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93 people killed in NATO airstrike in N Afghanistan: officials

Jun 22, 2009
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93 people killed in NATO airstrike in N Afghanistan: officials

A NATO air strike Friday killed 93 people, some of them civilians, in Kunduz province of northern Afghanistan, said the provincial governor Mohammad Omar.


An injured person is carried into the main hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan , Sep.4, 2009. A NATO air strike Friday killed 93 people, some of them civilians, in Kunduz province, said the provincial governor Mohammad Omar. [Xinhua/AFP Photo]

An injured person is carried into the main hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan , Sep.4, 2009. A NATO air strike Friday killed 93 people, some of them civilians, in Kunduz province, said the provincial governor Mohammad Omar. [Xinhua/AFP Photo]

It occurred at around 1:45 a.m. when Taliban militants hijacked two fuel trucks and wanted to take them to a far-flung area in Aliabad district, police chief of the district, Bariali Basharyar told Xinhua.

The trucks stuck in a river in Aliabad district and villagers nearby rushed to the site to pick up fuel when the two trucks exploded in a NATO air strike, according to Basharyar.

Mohammad Omar said the incident also caused over a hundred people injured and some of them have been taken to Kabul for treatment.

A NATO statement said it launched the air strike, destroying the two fuel trucks and killing a large number of insurgents.

"Some of the dead were civilians and some were Taliban fighters," said the governor of Aliabad district, Haji Habibullah.

The police chief of Kunduz Province, Razaq Yaqoobi, confirmed 56 Taliban militants were among the dead, but he gave no figures on civilian casualties.

An injured person is carried into the main hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan , Sep.4, 2009. A NATO air strike Friday killed 93 people, some of them civilians, in Kunduz province, said the provincial governor Mohammad Omar.


An injured person is carried into the main hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan , Sep.4, 2009. A NATO air strike Friday killed 93 people, some of them civilians, in Kunduz province, said the provincial governor Mohammad Omar. [Xinhua/AFP]

The International Security Assistance Force, the NATO-led military alliance in Afghanistan said: "after the ISAF observed the insurgent activity and assessed civilians were not in the area, a local ISAF commander authorized an air strike."

The ISAF said it "has received reports that civilians were killed and injured in this attack and in conjunction with Afghan officials is now conducting an investigation into the claims."

Continuous civilian casualties during the battle against militants have become a sensitive issue in Afghanistan as NATO chief Commander Stanely McChrystal has vowed to avoid non-combatant casualties in military operations.

(Xinhua News Agency September 5, 2009)
Why no international outrage???

93 people killed is no 'accident', nor can they use the excuse that they were attacking terrorists with such high death toll in one incident. This is the true face of the war on terror. US/Israel has already spread it to Pakistan's border, and I believe the reason for the 1,000+ US military and Blackwater-Xe mercenaries is to 'secure' Pakistan for the upcoming expansion of the war on terror to Pakistan.

Indians, don't laugh or assume you are safe. From then a few years later, they'll expand the war on terror to India (to fight 'terrorists').
^ USA made a big mistake by being so careless and this isn't their first time. Now they permanently lost nearly all Pashtuns who were in their favour.
Indians, don't laugh or assume you are safe. From then a few years later, they'll expand the war on terror to India (to fight 'terrorists').
first of all to cross indian border usa has to destroy all pakistan which i think is not going to happen but if this happens we will handle america then.
Indians, don't laugh or assume you are safe. From then a few years later, they'll expand the war on terror to India (to fight 'terrorists').

Why do you assume that we are laughing?

The chances of the US attacking China to "take care of the red threat" is far greater than the US attacking India.
Ya yanks will be taking much more care of red threat than indian threat.
Why no international outrage???

Indians, don't laugh or assume you are safe. From then a few years later, they'll expand the war on terror to India (to fight 'terrorists').

seems ur r eager to mobilize indians against US, with this safe and war on terror to India.. may be u need to worry abt CHina too which is next to Pakistan !!
^ USA made a big mistake by being so careless and this isn't their first time. Now they permanently lost nearly all Pashtuns who were in their favour.

I blame Afghanistan government for this. If they represent the people of Afghanistan then US should conduct any air strike by asking the local authorities. This show who is in charge of Afghanistan its not the people elected representative but US.
Afghanistan election is another $hit for US puppet.
^ Do you even know who forms the Afghan government? It's the people who are chosen by USA and will be in US favour, not it's civilians. Afghan civilians don't demonstrate for nothing daily against their government. People like Ramazan Bashardost talk against USA daily but unfortunately because lack of money and attention, his voice remains unheard.
I can't believe the way US/NATO are committing political suicide in Afghanistan. They haven't learn any lesson from Iraq.
Lol they did an air strike to recover hijacked oil trucks:hitwall::hitwall:, Where are those all special ops forces with super duper tech? Why indiscriminate killings with,
^ Do you even know who forms the Afghan government? It's the people who are chosen by USA and will be in US favour, not it's civilians. Afghan civilians don't demonstrate for nothing daily against their government. People like Ramazan Bashardost talk against USA daily but unfortunately because lack of money and attention, his voice remains unheard.

if this is the case then Talibans are on the right path..
US will never care about the civilians .

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