani inventory;
  3. Multiply the two, #1 by #2;
  4. Do you seriously advocate mutually assured destruction? Every single study so far has suggested that any exchange of nuclear weapons will lead to a nuclear winter, and that millions more will die during the aftermath, due to injuries received, or due to illnesses contracted due to exposure to radiation during the bombings.
I am not sure how seriously you are taking these numbers. If your posts are intended to take the mickey, good luck and happy hunting. If you mean them to be taken seriously, perhaps some introspection is in order.
He said since Indian society is already backwards and lawless, life will be back to normal after a couple of hundred nukes.
Errr... Lets repeat, shall we? You have 200 20KT bombs... there is a limit what you can do with it. Its that simple. BTW, when you fight conventional war with nukes to punch above your weight... you invite trouble....

If you bring a small pea-shooter in what was essentially a fist fight, will other party is to be blamed if they bring a Glock 9mm?

I said keep thinking that.
Its not just a question of what I am, its more, why do everyone and their grandmother have to bother what I am? Why so much fascination in origin of each of us? Just to insult each other? So you can go and search some random pictures on internet and post it and call it a win?
You are right, it doesn't really matter.

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