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Featured 5 Rounds of Failed Talks & Indian Army Prepares for Long Haul: The Implications

no problem ,
we will keep them busy at LAC and indian ocean . hope america will come along .
If this is indian thinking that you will keep your enemy busy and someone els swing on your enemy they believe me you spitting in the air and hoping that it wont come back on your face.
good luck with critical thinking.
But this is the best choice for the United States, causing war in South Asia and causing long-term chaos.

Fighting in East Asia and the South China Sea is quite detrimental to the Americans.Americans face serious supply problems, but China has no problems at all.
If the battlefield moves to South Asia, China's supplies will also be a problem. Moreover, once a large population of South Asia enters chaos, it will be more difficult to restore peace than the Middle East.
Chaos can hit Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Central Asia at the same time. At that time, both the EU and Russia must join this chaos.
This is more conducive for Americans to profit from chaos. When the environment around China deteriorates, the possibility of impacting American power will be greatly reduced.
Exactily its a chain reaction they if they shake things in east asia the aftermath will go upto west europe and US.
indians are the only one in asia who become super power in their wet dream and they dont wanna get up even South Korea understands now
We are not you to gift our territory,

You just did, I forgot, you guys prefer to live in fantasies.

Pakistan signed a border agreement, it is called a settlement, a settlement is where both parties give ground, for sake of lasting peace. It was an empty territory with no physical presence on the ground 60 years ago, and even now.

You people have just recently given away a large chunk of your claimed territory and got your soldiers killed in the process,
Do you guys suffer from amnesia or do you actually enjoy living in a make-believe world called Indian reality?
What has that got to do with my questions?

If you don't know the answers, don't post. Try not to demonstrate the sterility of your thinking with these snide ones. No wonder you picked the id you did; at least two-thirds of it fits your posts. :D

Seriously, please don't comment unless you have something sensible to say. This is not a silly game where you get points for every post you make, no matter how jejune the content.

Erm, ask your army why they use kashmiris as human shields. I and the world's intelligence agencies are desperate to learn the tactical advantages of this.

Secondly, it amazes me how triggered Indians get over something as small as an anonymous ID on the internet or a map of the world.

Thirdly, armour has been used in mountainous areas by the Pakistani army already, so don't be surprised if the IA does as well. Though they will be sitting ducks for ATGMs and the PAF. Indians can't launch an offensive from Kashmir without taking massive losses of men in the north and territory in the south.
Erm, ask your army why they use kashmiris as human shields. I and the world's intelligence agencies are desperate to learn the tactical advantages of this.

Secondly, it amazes me how triggered Indians get over something as small as an anonymous ID on the internet or a map of the world.

Thirdly, armour has been used in mountainous areas by the Pakistani army already, so don't be surprised if the IA does as well. Though they will be sitting ducks for ATGMs and the PAF. Indians can't launch an offensive from Kashmir without taking massive losses of men in the north and territory in the south.

I really don't have time for fanboys. Thank you for the deeply thought-out posts, and goodbye.
I really don't have time for fanboys.

As an exercise to while away your idle hours, you might like to trace the road on the maps. It wasn't exactly a week-long job, and the concerned organisation was restrained by policy from building roads next to the border until 2014. So this is from 2014 onwards, and a large number of roads have been finished, and an even larger number initiated.

So sorry to disappoint you and dispel the rosy future of your day-dreams.


How many roads in the waste-land will the PLA build? And why?

Just think about it.
It will not affect Pakistan; full control of Siachen is in Indian hands, and strengthening the Indian Army and Air Force presence makes any attempt at disturbing the balance all the more unlikely.

pick one
Indian army is under extreme pressure around Kashmir, they could buckle anytime and Kashmir could become free. The Kashmiri resistance is strong, the Chinese have taken large swathes of land and closer to Srinagar, Pakistan hasn't moved an inch and PA has consolidated the LOC and Indian army roars have become kitten Meows. If Bangladesh plays it's rightful role then India will be a dead horse.

China's play was quite masterful and strategic and a pleasant surprise. In one smooth move they gave the Indians a bloody nose and caused them to whimper into submission. China despises Nazis and no doubt will crush them if the need arises. BJP has been quite an asset in creating mayhem they can't control. But then that has always been the history of the Hindus, happy with a woman and a bottle and a master above.
My congratulations on your great success.
What you are saying is tantamount to India declaring war on China for a border intrusion ... you do know the result of this will be the Indian cession of J&K, AP, Sikkim, and Ladakh? Think before you speak. The Chinese killed 22 to 50 Indian soldiers, captured 60 more and now occupy hundreds of square kilometers of Indian territory and the Indian government decides to retaliate with half hearted economic measures.

India does not even have any dedicated bomber aircraft ... meanwhile the Chinese have the H-6K and other fighter bombers like the JH-7A. The only one who has the capability to perform carpet bombing is the PLAAF.
The Chinese seem to have the measure of India. Strangely they are more concerned about not hurting feelings(whose is the million dollar question)by revealing their casualties.
Chinese have not given official figures for their dead against Vietnam in the 70s beating. I guess means that no Chinese died.
War is coming whether we want it or not.
War is never convenient, unless you are the usa.
India's aim is to cause maximum damage to China, losing or winning is not at stake. Probably a stalemate will result.
This thieving micro slicing at the border has to be discouraged.
If you stop trolling, you will realize that china is mostly using its su30s and su35s in incursions in Taiwan airspace, never the much vaunted j series ?
Tells you their confidence in their homegrown aircrafts.
Exactily its a chain reaction they if they shake things in east asia the aftermath will go upto west europe and US.
indians are the only one in asia who become super power in their wet dream and they dont wanna get up even South Korea understands now
When everyone assumes that the United States is the most powerful country, the United States cannot afford to fail.
Therefore, the United States will try its best to avoid direct conflict with China, and India is the most suitable American puppet.

Even if India fails, the United States can take the opportunity to create a civil war and division in India. The entire South Asia will be chaotic and the goals of the United States can still be achieved.
Since when did one Army Corps constitute one million people? It is a matter of deep regret that the Pakistani military leadership no longer has people thinking like this in their senior ranks.

Where did I say one Army Corp has 1M people? I said in the Kashmir region facing Pakistan you almost have 1M soldiers facing us. The number corps, divisions and brigades it has is of no concern at the moment in my conversation, just the quantity of security forces.
Armour at the border?

Which border? the LOC? at Haji Pir Pass? at Kargil? Turtuk perhaps?

What would the armour do? Balance uneasily on a rock each? Have you seen the width of the roads in these two stretches?

Armor around rest of International Border between India and Pakistan.
Summarised Analysis points copied from the article:
  1. India’s newly appointed Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat, along with his top commanders, told an all-party parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) last week that the military de-escalation process with China would be a long drawn out matter.
  2. Official sources told The Wire that the PLA has refused to pull back from slivers of territory it occupies along the Pangon Tso (Lake) and the strategically located Depsang Plains to its north to a depth of some 25-30 km in keeping with its 1959 claim line that led to the border war three years later.
  3. Many senior retired and serving army officers, believe that this upcoming deployment is merely a forerunner to debilitatingly rendering the LAC into another ‘hot’ disputed border, akin to the Line of Control or LoC in Kashmir, that India can ill afford.

Open Points For PDF Members' Discussion:
  1. Assuming no 'hot war scenario', If PLA decides to stay forever, it will make sure that IA also ante-up on the required infrastructure for LAC. Consequently, it would mean that IA will also stay there forever, digging deep and securing the LAC till Siachen! How would it affect Pakistan in-terms of Siachen dispute?
  2. Considering the current situation, for IA, LAC turns into another LOC-oriented dispute which will require India to move troops & equipment from LOC to LAC, how can PA take leverage from this situation at LOC?

Regardless Modi's lies about Chinese 'expansionist' policies, the Chinese actions in Ladakh and Southern Tibet are indeed a reaction to the Indian expansionist policies against all its neighboring countries. Starting with Sikkim, Indians slowly but consistently encroached into the areas (disputed or otherwise) of their neighboring countries during many past decades. Chinese have been monitoring all that with a deep concern but deliberately having their eyes closed on Indian repeated aggression. Ostensibly, Chinese refrained from making the LAC hot despite all Indian provocations until a proper time arrived.

In the meantime, Chinese have been advising Pakistan to put the Kashmir dispute on the backburner for the sake of regional development. Kashmir being the jugular vein of Pakistan, we did not completely push the issue to the back but tamed our policies in favor of backdoor channels. Indians, however, took it as our weakness and an opportunity for legitimizing their illegal occupation of the state of J&K.

Modi's well-planned move to unilaterally change the status of Indian occupied J&K completely disturbed the regional strategic landscape. The blunder made by Modi provided Chinese with all the reasons and justification to react the way they did. Indians initially thought that Chinese would relent on their move sooner than later especially after Indian convincing (read it as Modi's begging) and the status quo would be restored. The question is which status quo, pre or post Article 370 revocation, Indians wanted to restore? Apparently, Modi wishfully thought it to be the status quo of April 2020 as if nothing had happened on 5 August 2019.

Changing the status of disputed state of J&K (that included the Ladakh region too), Modi tried to impose the traditional Indian expansionist policy onto both Pakistan and China. It was clearly a move that sits in contradiction with international law and norm. A harsh response from both the countries was indeed expected. But how Modi could be so brainless fool expecting that both countries would be unable to effectively react and oppose Modi's illegal move. Chinese decided to do more than just react. They decided to teach the silly Modi a lesson. So they mobilized their forces along the LAC.

Chinese are not there for occupying a few strips here and there along their disputed border with India. Modi's plans to launch an attack on the Gilgit/Baltistan area to disrupt the Karakorum highway, which is the life line for the CPEC project, and then possibly bring in American/Israeli military personal in the vicinity of LAC, presented a far more grave strategic challenge for both China and Pakistan. It will be a self-deceptive thinking on Modi's part to expect Chinese to stay aloof from strategic Chinese interests and advance to no new areas beyond what they have already retrieved from Indian occupation. Given the delusions Indians love to live in, that is not a farfetched possibility though.

However, Chinese are known not to have half-baked plans. They are probably waiting for a suitable time for making their next move. Why should Chinese spend their costly bullets to eliminate Indian troops when the harsh weather can do that for them for free? Indians will have to move their men and equipment at the LAC. In short, Indians are in for a long-haul military campaign at the LAC and that too without proper infrastructure under a harsh weather while facing a mighty enemy. The initiative rests with Chinese and Modi's India can, at best, can only be a reactive weak party at the mercy of the enemy.

Given the Indian psyche, one should not really expect from a coward Modi and his incapable military showing any resistance to Chinese military at all. How can you expect a back-fight from a coward who cannot even publicly mention his enemy by its name just fearing Chinese will get antagonized? The fact is Chinese are already burning in anger against India because of the Modi's actions. Anyhow, attacking Chinese military and pushing them back is the least probable occurrence one can expect from such a spineless coward no matter how much fancy words Indians use to portray Modi as 56" chest Tarzan. In fact, Modi appears to a 56" tall brainless sheep when looked at through the prism of his actions.
It will not affect Pakistan; full control of Siachen is in Indian hands, and strengthening the Indian Army and Air Force presence makes any attempt at disturbing the balance all the more unlikely.
It is moronic to think that Pakistan can or should take any military advantage of what seems to be a likely prolonged deployment of Indian army at LAC. But I do think that it will relieve some pressure, both military and political, at LOC and hence CPEC. Who knows, maybe that is one of the objectives of the Chinese!?

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